
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3865 - 3888 of 7454

Energy Policy: Bush's Rush to Drill Yields a Dry Hole

The Bush administration has allowed more oil and gas drilling on Western public lands than any administration in at least 25 years, yet prices for gasoline and natural gas have soared and dependence...

EWG Taps Craig Cox To Head New Midwest Office

Craig Cox, one of the country's preeminent authorities on the environmental impacts of modern agriculture, has been named Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group (EWG) and will establish...

In Recession, Big Bucks for Big Farms

Over the next few weeks, some American couples will get $1,200 of their own money back from Washington. This is the maximum, one-time tax rebate Congress provided last February in their desperate...

A Disaster Waiting To Happen…Forever

A bid to establish a dedicated trust fund to compensate farmers and ranchers who suffer weather damage to crops and livestock would direct most of the funds to a handful of states where agricultural...

Walmart Moves to Make Organic Foods More Affordable

Today's announcement by Walmart, the world's biggest grocer, that it plans to sell a line of organic foods at competitive prices could eventually lower the cost of all organic food by expanding the...

Cancer-Afflicted Marines Call on Obama for Support

Nearly 40 Marine veterans diagnosed with male breast cancer today urged President Obama to support legislation in Congress that would provide health care for those made ill by carcinogenic chemicals...

California Fails to Protect Drinking Water from Toxic “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

SAN FRANCISCO – The California Department of Public Health today announced its final drinking water standard for the toxic chemical hexavalent chromium made infamous in the film Erin Brockovich. The...

Coca-Cola Drops Suspect Ingredient From Powerade

Environmental Working Group Executive Director Heather White said today that the Coca-Cola Company has made a responsible decision to stop using brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, as an ingredient in...

Lawmakers Push To Protect Consumers From Toxic BPA

Several members of Congress are pushing a bill to better protect consumers – particularly the elderly, pregnant women children, and workers – from a known toxic hormone disruptor bisphenol-A, or BPA.

More Potential Giveaways to Ethanol in Energy Bill

WASHINGTON – July 14. In an bid to garner support for legislation to address the looming danger of climate change, Midwest senators are reportedly pressing to attach a long-term extension of biofuel...

Corn Lobby Offers Flawed Data To Deflect Blame for Dead Zone

A new study released today by the US Geological Survey shows that efforts to reduce nitrate levels in the Mississippi River Basin are having little impact. Nitrates come mostly from the over...

Senate Committee Moves Bill To Bring New Sunscreens to U.S. Market

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions today approved a bill that could bring new and effective sunscreen ingredients to the U.S. market and help reduce the rate of skin cancer.

Revlon Will Cut Out Some Parabens, Formaldehyde-releasing Chemicals

The announcement by global cosmetics giant Revlon that it is removing some long-chain parabens and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals from its products is a step in the right direction, EWG Executive...

EWG Applauds Senators’ Move to Eliminate Federal Support for Corn Ethanol

An amendment filed today by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Pat Toomey (R-Penn.) to repeal the federal corn ethanol mandate would make room to develop greener advanced fuels for American cars...

Drinking Water Threatened by Toxic Natural Gas and Oil Drilling Chemicals

Companies drilling for natural gas and oil are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates into thousands of wells, threatening drinking water supplies from New York to Wyoming...

California Tightens Smog Standards

The California Air Resources Board today adopted the nation's most stringent smog standards, which state scientists say could avert hundreds of premature deaths, thousands of hospital trips and more...

Gas Tax Spending Steers Commuters' Taxes Away from Congested Areas

A new investigation of spending patterns by state departments of transportation finds that commuters' federal gas taxes are being diverted to far-flung rural and exurban areas within their states...

EPA Tilts Risk Document on Teflon Chemical in DuPont's Favor

EWG today criticized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) draft risk assessment on the toxic Teflon chemical, PFOA, as a post-election tilt toward DuPont. The Agency ignored its own science panel...

Senate Disappoints on Keystone XL Vote

The U.S. Senate today advanced a Keystone XL pipeline bill that puts corporate oil interests before the health of the public and the environment, EWG said in a statement.

EWG Welcomes Bill to Cap Crop Insurance Premium Subsidies

Bipartisan legislation introduced in the Senate today would limit the amount of federal crop insurance premium subsidies a grower can receive, saving billions of dollars while affecting very few...

New Report Shows Iowans Could Have Cleaner Water With One Simple Rule

Requiring farmers to plant 50-foot wide grass strips, or buffers, between cropland and streams would jumpstart progress toward cleaning Iowa's dirty water while affecting only a handful of growers and...

EWG’s White Named Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness

EWG's Executive Director Heather White has been named one of the top 100 Women To Watch In Wellness by popular health and wellness website MindBodyGreen.

Panera Steps Up In Support of Healthier, Cleaner Food

Panera Bread's announcement today to remove EWG's 'dirty dozen' food additives and other ingredients from its food by 2016 is the latest sign that more and more companies are stepping up in support of...

EWG Targets Brands Still Using Toxic BPA in Canned Food

A new analysis of the canned food marketplace released today by EWG will help American shoppers determine which products still contain the toxic hormone disruptor bisphenol A, or BP