
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5545 - 5568 of 7456


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come out against a provision in the federal energy bill shielding oil companies from lawsuits over water pollution by the toxic gasoline additive MTBE — a stance at odds...

Environmental Working Group's Response to the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association on Congress' Proposed MTBE Accountability Shield

The NPRA's propaganda about our report is painstakingly crafted to confuse the issues, but it makes one thing perfectly clear: The oil industry is desperate to get the accountability shield, and...

'CHEERS' Children and Pesticides Debate Widens to Congress

The Children's Environmental Exposure Research Study, or CHEERS study would measure pesticide and chemical levels in 60 Florida children who would be selected for the study based on heavy pesticide...

A $400 Million Xmas Present From U.S. Taxpayers

Every year, U.S. taxpayers give California farmers a $400 million Christmas present.

USA TODAY Ad Names Cosmetics Companies That Won't Commit To Removing Toxic Chemicals From American Products

A full-page advertisement in USA Today challenges cosmetics companies to come clean about whether they plan to remove toxic chemicals that are banned in the European Union from products sold on...

Investigation Shows That Despite Claims, Oil And Gas Industry Has Had Wide Access To The West

The oil and gas industry and federal officials repeatedly claim that environmental protections have blocked their access to Western lands and hurt efforts to reduce dependence on foreign sources of...

Federal Panel Okays Limited Pesticide Tests on Humans

A National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel today recommended limits on chemical industry testing of pesticides and toxic chemicals on human subjects.

Website Reveals Size, Scope and Locations of Utah Public Land Giveaways To Oil and Gas Companies

Today 5,000 acres of environmentally sensitive public land in Utah face permanent loss of protection at taxpayer-subsidized auction. A new computer investigation of federal data by the Environmental...

U.S. Mercury Standard Among Worst in World

A joint UN - WHO expert food committee has just recommended a new international standard for mercury in seafood that continues to allow a dangerous mercury exposure level, and is particularly...

Senator Boxer's letter to FDA

Correspondence regarding perchlorate contamination in food growth in the United States

Environmental Working Group calls for Immediate Recall of Arsenic-Treated Playsets and Reimbursement for Consumers

The Environmental Working Group today asked the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to ban the use of arsenic-treated wood in outdoor play structures and to order consumer refunds for millions...

Ford Hid SUV Rollover Evidence For Decades

Like other car companies, Ford has consistently fought mandatory increases in fuel economy for SUVs and other vehicles by invoking fears that higher mileage requirements would result in smaller, more...

NAS Committee Meets on Testing of Pesticides, Toxic Chemicals on Humans

A National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel, requested by the Bush Administration, will meet January 8-9, 2003 to begin its review of the ethics of chemical companies using humans in laboratory tests...

Glacier's Press Release

Statement by Brian McInerney, President and CEO of Glacier Water Services, Inc.

EWG Study Finds FDA Out to Lunch on Protecting Women from Mercury in Fish

Internal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents obtained by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveal that the agency is failing in its public health obligation to protect pregnant women and...

Thyroid Toxin Taints Water Supplies for Millions in Calif. & Nationwide

Sources of drinking water for more than 7 million Californians and unknown millions of other Americans are contaminated with a chemical that disrupts child development and may cause thyroid cancer...

Leading Play Structure Manufacturer Goes Arsenic-Free

The East Coast's leading manufacturer of wooden playground equipment, PlayNation Play Systems, Inc., announced today that it will discontinue the use of arsenic-treated lumber, becoming the first...

Government Seafood Consumption Advice Could Expose 1 In 4 Newborns to Elevated Mercury Levels

Government recommendations for fish consumption could expose more than one in four expectant mothers - 1 million women - to enough mercury to put the health of their fetuses at risk, according to a...

EPA sharply restricts consumer use of diazinon, nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide

Citing excessive risk to children, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today moved to sharply restrict consumer use of diazinon, the nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide.

Aerospace contractor pays Californians $1,000 to eat thyroid toxin in first large-scale human test of water pollutant

On behalf of military contractor Lockheed Martin, Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical...

Antibacterial Agent No Better Than Soap & Water – and It’s Toxic

It's a toxic pesticide that may be in your child's toothpaste and toys, in your bed, kitchen counters and clothing. It's supposed to kill germs, but is really no better than soap and water, and could...

House Bill Would Ban BPA In Infant Formula

Legislation introduced today will protect all formula-fed babies from being exposed to high levels of BPA by removing the toxic chemical from all food containers, including those for infant formula.

Landmark Chemical Reform Introduced in Congress

Amid rising concern over toxic chemicals in consumer products and the bodies of Americans, three members of Congress today introduced legislation to make sure chemicals are safe before they are...

FDA Cites Discredited Industry Science in Justifying High Levels of Contaminants in Infant Formula

In response to a congressional inquiry, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted that it based its determination that current levels of BPA exposure pose no health risks on two studies...