
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5329 - 5352 of 7452

Health and Environment Advocates to Congress: Support National Children’s Study

In a letter to the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations, national and state environmental and health organizations called for full funding of the National Children's Study.

EWG Gives Skin Deep a Makeover

Skin Deep boasts a new look today, featuring smoother navigation, easier search functions and additional tips for consumers looking for information on the ingredients in their soap, deodorant...

Nation’s Pediatricians Call on Congress to Protect Kids from Toxic Chemicals

U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children, beginning in the womb, to an untold...

WHO finds cell phone radiation possible carcinogen to humans

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer announced today it has classified cell phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on an increased risk for...

House Republican Plan for EPA would Hurt Public Health

Environmental Working Group (EWG) reaction to both the House Republican and Obama administration budget proposals for the Environmental Protection Agency.

Seasoned Capitol Hill Reporter Joins EWG Public Affairs Staff

The Environmental Working Group is pleased to announce the arrival of Sara Sciammacco as the newest member of its public affairs team as a press secretary.

Utilities Knew Of Chrome-6 Contamination For Years

Some water utility representatives have protested Environmental Working Group's report of laboratory tests that found worrisome levels of chromium-6, a suspected carcinogen, in the drinking water of...

GOP Proposes To Cut Farm Payments

In a time of robust farm income and tight budgets, the House Republican budget resolution takes a small but welcome step toward a more equitable and sensible support structure for American farmers.

U.S. Catches Up with Science On Fluoride in Drinking Water

Since 2005, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been pushing the federal government and municipal water utilities to reduce the levels of fluoride in drinking water to protect children from tooth...

NIH panel links Vitamin A in sunscreen to skin tumors

A key independent science advisory panel has voted to confirm federal researchers' conclusion that retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A found in two-fifths of U.S. sunscreens, speeds the development...

Congress Confirms Drillers Fracked with Diesel

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commends the important investigation of hydraulic fracturing released today (Jan. 31) by U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) and...

EPA Regulates Rocket Fuel in Tap Water

Perchlorate, a common ingredient in rocket fuel and a potent thyroid toxin, will finally be regulated in drinking water, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced today.

EWG'S 2011 Shopper's Guide Helps Cut Consumer Pesticide Exposure

Environmental Working Group has released the seventh edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce with updated information on 53 fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads. EWG...

EWG's Ken Cook Lauds Departing EPA Chief Jackson For Toxic Chemicals Policies

Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement on the decision by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson to step down.

"Fiscal Cliff" Deal Extends Flawed Farm Program

WASHINGTON – Buried in the 150-page “fiscal cliff” tax bill passed New Year's Day is a last-minute farm bill extension that buys time for Congress to craft and debate an improved measure to establish...

EWG Applauds Obama Administration Plan to Address Chromium-6 Contamination

Just two days after the release of Environmental Working Group's (EWG) analysis of chromium-6 (hexavalent chromium) contamination in the drinking water of 31 U.S. cities, the federal Environmental...

What’s In Your Bottled Water – Besides Water?

A survey of websites and labels of more than 170 bottled waters sold in the U.S. found only three – and only one of the top 10 domestic brands – that give customers information about the water's...

Obama Signs Child Nutrition Act

Taking an historic step to improve the health of children across the country, President Obama signed into law today (Dec. 13) the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. For the first time in three decades...

Cardin Offers Hope for the Chesapeake Bay

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced legislation today aimed at reducing pollution that has endangered the Chesapeake Bay watershed for over 25 years. The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem...

Low Vitamin D in U.S. Children linked to FDA’s Foot-Dragging on Sunscreen Standards

Researchers from a major medical center in New York have reported that 7 out of 10 U.S. children have low levels of vitamin D, placing them at higher risk for bone disorders, heart disease, and other...

New 'Study' Fails to Analyze Key Health Benefits of Organic Food

A report from a group of English researchers who claim to have conducted “the most extensive systematic review of the available published literature on nutrient content of organic food ever conducted...

67 of the Dirtiest Power Plants off the Hook in Current Climate Legislation

The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), narrowly approved in the House, is an important first step toward slowing climate change.

Most Bottled Water Brands Don’t Disclose Information About Source, Purity and Contaminants

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation of almost 200 popular bottled water brands found less than 2 percent disclose the water's source, how the water has been purified and what chemical...

EQIP Cuts Worse Than Expected

The US Geological Survey reported today that nutrient loading in the Gulf of Mexico will be among the highest measured in the past 30 years. This news underscores how decades of broken funding...