
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4201 - 4224 of 7454

Bayer to end residential sales of cancer-causing weedkiller glyphosate by 2023

Cancer-causing weedkiller glyphosate will no longer be sold for residential use in the U.S. by 2023. The move highlights the need to also immediately halt current uses of the substance on food crops.

EWG news roundup (8/20): EPA bans the use of brain-damaging pesticide on food, USDA expands food assistance benefits and more

EWG news roundup (8/20): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG water atlas links water pollution to heavy fertilizer use in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin

The Environmental Working Group today unveiled its innovative water atlas, which shows a close link between heavily fertilized cropland in four Upper Mississippi River Basin states – Illinois, Iowa...

EWG and 11 Other Environmental and Civil Society Groups Ask for Release of Major Trade Agreement Text

Citing a lack of transparency and public involvement in the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations, EWG and 11 other organizations sent a letter to Michael Froman, the United States...

EWG Statement on NAS Human Research Report

EWG sent this letter to the NAS Committee co-chair after the group approved the highly controversial procedure of using humans in laboratory tests for pesticides and other chemicals. February 23, 2004...

EWG Urges Gov't Panel to Embrace Scientific Research Showing BPA’s Potential Impacts on Human Health

Download a PDF of the letter below, plus attachment. January 25, 2008 Dr. Michael D. Shelby Director Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction National Institute of Environmental Health...

Experts Denounce FDA Efforts to Weaken Mercury Warnings for Fish Eaters

Download PDF file. Stephen F. Sundlof, DVM, Director Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740-3835 RE: Docket [FDA...

TIMELINE: FDA Repeatedly Fails to Warn Consumers About Mercury in Seafood

EWG's Timeline of the scientific understanding about mercury toxicity from the 1950s to 2004.
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Tell the EPA: Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

By mecker | March 22, 2021

Neonics have been linked to massive decline in bee populations, and new research suggests they may also harm kids' developing nervous systems and brains.

We have a chance to force the EPA to listen to consumers instead of the pesticide industry, and to finally BAN neonics!

Can we count on you to join us?


By mecker | March 22, 2021

Recent tests by EWG have revealed shockingly high levels of a cancer-linked fungicide in oranges and other citrus fruits. Imazalil is typically applied to citrus post-harvest to prolong the fruit's shelf life, but this chemical can also disrupt the human hormone system and has been classified as a likely human carcinogen.

EWG is calling on the EPA to immediately ban the use of imazalil! Can you

Get Dangerous Chemicals Out of Our Food!

By mecker | March 22, 2021

Chemicals linked to cancer, nervous system harm and immune system harm may be lurking in your pantry. It's time to make our food safe! Please join EWG and urge the FDA to BAN the most dangerous chemicals in our food!


Under Trump, Farm Subsidies Soared and the Rich Got Richer

Taxpayer-funded farm subsidies have long been skewed in favor of the richest farmers and landowners. But under the Trump administration, even more money went to the largest and wealthiest farms, further shortchanging smaller, struggling family farms.

Another Last-Minute Poison Pill: Trump Administration Kneecaps EPA’s Use of Sound Science To Protect Public Health

With two weeks left in President Trump's term, his Environmental Protection Agency has once again issued an 11th-hour rule that will hamper the incoming Biden administration's efforts to protect...

EWG Calls for Immediate Removal of President Trump from Office

In response to yesterday's shocking and deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol by a riotous mob incited by President Trump, Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook today called for Trump's...

EWG VERIFIED® Brand Partner Follain Diversifies Clean Beauty and Commits 15 Percent of Shelf Space to Black-Owned Brands

Today Follain launches seven new EWG VERIFIED® products at ULTA Beauty, the largest beauty retailer in the U.S. The collection of Follain skincare products is the result of years of consultations with...

In Another 11th-Hour Rollback, Trump EPA Weakens ‘Forever Chemical’ Protections

In yet another 11th-hour rollback of public health protections, political leaders at the Environmental Protection Agency overruled career scientists and watered down a major health assessment for one...

Congressional Investigation: Popular Baby Foods Contain High Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury

Several brands of widely sold baby foods are tainted with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, according to a new investigation by a House subcommittee...

National Black Farmers Association and EWG Applaud the Justice for Black Farmers Act

The following is the statement of John Boyd, founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, and Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs, on the reintroduction...

Lawmakers Threaten To Derail Proposal To Eliminate Black Farmers’ Debt

Two members of the House Agriculture Committee are trying to derail a provision in the budget reconciliation bill that would eliminate all federal farm debt held by Black farmers.

EWG Report: Under Trump, Farm Subsidies Soared, Making the Rich Richer

Federal farm policy has long favored the wealthiest landowners with taxpayer-funded largesse. But under the Trump administration, even more money went to the largest and wealthiest farms, further...

Clean Energy Jobs: Senate Bill Would Help Coal Country and Automakers Transition to the Green Economy

Two senators from states where workers face tectonic shifts in employment prospects as their industries rapidly transition to clean energy are teaming up on legislation to help create well-paid jobs...