
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5473 - 5496 of 7452

EWG Petitions Government to Evaluate Cancer-Causing Potential Of Fluoride in Tap Water

EWG petitions the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to evaluate cancer-causing potential of fluoride in tap water.

Sen. Udall Joins Citizens From Across U.S. to Denounce EPA Delay on TCE Bans

On Wednesday, Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., will join Americans impacted by the industrial solvent trichloroethylene, or TCE, to demand that the Environmental Protection Agency carry out proposed bans on...

Johnson & Johnson Will Give Consumers More Information About Fragrance Ingredients

Today Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest multinational manufacturers of consumer packaged goods, announced a new transparency initiative that will provide additional details on fragrance chemicals...

Scott Pruitt Cooks the Books on Toxic Chemical Evaluations, Including Asbestos

Today the Environmental Protection Agency released documents indicating it will dramatically scale back its safety evaluations for 10 chemicals under the revamped Toxic Substances Control Act

EWG Seeks USDA Records on $12 Billion Payout for Farmers Hit by Trump’s Trade War

The Environmental Working Group has petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture for all records concerning its decision to pay up to $12 billion to farmers harmed by retaliatory tariffs levied on U...

EPA Watchdog Slams Agency’s Failure to Address Asbestos in U.S. Schools

The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to take the required and necessary steps under federal law to protect children from the dangers of asbestos exposure in the nation's public and private...

Congress Poised to Act to Reduce Major Source of PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water

Congressional leaders included a provision in legislation that will give commercial airports the option to switch to firefighting foams that do not include the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals known...

EWG Petitions USDA for Records on Payments to Farmers Hit by Trump’s Trade War

Environmental Working Group is seeking disclosure of details on the taxpayer-funded payments to farmers through President Trump's $12 billion bailout for growers impacted by the president's trade war.

With New Laws, California Leads the Nation in Protecting Kids from Lead Exposure

Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law three landmark proposals to protect California's children from exposure to lead.

After Axing Key Science Office, Trump Puts Ex-Koch Exec in Charge of Research at EPA

The Trump administration has tapped a longtime chemical and fossil fuel industry executive, who most recently worked for the ultraconservative Koch brothers, to head the scientific research arm of the...

Trump’s Regulatory Rollback Agenda Leaves Families and Workers Exposed to Toxic Chemicals

The Trump administration's just-released regulatory roadmap leaves no stone unturned when it comes to rolling back safeguards designed to protect children, families and workers from exposure to...

Trump EPA Moves To Shield Info on Asbestos Imports and Use From Public

The Trump administration has denied a petition by a coalition of environmental groups calling for increased reporting of asbestos importation and use by U.S. manufacturers – despite a sharp rise in...

Trump EPA Indefinitely Delays Bans on Deadly Chemicals

The Trump Administration last week proposed to indefinitely delay proposed bans of high-risk uses of three toxic chemicals: Methylene chloride and N-Methylpyrrolidone, or NMP, in paint strippers and...

Trump EPA To Leave Lethal Paint Stripper Chemical Legal for Workers

The Trump administration is likely to allow methylene chloride, a dangerous chemical that can kill a person on contact, to remain an ingredient in paint stripper products for commercial use. The...

Trump EPA’s Meddling with Toxic Chemicals Law Sparks Bipartisan Calls for Oversight Hearing

Concern among members of Congress over the Trump administration's implementation of the updated federal chemicals law burst across the aisle this week, with both the top Republican and Democrat on a...

EWG: ‘Unilever Has Raised the Bar for Fragrance Transparency’

The Environmental Working Group applauds personal care products giant Unilever for making good on its commitment to give consumers information about fragrance ingredients across its 15 brands of...

Trump PFAS Plan Is a Recipe for More Contamination

The Environmental Protection Agency's so-called PFAS management plan would only make the nationwide crisis of pervasive pollution from fluorinated compounds worse, EWG said.

Pioneers in PFAS Fight Call Out Trump EPA’s ‘Action Plan’

Two of the nation's leading voices fighting for victims of PFAS contamination and pushing for federal action sharply rebuked the Environmental Protection Agency's toothless “action plan” for the...

Senate Confirms Wheeler, Ex-Fossil Fuel Lobbyist, To Head EPA

The Senate today confirmed Andrew Wheeler, a former top lobbyist for coal and chemical companies, as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

NYT: To Avoid Cleanup, Pentagon Demands PFAS Standards Up to 30x Higher Than Safe Level in Federal Study

The Pentagon is lobbying the White House to back woefully weak cleanup standards for PFAS chemicals, which contaminate water on or near hundreds of military bases, according to The New York Times.

White House, EPA Ignore Calls To Protect Workers From Deadly Paint Stripper Chemical

The Trump administration announced today it will allow methylene chloride, a dangerous chemical that can kill a person on contact, to remain an ingredient in paint-stripper products for commercial use...

Report: Despite Growing Contamination Crisis, PFAS Chemical Use in U.S. Swells

Between 2012 and 2016, at least 30 new fluorinated chemicals, commonly called PFAS, were produced in significant volumes, according to Environmental Protection Agency data analyzed by Public Employees...

Wheeler Defends Trump’s Plan To Slash EPA Budget

In testimony before a House committee today, Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler defended President Trump's proposed 31 percent budget cut to the agency.

In Senate Hearing, EPA’s Wheeler Rejects Calls To Ban Asbestos, Dodges Risks From PFAS Chemicals

In testimony today before a Senate appropriations committee, Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler refused to support banning asbestos, one of the deadliest known carcinogens, and...