
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5137 - 5160 of 7453

Ask EWG: How to Choose the Best Sunscreen for Your Kids

We get it. Like so many things in parenting, choosing a sunscreen for kids has become ridiculously confusing and anxiety provoking. You don't want your kids to get sunburned, or have other skin damage...

DIY Sunscreen? Bad Idea.

For the avid do-it-yourselfer looking for a natural source of skin protection, trying to make your own sunscreen might seem like a great idea. Sunscreen-grade zinc oxide is available for purchase on...

Doctors Agree: It’s Time for Tighter Regulation of Personal Care Products

Last week the prestigious Journal of American Medical Association, or JAMA, published two important articles online about personal care products – one finding higher than average reports of adverse...

WEN Hair Care Products Linked to Hair Loss

Thousands of Americans, mostly women, have suffered major hair loss after using WEN hair products marketed by one of the nation's largest direct marketing firms Guthy-Renker and its Hollywood...

Trump at 6 Months: An Unprecedented Assault on Children’s Health

President Trump said last week that in his first months in office he has accomplished "more ... than practically any president in history." His claim is not supported by the facts, but at the six...

EPA Chemical Safety Nominee Aided DuPont in Teflon Scandal

Michael Dourson, President Trump's expected nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency's chemical safety office, has made a career of helping industry stave off or weaken regulations on toxic...

Your Utility May Not Tell You About All Contaminants in Your Tap Water. EWG Will.

Here's how our database and the information it delivers stacks up against a typical CCR.

Scott Pruitt Is Turning the EPA into the KGB

Scott Pruitt, polluters' puppet and head of the Environmental Protection Agency, knows most Americans are strongly opposed to his anti-public health, anti-kids, anti-science agenda. That's why he does...

Amid Nationwide Water Quality Concerns, Americans Flock to New Tap Water Database

It has been roughly three weeks since we released EWG's new national drinking water database, and the response from consumers and media outlets has been sweeping and sustained.

Sonny Perdue’s Revolving Door Policy Already in Action

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, President Trump's nominee for secretary of agriculture, is still awaiting a Senate confirmation hearing. But just as he did in Georgia, he's already maneuvering to...

Swimming Upstream Against Infertility: What You Can Do to Protect Your Sperm

In his most recent op-ed in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof examined an alarming rise in sperm or semen abnormalities – including misshapen sperm, lower sperm counts and poor swimming capacity.

10 Questions for Sonny Perdue, Trump's USDA Nominee

On Thursday, the Senate Agriculture Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, President Trump's nominee to head the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Here are 10...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 31)

Here are several of this past week's deep dives on developments coming out of the Trump White House.

8 Questions for Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s FDA Nominee

On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions will hold a confirmation hearing for Scott Gottlieb, a doctor who is President Trump's nominee to run the Food and Drug...

Childhood Cancer: More Evidence Points to Chemical Exposure

September was national Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, reminding Americans of the sobering facts about this terrible disease

The Scariest Trump Appointee You’ve Never Heard Of

The Trump administration just appointed a chemical industry bigwig to a high-level chemical safety position at the Environmental Protection Agency as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of...

Buyer Beware: What’s Really in That 'Healthy' Cereal?

Take our quiz to find out which foods are currently allowed by the FDA to be branded as “healthy” and which are forbidden from using the claim.

Why the Senate Should Reject the ‘License to Kill’ Bill

Most Americans think asbestos was banned decades ago. But asbestos-caused diseases still kill up to 15,000 Americans a year.

Amid High Prices and Strong Demand, Do Cotton Farmers Need 'Relief?'

Some legislators say cotton farmers need more federal financial support. Is this true?