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EWG News Roundup (9/11): PFAS Discharges Near Schools, Tracking Farm Pollution in Our Drinking Water and More

EWG News Roundup (9/11): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Food and Health Luminaries, Public Interest Groups Demand Healthy Food and Farm Bill

Seventy leading chefs, authors, food policy experts, nutritionists, CEOs, and environment and health organizations sent an open letter to Members of Congress today urging lawmakers to reinvest federal...

Chemical in Food Packaging, Fabric Coatings Linked to Cancer

An independent scientific panel approved by the DuPont company as part of a class action lawsuit has linked an industrial chemical known as C-8 or PFOA to kidney and testicular cancer in humans.

California Aims To Cut Rocket Fuel Pollution in Drinking Water

California environmental officials have issued a draft public health goal for drinking water polluted with perchlorate, a toxic rocket fuel chemical that is six times lower than the current legal...

NY County Bans BPA-Laced Register Receipts

New York's Suffolk County will soon ban retailers from issuing register receipts that contain the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A or BPA.

Calif. Regulators: “Non-Toxic” Nail Polishes Anything But

California state scientists have found that some nail polishes widely used in California salons are laced with high levels of three chemicals linked to birth defects, asthma and other health risks.

EWG on the election

In the wake of the 2012 election, Environmental Working Group has issued the following statements on three key issues central to EWG's mission: Federal farm policy, natural gas extraction that...

Leaders from Public Health, Nutrition, Environmental Law Join EWG Board

Four experts have joined Environmental Working Group's board of directors with long experience in environmental advocacy and stewardship, government relations, public health and other public policy...

Reducing Arsenic in Your Diet

Two reports out today from the federal Food and Drug Administration and Consumer Reports magazine showing that a number of popular rice-based foods are contaminated with arsenic, a known human...

BPA May Put Kids at Greater Risk of Obesity, Study Says

A new study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that children and teens with very high levels of the plastics chemical, bisphenol A, or BPA, in their urine are...

New Fuel Economy Rules Move Toward A Clean Energy Future, Save Money

“The Obama administration's new fuel economy rules may not have as much impact for technology as the NASA "Curiosity" Rover on Mars, but they're a close second,” Heather White, Environmental Working...

House Agriculture Committee Moves Farm and Food Policy Backwards

The farm bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee last night is quite simply the worst piece of food and farm legislation in recent memory. With the U.S government in a deep fiscal crisis, the...

Statement of Environmental Working Group on Senate farm bill

The farm bill reflects a rare opportunity to renew our farm and food policies to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, encourage healthier diets, and support working families...

Brown To Revise Fire Retardant Guidelines

California Governor Jerry Brown took a stand for public health today by directing state agencies to revise outdated and unsupportable flammability standards.

9/11 Fund May Open Up for More Cancer Victims

People diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to toxic debris during the aftermath of the September 11 attacks should qualify for free treatment under the 9/11 victim compensation fund, federal...

Congressional Proposal Aims to Run Out Clock on Asbestos Victims

Even the asbestos industry has its defenders on Capitol Hill. Their support for the deadly carcinogen and the industries that use it was on display when the “Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency...

Victory for Central Coast Water Drinkers

After more than three years of deliberation, California's Central Coast Regional Water Quality Board has enacted new comprehensive rules requiring area farm operations to curb nitrate and pesticide...

EPA Dioxin Assessment: Essential Advancement for Human Health

The Environmental Protection Agency today released its safety standard for dioxin toxicity for risks other than cancer, a crucial advance in protecting Americans from exposure to this ubiquitous...

Secret CBO Score Shows Secret New Farm Subsidy Program Is a Budget Buster

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook and Senior Vice President Craig Cox today demanded that the top agriculture committee leaders make public new cost estimates for a five-year farm bill...

National Academies: Ethanol Worsens Greenhouse Gases

A new report by the National Academy of Sciences has found that corn ethanol production increases greenhouse gas emissions and damages soil, air, water and wildlife habitat. As well it says advanced...

56 Groups Urge Budget Cutters to Protect Agricultural Conservation

A national coalition of 56 policy and advocacy organizations is urging Congress to preserve funding for essential U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs and to take additional steps to...

Burlingame Passes Cell Phone Radiation Bill

The Burlingame, Calif., city council has passed a motion to post guidelines on the city's website to advise consumers how they can minimize their exposure to cell phone radiation.

Frack Backers Seek to Pack Fed Drilling Hearing

The natural gas industry is pulling out all the stops to build a friendly crowd of drilling and fracking supporters at a federal Energy Department field hearing on fracking scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday...

House Votes to Cut Off Subsidies for Brazilian Cotton Farmers

A majority of the House of Representatives today approved an amendment that would end U.S. taxpayer-funded subsidies for Brazilian cotton farmers in one of a series of votes on an appropriations bill...