
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3889 - 3912 of 7454

Secret CBO Score Shows Secret New Farm Subsidy Program Is a Budget Buster

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook and Senior Vice President Craig Cox today demanded that the top agriculture committee leaders make public new cost estimates for a five-year farm bill...

National Academies: Ethanol Worsens Greenhouse Gases

A new report by the National Academy of Sciences has found that corn ethanol production increases greenhouse gas emissions and damages soil, air, water and wildlife habitat. As well it says advanced...

56 Groups Urge Budget Cutters to Protect Agricultural Conservation

A national coalition of 56 policy and advocacy organizations is urging Congress to preserve funding for essential U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs and to take additional steps to...

Burlingame Passes Cell Phone Radiation Bill

The Burlingame, Calif., city council has passed a motion to post guidelines on the city's website to advise consumers how they can minimize their exposure to cell phone radiation.

Frack Backers Seek to Pack Fed Drilling Hearing

The natural gas industry is pulling out all the stops to build a friendly crowd of drilling and fracking supporters at a federal Energy Department field hearing on fracking scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday...

House Votes to Cut Off Subsidies for Brazilian Cotton Farmers

A majority of the House of Representatives today approved an amendment that would end U.S. taxpayer-funded subsidies for Brazilian cotton farmers in one of a series of votes on an appropriations bill...

Baby Products BPA Ban Heads to CA Senate

Legislation to ban the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A from baby bottles and sippy cups sold in California is moving to the California Senate floor.

N.Y. Lawmakers Decry DoE’s Unbalanced Fracking Panel

Elected officials from across New York state voiced their disapproval of the U.S. Department of Energy's advisory board on natural gas drilling, demanding that Secretary of Energy Steven Chu correct...

Prenatal Pesticide Exposure Linked to Diminished IQ

Arriving at stunningly similar conclusions, a trifecta of studies published today (April 21) have each shown a connection between prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and diminished IQs in...

Feds’ Roan Plan Means Drilling & Toxic Chemicals in Sportsman's Paradise

As Colorado holds hearings on how to protect the state and its residents from the environmental impacts of oil and gas drilling, the Bush Administration announced it will open up the entire top of the...

Mining Surge Near Colorado River Threatens Drinking Water For 25 Million

Mining claims near the Colorado River have doubled in the last five years, raising fears that the West's most important waterway – a source of drinking water to 25 million people – could become...

EWG To Congress: Overhaul Nation’s Lax Chemical Laws

In a welcome first step toward fundamental reforms to the way toxic chemicals are reviewed and then used in consumer products, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held its first...

Federal Health Agency Reverses Course, Increases Concern Over Toxic Infant Formula Contaminant

In a dramatic development, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) raised concerns that the toxic plastics chemical known as Bisphenol A (BPA) may be linked to a number of serious reproductive and...

Congress Threatens FDA With Subpoenas on Approval of Baby Formula Contaminant

Late yesterday the two top investigators from the House Committee with oversight of FDA threatened subpoenas if information detailing FDA's decision allowing the toxic chemical BPA in infant formula...

Senate Set to Debate the Farm Bill, EWG Presses for Reforms

After weeks of haggling, the Senate is set to deliberate on the 2007 Farm Bill. The Environmental Working Group, along with a diverse coalition of groups, is advocating for reform of wasteful...

BPA Levels in Canned Infant Formula Poses Higher Risk Than Baby Bottles

Many new parents are aware that the toxic chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA) leaches from plastic baby bottles found on the shelves of stores across America. But a new investigation by EWG reveals that BPA is...

Media Falls Hook, Line and Sinker for Fish Industry Line on Mercury

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) issued the following statement today in response to media outlets that reported on a fish industry study urging pregnant women to disregard FDA guidance on fish...

EWG: Chair of Dept. of Energy Natural Gas Panel Must Step Down

During a public meeting of the Secretary of Energy's advisory board on natural gas extraction and hydraulic fracturing, the Environmental Working Group called on the panel's chairman to resign because...

FCC Softened Advisory on Cell Phone Radiation

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that wireless industry representatives were granted a number of high-level meetings with top Federal Communications Commission...

EPA Airs Plan to Unveil Secret Chemicals

Washington, D.C. – Spurred by an Environmental Working Group investigation about government and corporate secrecy that cloaks the very identity of many industrial chemicals, the Environmental...

California Moves to Protect Public from Notorious Carcinogen

For years, California officials have been working to set the nation's first-ever safety standard for the carcinogenic metal hexavalent chromium (chromium-6), commonly found in the state's drinking...

One Million Kids a Day Exposed to Unsafe Levels of Toxic Pesticides in Fruit, Vegetables, and Baby Food

Every day, 1 million American children age 5 and under consume unsafe levels of a class of pesticides that can harm the developing brain and nervous system, according to a new analysis of federal data...

Milestone Measure to Advance Food Safety Passes Congress

The nation's food safety system is responsible for 3,000 deaths each year, and 48 million illnesses annually , according to newly released data from the federal Centers for Disease Control. Landmark...

CDC Study Shows Boston Area Infants Exposed to Dangerous Rocket Fuel Ingredient through Breast Milk

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis of recently published data from scientists at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Boston University (BU) shows that infants are being exposed to...