
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4585 - 4608 of 7453

New & Improved: Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011

The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011, introduced June 24 by Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) has a simple aim: to give the federal Food and Drug Administration...

Think your Water Bottle is "BPA Free"? Better double check.

Is your reusable water bottle aluminum? In an effort to be more sustainable and protect my health, I made the switch from plastic water bottles to my reliable metal bottle that I carry with me every...

U.S. Forest Service: Fracking Killed Trees

Chemical-laden wastewater generated by a natural gas hydraulic fracturing operation killed more than half a stand of trees in a field study at the Monongahela National Forest, according to a new...

Tips for safer (face) painting this Halloween... and beyond

It's the Thursday before Halloween and my kids haven't quite decided what to be. Top runners at this point (it changes daily) are pretty standard: witch and princess.

11 Everyday Pollution Solutions

Use cast iron pans instead of nonstick. Read about Teflon health concerns. To avoid chemicals leaching into food, go easy on processed, canned or fast foods and never microwave plastic. Read about...

Something is amiss with our children

Written by Alice Shabecoff, co-author with her husband Philip of Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on our Children As we watched each of our five grandchildren and their friends enter this world and...

Talking Toxics Policy: A Historic stakeholder conversation

As Enviroblog readers know, EWG has been pushing for years to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the nation's chemical "safety" law.

Will EPA regulate rocket fuel in drinking water?

Making good on Administrator Lisa Jackson's confirmation promise, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving ahead with its deliberations on whether to impose the first national limits on...

EWG testifies in Congress about cell phone radiation

After we released our report about cell phone radiation, EWG Senior Scientist Olga Naidenko, PhD. testified in the U.S. Senate about our findings. Here she talks with EWG's Chief of Staff, Heather...

Limit your exposure to cell phone radiation

Most of us have wondered at least once if our cell phones are safe, whether it's OK for our kids to use them, whether we should do something different.

Are you looking for the "9" when you buy produce?

The 4 or 5-digit number that you'll find on the little sticker on your produce is a Price Look-Up, or PLU, code. They've been used by grocery stores for about 20 years to identify produce for pricing...

Dr. Steingraber says: Embryos need safe food

We've talked before about the critical connection between toxics and pregnancy - it's an important topic given the potential impacts of chemicals on the developing fetus.

Nail polish: We've come a long way (in 9 years), baby.

It's always nice when the list of products that don't contain highly toxic ingredients is longer than the list of those that do.

Will the Evian babies make you stupider?

In our case, just the opposite: watching those chubby-cheeked acrobats fires our curiosity. How do they do that?

Lead: It's Here, There and Everywhere

Back in August of 2007, I was trying to work on vacation. I was squirreled away in a back bedroom surrounded by files and books when I got a Google alert. Millions of toys were being recalled because...

At what price tuna?

By Olga Naidenko, EWG Senior Scientist How much does a can of tuna cost to an average shopper in a U.S. supermarket? Something like 33 cents a can, if you look hard enough and search for a good sale...

EWG heads to Congress: Thanks for your help

A huge thanks to EWG fans for supplying the bottled water labels we needed to complete our report on bottled water labeling - which we ranked brand by brand. People-powered research at its finest.

Is bottled water safe? Who knows!?

By Lisa Frack As you might imagine, I read labels before I buy pretty much anything. But when they don't tell me a thing, why bother? Take, for example, bottled water. Labels disclose very little...

Dear CEO: It's time to reduce children's exposure to BPA

On June 10th, EWG's President Ken Cook wrote a letter to Coca-Cola's Chairman and CEO, Muhtar Kent, calling on him to take immediate steps to reduce children's exposure to BPA.

Time to say goodbye

I will never forget my job interview here at EWG--I woke up at 3am to catch the plane from Detroit and to make my 9am interview time. I slept for one hour the night before because I was nervous and...

9 safer shopping tips from the pros @ Skin Deep

For me, EWG's Skin Deep database has always been a place to get a score. Then, depending where in the 1 to 10 hazard range my personal care product falls (come on, toothpaste, get a 1!), either rush...

Recycling CFLs in Maine... and beyond

Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) might save you money, but they contain mercury. Soon the state of Maine will have ample recycling thanks to a new law. Maine Public Radio reported today that a...

Got Bats - or Mosquitoes and Encephalitis?

About bats, mosquitoes and encephalitis, "Carnac the Magnificent" (the Johnny Carson character) might say: "What are three things that are affecting my property value?"

Higher Ethanol Fuel: A Lose-Lose

Corn prices are projected to reach $5 a bushel this year, thanks to heavy rains in the corn belt and fewer acres planted. That's good news for corn farmers, who have watched prices sag after last year...