
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4825 - 4848 of 7453

You Could Be On Your Own If Ethanol Messes up Your Engine

For thirty years, the corn ethanol industry has relied on the federal government's muscle to force expanded production and availability of its fuel. The most recent favor handed to the industry was...

Keep Food from Becoming the New Oil

Food prices and food scarcity are quickly becoming the hidden driver in world politics, says pioneering environmental analyst Lester Brown, sparking political upheaval in the Middle East and...

Factory Food: You’re Welcome, America

Coalitions often help bring about real change for the public good. Not this one though.

Putting Our Money Where the Mouths Are

The Great Recession is being felt in America's stomachs, the government reports. Nearly one in seven American households had trouble putting enough food on the table at some point in 2008, according...

USDA Research: Does No-Till Really Capture More Carbon?

The Agriculture Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture released a surprising bit of climate change-related research on Tuesday, work that suggests that getting big cuts in...

Climate Change Cage Match: EWG vs. Farm Bureau

Crying Wolf, EWG's recent report on current climate change legislation, convincingly debunked exaggerated claims that a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse gases will increase costs for the...

Chlorine in water may imperil pregnancies

Los Angeles Daily News, Lisa Mascaro Published January 9, 2002 Drinking tap water could put pregnant women at higher risk for miscarriage and birth defects in some parts of Southern California, says a...

Tap water chemical risky for the pregnant

Reuters Published January 9, 2002 High levels of chlorination byproducts (CPBs) in drinking water put pregnant women at a higher risk for miscarriages or having children with birth defects, according...

Farmers charged up by electric study

Capital Press, Bob Krauter Published May 29, 2007 Central Valley farmers are amped up by a study that says they are getting cut-rate electricity from the federal government.

Who gets all that farm aid?

Pioneer Press Published June 11, 2007 Downtown Minneapolis is a little low on farmland. But it turns out to be full of farmers.

Pay Dirt

Dan Rather Reports Aired on November 20, 2007 Episode Title: Pay Dirt: Subsidies and the American Farmer Description: Some farmers are worried that huge subsides are a waste. A visit to the backwaters...

Gingrich for Free Markets (Except for Corn Ethanol)

The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away but potential 2012 presidential hopefuls are already parachuting into corn country to pander to Big Ag. Perennially coy Newt Gingrich is only the latest to...

Healthy School Food: Pay Now, Save Later

New school food standards proposed last week by the Obama administration could nearly double the amount of fruits and vegetables that more than 32 million kids eat every day.

Child Nutrition Law's First Steps

In mid-December, as millions of American school children were eagerly anticipating their holiday break of sleeping late and no homework, President Obama signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids...

Texas Homes at Risk from Drilling Contamination, EPA Says

Whether it's from flood, fire or a tornado, there are few more devastating events than losing a home. But it's hard to equal the shock of having your house suddenly just blow up.

Coyote Ugly

Indications are that the wasteful corn ethanol tax credit may be included in a legislative deal negotiated by the Obama White House to extend tax cuts enacted under President George W. Bush. Last week...

Drillers May Be Told to Disclose Fracking Chemicals

By Dusty Horwitt, EWG Senior Counsel Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said this week that his department is weighing a plan to require energy companies to disclose what chemicals they use when...

Tepid Tea for Corn Ethanol Subsidy Backers

Tea party backers, environmental groups, faith-based organizations, and the bulk of the U.S. meat and dairy industry joined forces today, calling on Congressional leaders to eliminate a wasteful...

Want Some Bug-Killer With That?

If you like your fruits and vegetables with pesticides, then you'll be glad to know the conventional produce industry is boasting of a big win with the Obama administration.

Endless Injustice for Black Farmers

It's now a done deal. After Congress in July rebuffed several attempts by Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) to win funding for an agriculture disaster aid package that would send generous checks to...

Mission Organic Made Easy

With its new blog, Mission Organic Made Easy, the Boulder, Colo.-based Organic Center (TOC) delivers on its promise to communicate all the good reasons to eat food devoid of harmful agrichemicals and...

The Bitter Ironies in USDA's Firing of Shirley Sherrod

The conflagration that embroiled the US Department of Agriculture last week (July 19) over the knee-jerk dismissal of an African American official who was falsely accused of reverse discrimination is...

Craven Corn

Hopes for comprehensive legislation to combat climate pollution evaporated Thursday (July 22) after months of wrangling in the Senate. In its place Senate leaders are proposing what is being billed as...

Nitrogen Fertilizer's Toll: Not Just Dead Zones

Last week began with a front page story in the San Francisco Chronicle (July 5) detailing the links between increased fertilizer run-off due to corn ethanol production in the Mississippi River Basin...