
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5569 - 5592 of 7456

The New West: Mine Claims Crowd Booming Cities

Soaring prices for gold, copper, and uranium have sparked an explosion of mining claims that are encroaching on booming cities, sprawling suburbs, small towns and rural recreation havens throughout...

Uranium Mining Operations Near South Rim of Grand Canyon Approved

In an ominous move that threatens the integrity of the nation's most iconic natural treasure, the Forest Service has approved drilling for uranium at as many as 39 sites near the south rim of the...

Congressional Demands Follow on Heels of EWG Study Showing Widespread Use of the Toxic Chemical BPA in Formula Cans

Following an analysis by Environmental Working Group (EWG) that found that all infant formula manufacturers in the U.S. are using the toxic chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA) in their formula containers...

Major U.S. Retailers to Pull Asbestos Tainted Toy from Shelves

Independent Lab Studies Conducted by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Found Dangerous Levels of Cancer-Causing Chemical in Popular Children's Toy

Connecticut State Officials Remove Asbestos Toy from Store Shelves

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Executive Director, Richard Wiles, praised the action of Connecticut state officials that removed fromsale all Planet Toys' CSI: Crime Scene Investigationtm...

Colorado’s Pristine Roan Plateau Threatened By Drilling Surge

As Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter prepares to take a stand on federal plans to allow thousands of oil and gas wells on Colorado's Roan Plateau and surrounding land, an investigation by Environmental...

Children Exposed Daily to Personal Care Products With Chemicals Not Found Safe For Kids

From baby shampoo to diaper wipes, children are exposed to products every day containing chemicals that have not been assessed for their hazards to children, according to an investigation by...

Environmental Working Group Applauds House Passage of Landmark Mining Reform Legislation

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Public Lands Senior Analyst Dusty Horwitt applauded today's vote in the House supporting landmark reform of the nation's antiquated mining law, first put on the books...

Media Advisory

Members of the media are invited to join Indiana Senator Richard Lugar and EWG president Ken Cook on Thursday, November 1st for a press conference announcing the launch of the EWG report on Direct...

Mercury in Fish Predicted To Soar

A landmark study by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and universities in the U.S. and Australia has, for the first time, documented how escalating mercury-laden air emissions, chiefly...

Like Strawberries? You'll Love This

The battle over a cancer-causing pesticide often applied to California strawberry fields is over. The maker of the highly toxic methyl iodide has pulled the agriculture pesticide from the American...

FDA Plan For Livestock Antibiotics Phase-Out Is Too Little, Too Late

The federal Food and Drug Administration's call for the livestock industry to voluntarily stop dosing healthy animals with antibiotics is “is long overdue and inadequate”, Heather White, executive...

EWG's Scott Faber Urges Congress to Reform Biofuels Policy

Congress should reform the federal biofuels program known as the Renewable Fuel Standard by reducing the requirement to blend corn ethanol into gasoline and ending corn ethanol's exemption from...

EWG’s Cook Applauds Wash State AG’s Lawsuit Against Food Industry’s Secretive Spending On GMO Labeling Initiative

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook today called on the Grocery Manufacturers Association to fully disclose which member companies contributed money to the secretive and potentially illegal...

Senator Helps to Protect Our Food

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) helped to protect the safety of food today by stripping a controversial rider that would have given Monsanto and other agrichemical...

Legislation Would Require Clear Labeling of GE Food

Environmental Working Group applauds Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) for introducing the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act, bipartisan legislation that would...

EWG Commends Whole Foods for Setting Deadline for Labeling GE Foods

Environmental Working Group applauds food retailer Whole Foods Market for its decision to label any foods sold in its U.S. and Canadian stores that contain genetically engineered ingredients by 2018...

EWG President Ken Cook's statement on California Proposition 37

Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group and a California resident, issued the following statement on the defeat of Proposition 37 – the California ballot initiative that would have...

Top Natural Foods Industry Leaders Say California's Prop 37 GMO Labeling Bid Won't Raise Food Prices

Executives of Whole Foods Market and other top natural and organic food companies held a conference call with reporters yesterday to support California's Proposition 37, a ballot initiative that calls...

Chemical Giants Spend Millions To Fight GMO Food Labeling

Americans eat their weight yearly in genetically engineered food, much of it created by large chemical and pesticide companies funding an expensive ad campaign to defeat the common-sense Proposition...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Johnson & Johnson Cleans Formaldehyde Out Of Baby Products, Moving To Adult Goods

Washington, D.C. – EWG executive director Heather White said that personal care products giant Johnson & Johnson has taken a major step forward by reformulating about 100 of its baby products to...

Farm Bill Falls Far Short Of Vital Reform

The bill produced by the farm bill conference committee falls far short of the reforms needed to create a federal food and agricultural policy that can meet the challenges of the 21st century, the...

Obama Energy Plan Threatens Air, Land, Water

President Obama's State of the Union message calling for accelerating natural gas production is “a serious threat to our air, land and water,” Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook said today...