
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5161 - 5184 of 7453

EWG News Roundup (12/16): Michelle Pfeiffer Joins Board and EWG Sues FDA

Some of the biggest news to come out of EWG since its inception more than 22 years ago happened this week, and it wasn't a consumer guide or big policy win. Golden Globe winner, three-time Academy...

10 Ways Trump Has Undermined Chemical Safety

President Trump toured a Shell chemical plant in Pennsylvania Tuesday, supposedly to promote his economic agenda. According to reports, he went off script quite a bit – but one thing he definitely...

Independent Pet Food Task Force Includes Pet Food Co. Scientists

Reprinted from CSPI's Integrity in Science Watch: Proctor & Gamble has launched a massive advertising blitz to counter consumer fears about the rising death toll from poisoned pet food. The firm took...

Critic of "Bottom Feeders" Got $1 Million in Farm Subsidies

An Iowa state senator who called public workers requesting better retirement benefits “bottom feeders with their hand out” has been caught with his own hand in the cookie jar. Sen. Mark Zieman was...

3 Things New Parents Do Differently Today to Protect Babies’ Health

If you're a new parent, it can be confusing to keep up with the latest recommendations about how to give your baby a healthy start. As scientists learn more about the dangers of toxic chemical...

EWG News Roundup (10/11): California Bans Brain Damaging Pesticide, Algae Blooms Across U.S. Swell in 2019 and More

EWG News Roundup (10/11): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

For PFAS, Hazardous Designation Is Not a Ban

Designating the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS as “hazardous substances” is critical to cleaning up legacy contamination of a chemical linked to cancer.

10 Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Louisville, Ky., Tap Water

A sample of residential tap water in Louisville, Ky, contained 10 different compounds in the family of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the...

PFAS Exposure May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – as you may have noticed from the annual explosion of pink products claiming to fund breast cancer research.

Banned Around the Globe – But Still Legal in California?

More than 40 nations have banned or restricted more than 1,400 chemicals in cosmetics and other personal care products. So why are chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm still turning up in...

Fracking fears intensify as exploratory drilling continues in UK

The “fracking” boom that in recent years has flooded the United States with enormous new supplies of natural gas is now washing up on the shores of the United Kingdom, and with it concerns for the...

From Kernel to Grave

For years the federal government wrongly sent millions in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies to dead farmers – a black eye for subsidy defenders and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Now it seems...

Trump May Hand Sarah Palin Keys to Nation’s Public Lands, Wildlife

“Drill, baby, drill!” During her failed bid for vice president in 2008, that was Sarah Palin's crowd-pleasing chant promoting her energy policy. Now the pithy catchphrase – and the former Alaska...

Don’t Expect Trump’s Top Cop Go After Law-Breaking Polluters

President-elect Donald Trump's pick for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., is one of the most outspoken critics of environmental science and biggest climate change skeptics in Washington.

Let’s Fix America’s Broken and Unfair Energy System

It is essential to take fully into account the long-term risks and costs to health, environment and communities of all energy resources and to adopt policies based on least cost to consumers and...

EWG's Women of Courage: Janet Keating

Janet Keating has spent a lifetime as an activist, defender and organizer. Keating, executive director of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, began her career in 1983, as a volunteer with a...

Trump Can’t Kill Wind Power

Earlier this month, President Trump made a couple of unsubstantiated statements about wind power.

The Real Reason Donald Trump Hates Wind

Here's the real reason Trump is attacking wind power: It's going to replace the electricity produced from burning coal. And soon.

Trump and Big Oil Want To Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Market

President Trump's proposed budget for 2020 would eliminate the federal tax credit for buyers of electric vehicles. The oil industry is backing the proposal, as well as a bill to impose a “user fee” –...

Why an ‘All of the Above’ Energy Policy Is Wrong for Fighting Climate Change

This week Capitol Hill was abuzz with talk of climate change. Along with the hotly anticipated unveiling of a framework for the Green New Deal, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing...

Wind and Solar Are Revitalizing Rural America

In 2016, Illinois passed the Future Energy Jobs Act to spur renewable energy investments. It seems to be working: The St Louis Post-Dispatch reports that solar companies are streaming into Illinois...

Not-So-Smart ALEC: Right-Wing Policy Group’s Opposition to Climate Action Drives Away Corporate Members

The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, is a right-wing policy shop that brings together conservative state lawmakers and corporations to develop model legislation that promotes what ALEC...

Coal’s Last Gasp Is a Win-Win for the Economy and Public Health

For some time we've been calling the decline of the coal industry “a death spiral.” Now it's more accurate to call it coal's last gasp.