
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 457 - 480 of 7455

1,000 Chemicals

Last month, the EPA official responsible for reviewing the safety of chemicals used in thousands of every-day products was asked how many chemicals in use are so dangerous they should get a harder...

Obama: Corn Ethanol Thirstier Than Gasoline

We already knew that corn ethanol produces more greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline. Now the Obama Administration says corn ethanol is thirstier than gasoline.

Four Myths the Ethanol Industry Wants You to Believe

The Renewable Fuels Association, a well-funded lobbyist group for Big Ethanol, recently responded to EWG's report, Ethanol's Broken Promise, by claiming that corn ethanol isn't worse for the climate...

Happy Direct Payments Day?

Today, officials at the USDA will don their Santa Claus outfits a few months early and disburse almost $5 billion dollars in direct payment farm subsidies to landowners across the country.

Untapped: Farm Bill Conservation Programs Must Do More to Clean Up California's Water

Hundreds of millions of conservation dollars in the federal farm bill should be used more effectively to address widespread water pollution problems in California, concludes a new report by...

Belgium Boosts Cell Phone Radiation Safeguards

Belgium recently adopted new cell phone regulations that bar mobile phone models designed for, and marketed to children ages 7 and younger. Under Belgium's new rules, slated to take effect next March...

Millennial Momentum

I am a millennial – one of the roughly 50 million Americans born after 1980 and coming of age in the 21st Century. Generational theorists have called me lazy, narcissistic and entitled. But they've...

Stewardship Stories Document Benefits – For Taxpayers and Farmers

Every day, thousands of farmers take steps to reduce polluted runoff and restore wetlands and grasslands. Many more would help, but 40 percent of farmers have been turned away by the U.S. Department...

Crop Insurance Subsidies Could Provide Bumper Crop of Budget Savings

Reducing subsidies to large farm businesses, crop insurance companies and their agents, and trimming their windfall profits could generate enormous savings, EWG has found.

Congress Plays Hunger Games with Our Vets

If you fast-forward your TV during the celebrity segments on Real Time with Bill Maher, you probably missed an important conversation during the November 15th episode driven by actor Casey Affleck...

Staunch Advocate For Genetic Engineering Urges GMO Labeling for Food

Mark Lynas, maybe the most famous apologist for GMO foods ever, this week urged a gathering of food and biotech industry employees to stop battling the growing movement to label foods made with...

Friends and Foes of Organic Food

The Alliance for Food and Farming, which is run out of a P.O. box in Watsonville, Calif., claims to extol the health benefits of consuming both conventional and organic produce and maintains that its...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

The Farm Bill is a Climate Bill

Climate Change activists should be concerned about proposed cuts to farm bill conservation programs, which would be the carbon emissions equivalent of adding 2 million cars a year to America's roads...

Breaking: Details Leaking Out on Secret Farm Bill

The Congressional Super Committee was created to make tough budget choices, but the leaders of the Ag Committees appear to be going in the opposite direction with more lavish subsidy giveaways to mega...

Secret Farm Bill Goes from Bad to Medieval

The Congressional Super Committee was created to make tough budget choices, but the leaders of the Ag Committees appear to be going in the opposite direction with more lavish subsidy giveaways to mega...

100% DEET: Good Bug Protection Or Bad Idea?

EWG's science review concluded that although DEET certainly isn't perfect, its safety profile is actually better than a lot of people think. Given that DEET is highly effective, reasonably safe and...

Manufacturers Deceive Consumers with “Organic” Product Names

Savvy consumers know that cosmetics do not have to be tested and proved safe before making it onto store shelves. Consumer protections for personal care products are outdated and broken, so shoppers...

Pew: FDA allows untested chemicals in food

Scientists from Pew Charitable Trusts found that 54 percent of the chemicals added to food have never undergone the most basic safety tests recommended by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Pew...

New Research Explores How a Widely Used Fire Retardant Could Trigger Cancer

Earlier this year a disturbing study showed that the brominated fire retardant TBBPA, which is widely used in consumer products, triggers cancer in lab animals. Now a new study suggests that the...

A Senate Plan to Protect Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable form of cancer. It is almost always caused by inhaling tiny asbestos fibers, which pass through the lungs and become embedded in the mesothelium, a thin...

Chemical Industry to Pregnant Women: Don’t Worry your Pretty Little Heads

I had two challenging pregnancies filled with uncertainty and stress. Thankfully, the end result was two healthy kids. One thing was certain, though – I could handle the truth. I wanted all the facts...

Farming Isn’t a Requirement to Claim Farm Subsidies

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released Tuesday (Oct. 8) found that of the $1.5 billion in farm subsidies doled out in 2012 to people who were supposedly “actively engaged” in farming...

Worth Protecting

Today, on the eve of farm bill consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, EWG is launching an unprecedented campaign to remind Congress that our land, our food, our families, and our farms...