
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4777 - 4800 of 7453

Locking in Corn Ethanol Locks Out Alternatives

Proposals by the corn ethanol industry to have taxpayers subsidize construction of huge pipelines and specialized gasoline pumps and car engines designed to use large amounts of its product could cost...

Eaters Deserve a Place at the Farm Bill Table

Federal nutritional guidelines advise us to eat five-to-nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That's not too difficult if you are lucky enough to have access to the fresh and tasty produce...

Making Illinoise Over Water Pollution

Three leading environmental groups say they're hauling Chicago's sewer system and the Environmental Protection Agency into court over the pollution that pours out of the city, down the Mississippi and...

Farming the Crowd at TEDx Manhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” Conference

Attending the TEDx Manhattan event on the future of food and farming was a day-long drink from a fire hose of cutting-edge ideas, sobering realities and sincere enthusiasm about how America can eat...

Enviro Programs Get the Budget Ax - Again

A recent news item tells the story of where the environment and public health rank in Washington's priorities -- just about dead last. The Washington Post delivers the bad news in a grim headline...

Federal Court Holds MTBE Polluters Responsible

Despite Tom Delay and his lapdogs recent efforts to protect MTBE polluters, a federal court ruled MTBE producers and manufacturers must pay to clean up their mess.

CA City Protects Infants from Rocket Fuel Contamination

One California city is taking no chances on a toxic rocket fuel in its drinking water. Although neither the EPA nor the state has made a final decision on safe levels of perchlorate, the Associated...

DeLay Targeted Asbestos Firms for Donations

According to The Associated Press, documents show that fundraisers for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) routinely identified legislative actions that would interest possible donors.

New Study Finds Chemical Cocktail in Household Dust

Tests on household dust in seven states show that we're breathing in a hodgepodge of chemicals from consumer products, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. On the shortlist of 35 toxic industrial...

Bush administration, ACC battle EU cosmetic safety laws

Not content to pander to the cosmetics industry by requiring no safety testing on American personal care products, the Bush administration is now working to thwart Europe's attempts at improving...

Fire retardants found in Canadian foods

New tests by Toronto's Globe and Mail and CTV News show some of the world's highest levels of chemical fire retardants in common Canadian foods.

Global Polluter Newmont Has Locked Up Most Acreage of Taxpayers' Lands for Its Mining

The international mining giant, Denver-based Newmont Mining Corp., is under fire for dangerously polluting Indonesian communities in violation of US environmental standards. Now, an Environmental...

Rocket Fuel Polluters Distort Debate as Feinstein Calls for Safety Standards

An investigation by the Riverside Press Enterprise documents how industries that make and use the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate have worked to undermine sound science on its health effects -- even...

Memorial Service for Mary Beth Doyle

EWG joins environmentalists nationwide in mourning the untimely passing of fellow activist Mary Beth Doyle in Ann Arbor, MI. Mary Beth brought warmth, passion and energy to her work on toxics and...

DuPont's 3Q Profits Match Potential Teflon Fine

According to news reports, Teflon maker DuPont reported earning $331 million in the third quarter this year. That amount will just cover the possible $313 million fine it faces for illegally hiding...

Flame Retardants Found in Farmed Salmon

A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology shows that farmed salmon accumulates higher levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) a chemical flame retardant used in...

American Medical Association Urges FDA to Assess Canned Tuna to Determine if Warning Labels Are Needed

The American Medical Association (AMA), the national professional organization for all physicians in the United States, has adopted a resolution that includes the following recommendation: "Given the...

Demand Gone Wild for Wild Salmon

The Oregonian reports consumers are increasingly choosing healthy wild salmon instead of PCB-laden farmed salmon. Studies over the past year by EWG and others have shown that farmed salmon has far...

FDA is faulted for drug-safety process

The nation's system for approving and monitoring the safety of medicines is inadequate and needs far-reaching reforms, and the Food and Drug Administration is plagued with poor management and...

John Kerry: "this administration couldn't care less"about minority and low-income neighborhoods

The [EPA] is not conducting required reviews to ensure that low-income and minority neighborhoods get the same environmental protection as other communities.


go to EWG's website!

McDonald's allowing comments after 5 days of criticism

After more than 5 days--and critical posts on TreeHugger, AdWeek, Fast Company, Emergence Marketing, Church of the Customer blog, AutoBlogGreen, TriplePundit, CityHippy, BlogHer and Viral Garden-...

Scientific integrity cartoon contest

Union of Concerned Scientists is in the final round of its Scientific Integrity Cartoon Contest, recognizing the best cartoons dealing with the intersection of politics and science. Only 12 finalists...

Hybrid happy meals: a wiser choice for McDonald's

Now that McDonald's Hummer happy meal promo is officially over and the marketing experts who conceived it are out looking for new jobs, their successors should be hard at work searching for a toy that...