
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4657 - 4680 of 7453

Does environmental conservation imply austerity?

This is a post by EWG research intern Curtis Maples, who's interested in engineering a sustainable future. When I hear “conserve”, a chain of thoughts comes into my mind. Something like this: â...

Oil spill in the sky

It's been 9 months since the 901-foot container ship Cosco Busan hit the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and spilled 50,000 gallons of oil into the Bay. As you may recall, it wasn't just oil, but the...

Science on sale: I'll take three

Nowadays, everything seems to be on sale. And I am not talking about the end of the season clearances in stores around us. I'm talking about how if you have enough money you can often buy what ever...

THURSDAY: Video Q&A on Antibacterial Products

What exactly is that stuff you're washing your hands with? The Environmental Working Group is releasing a report Thursday morning about antibacterial chemicals in consumer products -- and we think you...

White House policy: Don't like it? Delete it.

A former EPA adviser alleges that Vice President Dick Cheney's office pressured the agency to delete nearly half of their testimony on the public health effects of climate change. President Bush took...

A tale of poison, deceit and heroism

I was going to go for the obvious today and tell you why fireworks are bad for the environment. But you already know that, right? It's a story that involves our old nemesis, perchlorate, and people...

Public funds for public transit

This post is by EWG's stellar media intern, Sameem. The buzz on gas prices has people rethinking the way they travel. USA Today recently reported record breaking public transit ridership based on a...

Grocery gap? What grocery gap?

As a Seattle native I regularly browse my hometown papers, and last week I stumbled onto a story about a new supermarket opening up just a mile or so from my boyhood home. The idea that a news article...

You know you're an <em>inaction</em> plan. . .

In honor of EPA's June 2008 "Action Plan," three members of the Mississippi River Water Quality Collaborative* explain why the EPA report amounts to an “Inaction Plan” and will have little effect...

China's great greenwashing

Here, we call them cancer clusters. Their existence is practically denied much of the time, and when it is acknowledged the polluting industries in the neighborhood often deny any culpability. They...

Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water

Your New Phone: Extra Radiation or Extra Features?

Most of us want the latest and smartest phones - but not at the price of high cell phone radiation. This season's good news: a batch of smart-smart phones: lower-radiation choices with plenty of...

Common cosmetics ingredient can harm sperm

Exposure to butylparaben, an ingredient common in personal care products, has been associated with DNA damage in men's sperm, according to an important new study led by John Meeker of the University...

TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch: 11.6.10

EWG President Ken Cook is in Los Angeles on Saturday, November 6th to talk about plastic at the TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch event.

Breast Cancer: One in Eight

The stats are stark: according to the National Cancer Institute, at some point in her life, one in eight American women will be told she has breast cancer.

FCC Softpedals Cell Phone Radiation

Battle lines are being drawn. Alliances formed. And as the cell phone industry wages war against San Francisco over its cell phone-labeling ordinance, many are looking east to see if the Federal...

Cosmetics safety debate on Democracy Now

It's a busy time for the multi-year effort to make cosmetics safer in the U.S.

Support the 2010 Safe Cosmetics Act. It's Urgent.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should have the authority it needs to regulate cosmetics and personal care products - so that you can trust that what you're buying is safe for you and your...

The (shocking) story behind cosmetics

Have you ever counted how many cosmetics or personal care products you use in a day? Chances are it's nearly 10.

Learn to create a green nursery on - with EWG's Ken Cook

Jesse Johnson, CEO and co-founder of Q-Collection and Q-Collection Junior posted an interview with EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook on his experiences creating a green, non-toxic nursery for his...

Strawberry Lovers, Take Action

Methyl iodide: it's listed as a human carcinogen, is considered a neurotoxin and has been linked to late-term miscarriages. Now the state of California is poised to let farmers spray it on the state's...

Dr. Weil on EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Dr. Andrew Weil, renowned medical expert on natural health and wellness, tells why and how he uses the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists from EWG's Shoppers Guide to Pesticides. As he says, "We should...

Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers

By Jane Houlihan, EWG Senior V-P for Research Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to...

Have a Coke and a Smile? Maybe Not.

Do big corporations care about what large blocks of their shareholders have to say about company practices? I don't know. I've never worked for one.