
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4945 - 4968 of 7453

Fresh Start Needed on Overripe Farm Bill

If there was one message from yesterday's voting, it's that taxpayers – regardless of party – are worried about the nation's economy and finances.

Plowed Under

High crop prices and unlimited crop insurance subsidies contributed to the loss of more than 23 million acres of grassland, shrub land and wetlands between 2008 and 2011, new research by Environmental...

Farm Bill Pickpockets

Earlier this summer, advocates for the fruit and vegetable industry touted their “commitment to increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption for tens of thousands of students.”

Seeking Reasonable Limits on Crop Insurance Subsidies

“Large farms simply don't need unlimited government support to pay for crop insurance. Capping these premium supports will cut the deficit, while ensuring farms continue to have access to insurance...

EWG’s 2013 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides Coming Soon

EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce will be coming out soon. Stay tuned.

A Loophole for Pesticides Puts Public’s Health at Risk

Shot through a legal loophole with the speed of a Major League fastball, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved roughly 11,000 pesticides intended for use in agriculture, inside homes...

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Last week, the Environmental Working Group released a report analyzing antibiotic resistance of bacteria detected in supermarket meat. We unearthed data buried deep in the annual report of theNational...

EWG 2013 Farm Bill Platform

As Congress gets to work again in 2013 on renewing the farm bill, it has the opportunity to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment and encourage healthy diets, while ending...

Is Lysol’s New Crusade Against Germs “Healthing” or Hurting?

This spring Lysol introduced the world to “healthing,” a perfect buzzword to launch their new marketing ploy/public safety campaign. By blending the words healthy and helping, the campaign is...

California EPA Calls Foul Over Chemical Safety “Improvement” Act

Having lived and worked in California most of my life (and spent the last 12 years at EWG), I could not be more proud of my state’s long-time leadership in protecting public health and the environment...

Small Towns Win Major Fracking Victory in New York’s Highest Court

The small upstate New York towns of Dryden and Middlefield won a huge victory in court Monday over energy companies that have been pushing to drill for natural gas across a broad swath of the state.

The Real Winners of the World Cup

The 32 countries competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup ™ are all required to play by the same rules on the soccer field, but off the field they subscribe to different sets of rules when it comes to...

The Story of Skin Deep

It started with a simple question – how many personal care products do people use every day?

Phthalates Are Out of Children’s Toys, But In Your Food

Just when you thought that phthalates, chemicals added to plastics to make them more flexible, were off your radar, think again.

Germany Proposes Seven-Year Fracking Ban

Environmentalists in Germany have more to celebrate this week than a World Cup championship title.

Pizza and French Fry Lobbyists Also Speak For Lunch Ladies?

School lunch ladies and frozen pizza and french fry companies have more in common than the food they serve: they have also been represented by the same lobbyists.

Teen Body Burden – Where Are They Now?

Six years ago, EWG tested the blood and urine of 20 young adults. We wanted to know whether teens would show higher levels of chemicals associated with cosmetics and other personal care products...

Land Conversion’s Emissions Likely Worse than Keystone’s

Building and operating the Keystone XL Pipeline would pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And as EWG's Heather White has said, approving the pipeline would overlook a better...

It’s Time to End Secret Subsidies

How many members of Congress receive farm subsidies? If the House adopts an amendment to the farm bill requiring disclosure of subsidy recipients, including those who get crop insurance subsidies, we...

Down on the Farm: Where Toledo’s Water Crisis Began

For nearly 70 years, the USDA has relied mostly on voluntary conservation programs that allow farmers to decide for themselves whether or not to use basic conservation measures to prevent runoff from...

Corn Prices Fall, Your Wallet Gets Lighter

This week, the Department of Agriculture predicted that the 2014-2015 U.S. corn harvest will be the largest ever. Because of policies that Congress adopted in the 2014 farm bill, that could also mean...

Chemicals that should disappear from cosmetics

EWG's New Year's resolution for cosmetic manufacturers: shed bad actor ingredients that disrupt the hormone system, cause allergies and may accelerate skin cancer.

Asbestos: Not Gone, Not Forgotten

Asbestos is probably the most infamous carcinogenic material ever used. It has been responsible for the deaths of an untold number of people going as far back as 100 AD, when contemporary reports tell...

We Told You So

A new analysis by economists at Ohio State University and the University of Illinois concludes that lavish subsidy programs created in the 2014 farm bill could cost taxpayers billions more than...