
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4705 - 4728 of 7453

Protecting our children shouldn't be this difficult

This is what it's come to: In a neighborhood in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, residents are being advised to avoid all contact with dirt and dust. The soil in Durrs is so contaminated with toxic chemicals...

Video spurs largest ground beef recall in history

Thanks to an undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company has issued the largest ground beef recall in history. The recall of 143...

Cheap salmon? Think again

How appropriate that after I had great wild salmon for dinner the other night, I saw this new report the next day. According to the Science article, "Wild salmon have it tough these days, with dams...

Uranium mining in Virginia?

EWG has documented the explosion of uranium mining claims out West, including dozens of claims--and exploratory drilling operations hastily approved by federal authorities-- in the vicinity of the...

Enviroblog hosts: Carnival of the Green #141!

Hello and welcome to Carnival of the Green #141! Last week's edition was hosted by The Evangelical Ecologist. Next week, the Carnival makes its way over to LifeGoggles, so be sure to check it out...

Small fry: Better for the planet, better for your health

After The New York Times' Well Blog listed sardines as one of the 11 best foods you aren't eating, I went out and bought myself a can. I like eating fish occasionally, but I loathe preparing it myself...

Gas price relief: Location efficiency

This post is by EWG's media intern Sameem. Right on the heels of gas price hype and a housing crisis, we’re finally being presented with legislation that at least acknowledges the need for a more...

PB&J for a better world

In the environmental community, there's a lot of discussion about how to best convey the message of action to the rest of the country. The general consensus is that giving people small actions that...

Triclosan: Lurking where you least expect it

It might be in your toothbrush. Your socks. Your child's rattle. Then again - it might not be. But do you know for sure?

About that New York Times sunscreen column. . .

A recent New York Times column on sunscreen has been getting a lot of traction on the internet, and since it's partly about, um, us, we thought it was worth a response. In the column, author Tara...

Imagine a tangled toxic mess

Imagine a flame-retardant chemical so clearly toxic that the National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization and the Consumer Product Safety Commission all consider it harmful. Enough studies...

An open letter to the advertising industry

Dear Advertisers, When he spoke at your annual international conference in Cannes a year ago, Al Gore asked you to use your powers for good instead of evil. By emphasizing the environment, he said...

Spray? We never wanted to spray!

In April, I told you about how citizen protests had forced the state to rethink its plans to spray an artificial pheremone over urban Northern California to eradicate a pest called the light brown...

Mattel lobbies to regulate itself

If I had a daughter, she would not be playing with Barbies. Besides the fact that I would want her to have different ideas of womanhood than Barbie present, I would be a afraid for her health! Barbie...

Aussie study finds phthalates in jar lids

Sometimes it's hard to write about this stuff. Here I am, day and and day out, telling you that food packaged in glass containers is a better alternative to canned food -- and it is. But the results...

Confirmed: New shower curtain smell is gross

It may not be news to regular Enviroblog readers, but it's official: new shower curtain smell is caused by toxic chemicals. A study commissioned by the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice...

Green Goodbye

Cremation is a big environmental issue, as well as the choice of most Australians. While the process reduces us to ash, it also produces pollutants and carbon dioxide that goes directly into the...

FEMA trailers on the cheap

Looking for a cheap mobile home? I know some people who are looking to get rid of theirs...

Outside the Box: Show me the money!

Need smart, sound financial tips? Contact a broker. Interested in the bizarre ways people are making money using kegs, beetles, and rats? Read on, because this week's Outside The Box is green in more...

'Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.'

Thanks to Jack Nicholson's Oscar-winning performance in Chinatown, the story of how Los Angeles stole the water from the Owens River may be the best-known environmental crime in U.S. history. (OK, I'm...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: H520 off the hook

This week, in what many would term an unfortunate setback, Vermont's House of Representatives was unable to override the Governor's veto on an energy bill that would have provided incentives for...

Two days left to Grow Organics!

We're almost there! In the past week, more than ten thousand people have signed the petition to Grow Organics. We only need a couple thousand more to meet our goal, and we've got just over two days to...

Another one bites the dust

Glen Martin, one of the best environmental reporters in California, has written his last story for the San Francisco Chronicle. Glen was one of EWG's favorite journalists. He dug deep into our Farm...

EPA proposes new smog standards; environmentalists wheeze their disapproval

Update: Okay, I may have been a little hard on the EPA yesterday. At least they're making an effort. Also, check out Angry Toxicologist's post, The Asthmatic Elephant in the Ozone Room.