
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4081 - 4104 of 7454

EWG VERIFIED® Diapers Launches Nationwide With New Healthynest Diapers

Today the Environmental Working Group published a new comprehensive Guide to Safer Diapers, an analysis of the chemicals and materials used in baby diapers, to help parents and caregivers sort through...

EPA Reverses Course: Arsenic-Treated Playground Equipment Poses Unacceptable Lifetime Cancer Risk to Children

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the most comprehensive study to date of the health risks of arsenic-treated wood, which has been used for decades to build decks, playsets...

CPSC Denies Petition to Ban CCA Pressure-Treated Wood Playground Equipment

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted unanimously today to deny a petition to ban the use of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) pressuretreated wood in playground equipment.

Groups Want Whitman to Explain How Monsanto Escaped Crackdown for Decades of PCB Pollution

Public interest groups today called on US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christine Todd Whitman to explain a key change in a controversial and highly unusual pollution cleanup...

Capps Bill Would Curb Toxic Perchlorate Contamination Chemical Found in California Water, Agriculture Products

Congresswoman Lois Capps today introduced legislation to protect Americans from perchlorate, a chemical contaminate that has seeped into underground water supplies and has recently been detected in...

Ford Caught Lying - Again

Ford has been the subject of some strong charges by our organization about its veracity with customers and the public about the safety of its Bronco II-Explorer model line.

EWG's Response to Glacier's Letter

On Dec. 10 the Environmental Working Group and the Environmental Law Foundation released the results of tests on water purchased from 274 Glacier vending machines in California. Analysis of the...

EWG Files Legal Challenge to FDA Mercury Health Advisory

Today EWG filed a legal challenge seeking to block the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from issuing a weak proposed health advisory for mercury in seafood. New analyses contained within the filing...

Arsenic Lobbyists Coming Out of Woodwork

For decades, they made the world safe for skyrocketing sales of arsenic-soaked wood, and dangerous for the millions of Americans who were exposed to the material, and are still exposed today. But...


Pollution from airborne soot and dust causes or contributes to the deaths of more Californians than traffic accidents, homicide and AIDS combined, according to a new report released today by...

News Release

Nationwide sampling in 13 metropolitan areas found harmful levels of cancer-causing arsenic on the surface of "pressure-treated" wood purchased at Home Depot and Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse...

News Release

Congress is expected to approve an additional $5.5 billion in emergency farm aid today, the fourth straight year it has been forced to supplement a 1996 law that was intended to end farm supports. But...

Report Cites Danger of Arsenic in Wood

The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) announced today that it has filed legal notice to sue the manufacturers of wooden playground equipment treated with arsenic.

California Environment, Law Enforcement Officials Warn Senators About Federal Chemicals Bill

Over the last several weeks, officials of the three state agencies charged with protecting California residents from toxic chemical exposures have issued stark warnings about legislation recently...

More Than 630 Editorials Call for Farm Bill Reform

An interactive map developed by the Environmental Working Group shows where more than 630 U.S. newspapers have published editorials since 2007 demanding meaningful reform of the federal farm bill...

Consumers and Family Farmers Deserve a Better and More Transparent Farm Bill

Washington, D.C. – The Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013 considered today by the U.S. Senate includes some important and historic reforms that will improve federal food and farm policy...

EWG Urges Congress To Require Safety Tests of New Chemicals

Heather White, executive director of the Environmental Working Group, told a House hearing today that under current law chemical manufacturers can market new chemicals without giving federal...

Spring Storms Battered Poorly Protected Soil and Streams

More than 1.2 million acres of farmland in Iowa lost more precious topsoil in five days of heavy rain this spring than what is considered tolerable for an entire year, largely because of inadequate...

GOP Passes the “Most Fiscally Irresponsible Farm Legislation in History”

“House Republicans voted today for a ‘farm only' farm bill that expands crop insurance subsidies for the most successful farm businesses and fails to renew programs that help feed the nation's...

EWG’s Cook Scores Industry-Backed Chemicals Bill

Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today that toxic chemicals “are polluting people's bodies – our blood, our fatty tissue and even...

Michelle Obama Calls on Americans to Drink More Water; EWG’s Filter Guide Can Help

Environmental Working Group applauds First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign to get Americans to drink more water instead of soft drinks. Consuming plenty of water daily has a number of positive effects...

House Votes To Limit Crop Insurance Subsidies to Largest Farm Operations

Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the following statement in response to the sense of the House resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representative to instruct the farm bill conference...

EWG Seeks Records on White House, EPA Retreat on Chemical Safety Initiatives

he Environmental Working Group has submitted Freedom of Information Act requests to the White House to learn whether industry improperly influenced the government's decision to drop two proposals to...

Court Ruling Overturning Biofuels Mandate Is Impetus for Reform

A U.S. Appeals Court decision to throw out the 2012 federal mandate requiring refiners to blend cellulosic ethanol into the domestic gasoline supply should be wake-up call to Congress that the nation...