
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5617 - 5640 of 7456

Toxic Beaches: Hundreds of Closures and Health Warnings in 2020

Toxic algae and bacteria forced the closure of at least 116 U.S. beaches and triggered health warnings at 162 more this spring and summer, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working...

Former CDC Director, Hero of Smallpox Fight, Joins EWG’s Call for Redfield To Resign Over Trump Administration’s Botched Covid-19 Response

The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who led the successful effort to stamp out smallpox, has joined EWG in calling on the current CDC director to resign over the...

World Energy Outlook: Solar Power Will Be ‘the New King’ by 2030

Renewables, led by solar power, will become the dominant source of the world's electricity by 2030, according to a just-released analysis by the International Energy Agency.

Defying a Federal Court Order, Trump’s EPA Approves Continued Use of Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba

In defiance of a federal court order, on Tuesday the Environmental Protection Agency extended the use of a weedkiller linked to cancer, pitting farmers who use it on genetically engineered crops...

National Black Farmers Association and EWG Applaud the Justice for Black Farmers Act

The following is the statement of John Boyd, founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, and Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs, on the introduction...

In Major Win for Consumers, Johnson & Johnson Ends Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powders

EWG today welcomed the news that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of talc-based baby powders in the U.S. and Canada, and called on other cosmetic companies to end the use of talc in other...

In Final Defense Bill, Too Little Progress on ‘Forever Chemicals’

A House-Senate conference committee today approved a final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2021, which both houses will vote on before it goes to the White House for President...

Despite Record Deficits and Anger Over Government Spending, Federal Commodity Crop Spending Continues Unabated

In a time of ballooning federal budget deficits, robust farm income and increasing populist anger over government spending and intervention in the private sector, it would seem prudent to trim...

Lawmakers, Researchers, Doctors Reject Schwarzenegger’s Flawed Green Chemistry Proposal

Oakland, Calif. – Lawmakers, public health advocates, scientists, public utility managers and medical doctors are demanding that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger withdraw his administration's...

UCLA study: U.S. Women at Greater Risk from Teflon Chemical

A major new study published yesterday in Human Reproduction, a European reproductive medicine journal, has found that pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the United States are at greater...

House Fails to Pass Federal Farm Bill

Washington, D.C. --- Scott Faber, EWG’s Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a federal farm bill. The...

Bill Would Modernize Conservation Programs in Farm Bill

Environmental Working Group (EWG) applauds Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and the other co-sponsors of the Balancing Food, Farm and the Environment Act for recognizing that our land, our food, and our...

7.2 Million Acres of Wetlands and Fragile Land Go Under the Plow

A new analysis released by Environmental Working Group shows that 1.9 million acres, or near 3,000 square miles of wetlands and nearby habitat, went under the plow in the United States between 2008...

Inappropriate Antibiotic Use in Animals ‘Makes Everyone Less Safe,’ CDC Says

In its first comprehensive report on antibiotic resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges what many public health officials have known for years: there is a critical link...

New Supplemental Coverage Proposal Would Bulk Up Farm Subsidies and Crop Insurance, Report Shows

A proposed supplemental crop insurance program included in the pending farm bills in both the House and Senate would have boosted windfall profits for farm businesses and increased federally...

California Finalizes Stronger, Healthier Fire Safety Rules

Gov. Jerry Brown's decision to revise regulations that led manufacturers to add large amounts of toxic fire retardants to foam furniture sold in California “is a public health victory for all...

Next Agriculture Secretary Must Confront New Food and Farm Challenges

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Tom Vilsack to be Secretary of Agriculture, according to news reports. Here is a statement from Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs

Biden’s Choice of Granholm for Energy Secretary Heralds Shift to Clean, Renewable Sources

President-elect Joe Biden's pick of former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to be energy secretary signals a commitment to the clean energy revolution – a sharp contrast to the Trump administration's...

Conflict of Interest: Minn. Official Tied to 3M Drags Feet on Teflon Testing

EWG sent this letter to Sheryl Corrigan, Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. A Minnesota Public Radio investigation raised concerns about Corrigan's priorities with regard to 3M...

EPA Needs to Set Enforceable Standards for Currently Unregulated Drinking Water Pollutants

Comments to the Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board (SAB), Public Teleconference on the EPA SAB Drinking Water Committee report on EPA's draft Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate...

In an email to the JOEM editorial board

The following email was sent by JOEM editor Paul Brandt-Rauf to the members of the Journal's Editorial Board via Managing editor Marjory Spraycar. From: Paul Brandt-Rauf Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006...

EWG Letter to Infant Formula Manufacturers

Background. BPA is a toxic plastics chemical that leaches from the lining of metal food cans, including infant formula cans. Based on limited data from an FDA testing program of infant formula (14...

Statement of Dusty Horwitt, JD at Oversight Hearing on Hardrock Mining on Federal Land

Before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Thursday, September 27, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. Public Lands Analyst Environmental Working Group Submitted for the Record Background Mr. Chairman...

Statement: Washington Post "Backward in the Senate"

Charles Lane uncorked this beaut last week, after the Dorgan-Grassley and Klobuchar amendments went down. It's a fitting contribution to the legacy of the late Peter Milius, who roared on the Post's...