
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5425 - 5448 of 7452

New Draft Proposal To Update TSCA Falls Short

New legislation to update TSCA falls far short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe.

Americans Deserve a Bill That Protects Them from Dangerous Chemicals

A revised proposal to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 still falls short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe, EWG said today.

Analysis Finds Hormone Disruptor Used in Cosmetics in Nearly 50 Different Foods

A new EWG analysis has found propyl paraben, a preservative linked to hormone disruption and not allowed in food sold in the European Union, in nearly 50 U.S. snack foods, including Sara Lee cinnamon...

EWG-Duke Study Finds Five Times As Much Cancer-Causing Fire Retardant in Children As Mothers

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University have found evidence that the average level of a cancer-causing fire retardant chemical in the bodies of children tested was nearly...

Growing Crops Too Close to Stream Banks Pollutes Minnesota Waterways

Nearly 170 waterways in southern Minnesota get a grade of D or F because they lack the required protective strips of vegetation that prevent farm runoff from polluting nearby rivers and streams...

Voters in Six Key States Overwhelmingly Favor Mandatory GMO Food Labeling

New surveys show that citizens in six key states overwhelmingly support mandatory labeling for foods containing genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs.

Big Food Companies Spend Millions to Defeat GMO Labeling

Federal lobby disclosure forms from big food and biotechnology companies, and their trade groups opposed to mandatory GMO labeling reveal a surge in lobbying expenditures during the first half of 2015...

National Black Farmers Association and EWG Applaud Crop Insurance Reform in Budget Deal

Here is a joint statement from John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association, and Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs of EWG, on a critical crop insurance reform...

Fewer Taxpayer Giveaways Would Cut the Fat, Not ‘Cripple’ Crop Insurance

The proposed $3 billion cut in crop insurance subsidies in the recent federal budget deal would not “kill the crop insurance program,” contrary to claims by the crop insurance industry and its allies...

EWG Applauds Exclusion of Anti-GMO Labeling Rider in Omnibus

EWG applauded the rejection today by congressional leaders of efforts by the food industry to block GMO labeling through a rider in the omnibus spending bill.

EWG's Dietary Guidelines Give Straight Facts, No Spin

EWG's new Dietary Guidelines give people solid nutrition advice and highlight the shortcomings of the Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines for Americans released earlier this month, which were...

Farm Bill “Reforms” Fall Flat as Crop Subsidies Soar in New Projections

Despite promises from Congress that reforms to the farm subsidy program would save taxpayers money, spending on subsidies will soar in the next three years, according to new government spending...

Sen. Merkley Introduces GMO Labeling Bill that Consumers and Food Industry Can Support

EWG applauds Sen. Jeff Merkley (D- Ore.) for introducing a common-sense approach to GMO labeling that both the food industry and consumer groups can support.

U.S. Seafood Advice Could Expose Women and Babies to Too Much Mercury, Not Enough Healthy Fats

Pregnant women who follow the federal government's draft dietary advice could eat too much fish high in toxic mercury, which is harmful to the developing brains of fetuses, babies and young children...

General Mills to Disclose GMOs

EWG applauds General Mills for disclosing the presence of GMOs on their products.

In Kids’ Cereals, Mini-Servings Hide Mountains of Sugar

Kids who eat a bowl a day of the most popular pre-sweetened cereals could consume five to nine pounds more sugar a year than parents might think from reading nutrition labels, according to a new...

Big Market for Black Cosmetics, but Less-Hazardous Choices Limited

In a growing market for Black cosmetics, Black women nonetheless have limited choices for products that score low in potentially harmful ingredients, an EWG analysis of more than 1,100 products found...

Author and Advocate Meg Hirshberg Joins EWG’s Board of Directors

Meg Cadoux Hirshberg, a nationally recognized health and wellness advocate and author, has joined the board of directors at EWG, further raising the group's profile as the nation's leading...

Picking Pruitt for EPA, Trump Signals Campaign Attacks Against Public Health Will Become Policy

The nation's public health protection laws, including those in place to reduce pollution in our air, land and water, will be under withering assault with President-elect Donald Trump's apparent pick...

EWG: Senate Panel Breaks Rules, Approves ‘Worst EPA Nominee in History’

Scott Pruitt, approved today by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as the next head of the Environmental Protection Agency, would take office as the worst EPA administrator in history...

In Game-Changing Move, Unilever Will Disclose Fragrance Ingredients to Consumers

For decades, federal regulations have let companies use the word “fragrance” on soap, shampoo, skincare and other personal care product labels to hide the identity of multiple chemicals, many of them...

EWG Calls on Justice Department to Investigate Pruitt’s Potentially Misleading Statements to Senate Environment Panel

The Environmental Working Group urged the Department of Justice today to investigate whether Scott Pruitt, President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, made false or...

EWG: DuPont Settles Big Teflon Case, But PFOA Pollution Lingers Nationwide

DuPont and its spinoff company Chemours agreed today to pay $671 million to settle about 3,500 lawsuits from West Virginia and Ohio residents whose drinking water was poisoned by a cancer-causing...

Plate of the Union: New Campaign Will Activate Consumers for Healthy Food and Sustainable Farm Policy

Every five years, the government passes an almost-trillion-dollar piece of legislation that profoundly impacts food and farm policy. For decades, big agribusiness has dominated the process, with its...