
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5593 - 5616 of 7456

Forbes Billionaires Reaped Millions in Farm Subsidies

At least 50 billionaires or farm businesses in which they had a financial interest benefited from $11.3 million in traditional farm subsidies between 1995 and 2012, according to a new analysis...

Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Assessment

EWG Executive Director Heather White released the following statement today on the U.S. Department of State's Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Keystone XL pipeline permit.

New Farm Law is Bad for Taxpayers and the Environment

President Obama signed into law today a farm bill that is bad for taxpayers and bad for the environment, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement.

“Yoga Mat” Chemical Found in nearly 500 Foods

The controversial “yoga mat” chemical that Vani Hari, creator of, campaigned to remove from Subway sandwich bread has turned up in nearly 500 items and more than 130 brands of bread...

To reach ‘net zero,’ Duke Energy doubles down on gas and nukes

Flying in the face of the nation’s urgent need to transition rapidly to clean and safe energy, Duke Energy is doubling down on plans to invest billions of dollars in natural gas plants and nuclear...

Oil and gas: An industry in decline

The oil and gas industry, from extraction to transportation to refining, is no longer the profitable and financially stable enterprise it long was. Over the past decade, the industry’s profits have...

Tone Deaf: The Facts Behind Duke Energy’s Low-Income Programs

In a November 2017 interview, Lynn Good, CEO of Duke Energy, said: “Affordability is really important, whether you are a consumer with low discretionary income or you’re an industrial company that’s competing against Georgia or China or Latin America. … So we can’t walk away from affordability.” 1 Duke elevated “affordable energy” as a priority in its 2018 sustainability report, 2 even pointing to

EWG urges FDA to quickly set limits on toxic metals in baby food

The Environmental Working Group today urged the Food and Drug Administration to quickly follow through on its plan to set mandatory limits on levels of toxic heavy metals in baby food.

Common drinking water contaminant linked to spike in Parkinson’s disease

A common chemical used in dry cleaning, carpet cleaners, shoe polish and industrial processes that contaminates the drinking water supply for millions of people could contribute to an explosion in the...

More monitoring needed to keep people safe from algae toxins in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin

A new EWG interactive map shows results of state tests for the algae bloom toxin microcystin across Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Our analysis found that much more regular microcystin monitoring is needed in these three states to keep people safe from algae outbreaks.

Biden’s first budget: Billions for clean energy, environment and public health

President Biden’s first budget proposal marks a dramatic shift in priorities away from the Trump administration, proposing billions for critical environmental, public health and clean energy programs.

Biomass energy: The dangerous carbon shell game putting forests and climate at risk

To avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis, not only must we drastically cut emissions but we must also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Medical monitoring bill will provide justice for victims of ‘forever chemicals’

Today, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Reps. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) and Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) introduced bicameral legislation to allow people exposed to the toxic “forever chemicals” known as...

The EPA hasn’t banned this brain-damaging pesticide, so states are stepping up

Chlorpyrifos is the most widely used organophosphate pesticide in the U.S., with millions of pounds sprayed every year. Scientists have definitively linked it to severe brain damage in children and...

Only 25 percent of sunscreens offer adequate protection, no worrisome ingredients

Today the Environmental Working Group released its 15th annual Guide to Sunscreens. This year, EWG researchers rated the safety and efficacy of more than 1,800 products that advertise sun protection –...

Arsenic in baby food: N.Y. attorney general launches probe into four major brands

A new front just opened in the battle over toxic heavy metals in baby foods.

PFAS News Roundup

This Week in PFAS: Roundup of news about toxic 'forever chemicals." (5/14)

The new generation of ‘forever chemicals’ – toxicity, exposure, contamination and regulation

The fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of synthetic, toxic and persistent chemicals used in more than 1,000 consumer and industrial products and...

It’s already a big year for algae outbreaks

It is not even June, yet algae blooms are already erupting in lakes, rivers and streams across the United States.

EWG applauds bill to limit PFAS discharges into water

The Environmental Working Group today applauded Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Chris Pappas (D-N.H.) for leading efforts to limit discharges into drinking water supplies of the toxic...

DeLauro bill directs FDA to narrow food chemical loopholes

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced legislation today to direct the Food and Drug Administration to narrow loopholes that have allowed chemical companies to decide whether food chemicals are safe...

FDA announces voluntary recall of infant rice cereal after tests find high arsenic levels

The Food and Drug Administration is announcing a voluntary recall of Beech-Nut Stage 1 Single Grain Rice Cereal after the State of Alaska discovered samples that contained inorganic arsenic levels...

For the FDA, toxic chemicals are a kitchen table issue

When Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, testifies before a Senate spending committee on Thursday, she will likely face a lot of questions about toxic...

PFAS news roundup

June 11: It’s raining PFAS, EPA acts to protect public from ‘forever chemicals,’ Congress introduces bills to mandate DOD cleanup of PFAS and more