
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4873 - 4896 of 7453

Black Farmers Finally See Justice

Yesterday (Nov 19) it was announced that the $1.15 billion awarded black farmers in the Pigford settlement that arose from decades of discriminatory practices at the U.S. Department of Agriculture...

The Corn Ethanol Bridge has Become a Destination

Eight years ago, there were 61 plants producing ethanol to blend with gasoline in the United States; today there are about 200. Eight years ago, 13 percent of those plants used a feedstock other than...

Wealthy Ag Lobbies Cry Poor

Welcome to Kernel Watch, a time-to-time AgMag series looking at the follies, excesses and outright distortions spouted by agribusiness and its PR and lobby arms. Their goal is to keep consumers in the...

Throwing Good Money After Bad Lands

In 1982, scientists observed record numbers of migratory birds at California's Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge hatching with massive deformities. Baby birds had grossly misshapen beaks, twisted...

Eating lower - and better - on the food chain

Cutting back on the amount of meat in the American diet is one of the best ways people can shrink their carbon footprint – and at the same time slim their waistlines and improve overall health.

USDA Pushes Advanced Biofuels But Clings to Corn

Even as it announced several initiatives to promote development of advanced biofuels, the Obama Administration made clear Thursday (Oct. 21) that it's not prepared to let go of corn ethanol and other...

NASCAR Gasses Up on Corn Ethanol - For a Price

In a fall season rife with bad news for the corn ethanol industry, its lobby has been hyping a new partnership with NASCAR. According to USA Today, NASCAR CEO and chairman Brian France announced the...

Jimmy Kimmel's Celery Vs. Gummy Bear Calorie Test

On Sept 23rd, Jimmy Kimmel Live hosted "Science Bob" Pflugfelder. Watch below as the acclaimed science educator and Jimmy conduct an experiment to see which has more calories, a piece of celery -- or...

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

Visit Gasland Tonight in DC

If you're in Washington DC tonight (March 16) and want to see a cracking good documentary film on the dangers of natural gas drilling, then head on over to the Carnegie Institution for Science for a...

Top Ten Food and Farm Stories of 2011

Advocates of healthy food and farm policy reform have had a lot of success in 2011.

Healthy Home Tip 4: Pick plastics carefully

Our homes are filled with plastics, and most of us don't really know what they're made of -- or whether they're safe.

Food Companies Take a Page from Tobacco Industry Playbook

Amid an epidemic of childhood obesity, food companies are taking lessons from the tobacco industry on how to target children with advertisements for unhealthy products. The Sensible Food Policy...

Chef Ann Cooper's Toolbox for the School Lunchbox

After 30 years as a top chef in some of this country's best restaurants, Chef Ann Cooper has turned to fighting the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America's children. First she claimed the title...

What's for (School) Lunch? Cornbread and Corn Cobbettes

“Frito-Lay traveling nachos with cornbread, served with a corn cobbette” – that's what's for lunch today in my old elementary school cafeteria in Richmond, VA.

California Leads on Climate Change, Except in Agriculture

When we talk about California and climate change, agriculture matters. California's agriculture sector faces two major challenges: Reduce its contribution to climate change. Arm itself against the...

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

A coalition of environmental groups, including EWG, released a comprehensive biofuels platform highlighting new scientific evidence that indicates that biofuel production and use results in a net...

After Two Decades of Agricultural Disaster Aid A Chronic Dependency Takes Root

September 2006 Pressure is building in Congress for pre-election enactment of the most expensive emergency agricultural disaster aid bill in history.

Flushing Unwanted Meds No Longer The Conventional Wisdom

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, surveys last year in the Bay area found detecable levels of ibuprofen, DEET and other chemicals, Prozac, and a handful of antibiotics in streams and rivers.

Farmers want conservation programs & an end to payment limit abuse

Today Michelle Perez, Senior Analyst for Agriculture & Natural Resources at EWG, enlightens us about the results and implications of the survey The 2007 Farm Bill: U.S. producer preferences for...

Client List for SI

A 2006 client list for Sciences International, the consulting firm that is running CERHR. Read it and you will notice that it is essentially a who's who of the chemical industry (and their trade...

Does Your Tap Water Taste Like Fertilizer?

In an unprecedented analysis of 20 million drinking water quality tests performed by water utilities between 2004 and 2009, EWG found that water suppliers had detected a total of 316 contaminants in...

Sound Science Prevails In EPA Ethanol Decision

WASHINGTON December 1 –The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said today that it will wait until mid-2010 to decide whether to grant a waiver request that would allow up to 15 percent ethanol in...

Kernel-nomics: Big Ethanol's Inflated Job Claims

By Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group Midwest vice-president. Growth Energy, a corn ethanol lobby group, is grossly exaggerating the economic benefits that a higher ethanol blend in the nation's...