
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5233 - 5256 of 7453

Triclosan: Not Safe, Not Effective

The time has come to wash our hands of triclosan and other unnecessary antimicrobial chemicals for good.

Protecting Your Hands During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By now you may have seen the effects of repeated handwashing, and they're not pretty.

How To Shop Safely and Eat Well During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although our daily routines have drastically shifted in the past few weeks, one thing hasn't changed: the need to eat healthfully. Healthy eating is always important, but now there's an even more...

Hair Dye Is Flying Off Store Shelves

Americans are stocking up on hair dye, according to a new report by NPR. The article lists some of Nielsen's data about what Americans were buying the week ending March 21. Sales for hair dye...

Cooped Up Because of Coronavirus? Keep the Air Fresh

With the spread of the novel coronavirus, suddenly you and your family are probably hunkered down indoors for most of the day, while also washing your hands and wiping down surfaces to stave off the...

The Pesticide Lobby's ‘Alternative Facts’ About EWG’s Shopper’s Guide

Does hearing about pesticides on produce make people less likely to eat fruits and vegetables? No – just the opposite. But that's what the pesticide lobby would like to have you believe.

New Study Raises Concern About Airborne Exposure to Toxic Algae Blooms

Studies of the health hazards of toxic algae blooms have focused largely on the danger of direct contact with contaminated water in lakes, rivers and the ocean. Now a new study shows that even...

Record-Breaking Number of Algae Outbreaks in 2019

A record-breaking number of potentially toxic algae blooms have plagued bodies of water across the country this summer. According to our map, which tracks news stories of algae blooms, as of August 27...

Curbing Polluting Farm Runoff Is Key to Fighting the Epidemic of Toxic Algae Blooms

In 2011, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., fell “deathly sick” from a severe upper respiratory illness after swimming in a lake infected with toxic algae. Inhofe, a notorious science-denying patron of...

This Fourth of July, You’ll See 70 Percent More Algae Outbreaks Than Last Year

Over the Fourth of July holiday, many of us love to beat the heat in a favorite lake, pond or river. But this year, vacationers from coast to coast will have to look out for a potentially record...

Toxic Algae Blooms: What You Should Know

Toxic algae blooms are a growing epidemic, polluting lakes and other waterways across the U.S., as a 2018 EWG report revealed. They can occur any time, but they thrive when water is warmer, usually...

FDA Tests Confirm Suspicions about PFAS Chemicals in Food

A recent investigation by the Food and Drug Administration found per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in food, including meat, seafood and dairy products; sweet potatoes; pineapples; leafy...

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Senate DARK Act

This week, the Senate Committee on Agriculture will consider a new version of the DARK Act. The House of Representatives has already passed legislation blocking your right to know what's in your food...

Duke Energy Refuses to Acknowledge the New Realities of the Electricity Market

Duke Energy's new 20-year plan for generating power for its 840,000 Indiana customers shows why the nation's largest electric utility is Public Energy Enemy No. 1. It continues the utility's outdated...

EWG PFAS Testimony for the Record to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Below and attached is EWG's testimony to the Environment Subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform for their hearing pertaining to PFAS contamination and the need for corporate...

It’s Time To Ban PFAS from Food Packaging

The recent discovery of fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, in food packaging should serve as a reminder that our diets are as big a source as drinking water of these toxic compounds in our bodies.

Farm Conservation on the Rise, But Also Threats to Drinking Water and Climate

The latest federal Census of Agriculture shows that more farms are adopting conservation practices that can help keep drinking water clean and slow climate change, but it also shows that much more...

EWG Applauds Farm Bill Drinking Water Reforms

Scott Faber, senior vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today following final passage of the farm bill by Congress.

Update: Algae Outbreaks Rose 40 Percent in 2018

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae in U.S. lakes, rivers and other waterways rose by an additional 40 percent this year compared to 2017, according to EWG's tracking of news reports.

UPDATE: Algae Outbreaks Rise Sharply from Coast to Coast

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae are rising sharply this summer in lakes, rivers and streams in the U.S., according to EWG's ongoing tracking of algae outbreaks.

How Michigan Reduced Industrial Discharges of PFAS

At least 2,500 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an updated EWG analysis of government...

EWG News Roundup (5/22): 2020 EWG Guide to Sunscreens, Johnson & Johnson End the Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powder and More

EWG News Roundup (5/22): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Oregon Is a Renewables Leader But Needs Congress’ Help in Wake of Pandemic

Oregon is a national leader in wind and solar development, with strong state policy backing. Oregon's renewable portfolio standard requires that electric utilities get at least half of their power...