
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5689 - 5712 of 7456

EWG and 18,000 supporters call for FDA to improve seafood consumption advice for pregnant women and children

EWG and 18,444 EWG supporters ask the Food and Drug Administration Risk Communication Advisory Committee to improve new draft advice on seafood consumption during pregnancy and childhood.

Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

Dietary guidelines need to inform consumers of the dangers of mercury in certain seafood and provide clear labeling of added sugars in food. These are key elements for establishing effective...

EWG Calls on Mary Kay to Support the Personal Care Products Safety Act

Dear Mary Kay: I urge Mary Kay to join cosmetic industry leaders – including L’Oreal, Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and many others – in support S.1014, the Personal Care Products Safety...

Environmental Working Group Urges Congress to Pass Landmark Mining Reform Legislation

WASHINGTON - Environmental Working Group (EWG) Public Lands Senior Analyst Dusty Horwitt, called on the Congress to reform the 1872 Mining Act, signed into law by Ulysses S. Grant and not amended in...

EWG Letter to EPA: Conflict of Interest on Advisory Board

EWG is disturbed to learn that Dennis C. Paustenbach is on the "Short List" of potential appointees to the Asbestos Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board. EPA's Ispecifies that appointees to the...

EWG Letter to Panel

February 28, 2007 David A. Schwartz, M.D. Director National Toxicology Program National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Fax: 919.541.2260...

EWG Letter to the FDA Re: Benzene

February 28, 2006 Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D. Acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Dear Dr. von Eschenbach: We have recently...

EWG outlines Teflon chemical health risks

EWG and Environmental Defence Canada comment that the Canadian government's Draft Screening Assessment for perfluorooctanoic acid ignores at least 12 key human and laboratory studies. Evidence...

EWG supports CA proposal to get toxic teflon chemicals out of food packaging

Testimony before the California State Senate Committee on Environmental Quality by Sonya Lunder, Senior Analyst, Environmental Working Group on a hearing on Senate Bill 1313.

EWG, Public Citizen Back San Francisco Cell Phone Law

EWG and consumer advocate Public Citizen filed a brief supporting San Francisco's decision to require cell phone vendors to give consumers facts about potential health risks of cell phone radiation...

Harvard: Prof Did Not "Intentionally" Suppress Fluoride-Cancer Study

(WASHINGTON, Aug. 16) — A closed-door Harvard University panel said yesterday that professor Chester Douglass "did not intentionally omit, misrepresent or suppress research results" of a fluoride bone...

Pharmaceuticals Pollute U.S. Tap Water

Immediate Release: Monday, March 10, 2008 Contact: EWG Public Affairs (202) 667-6982 WASHINGTON - A wide range of pharmaceuticals that include antibiotics, sex hormones, and drugs used to treat...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA to Prioritize Chemicals for Proposition 65 Review

EWG submitted comments to California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee to recommend the prioritization of four...

Consumer Guides

Healthy Living App

EWG's Healthy Living app provides ratings for more than 130,000 food, personal care and cleaning products. Living your healthiest life has never been so easy.

EWG Comments on the EPA Office of Research and Development Staff Handbook for Developing IRIS Assessments Public Comment Draft

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments to the EPA Office of Research and Development urging the agency to include the Hallmarks of Cancer approach as a part of the cancer hazard...

EWG: FDA's Call for Food Companies To Remove Arsenic, Other Heavy Metals in Baby Food Falls Short

The letter sent today to manufacturers of baby and toddler food by the Food and Drug Administration reminding them that they must comply with the manufacturing rules outlined by the Food Safety...

EWG News Roundup (1/8): EWG Calls for President Trump’s Removal From Office, PFAS Detected in 100 Ohio Water Systems and More

EWG News Roundup (1/8): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Will the Pentagon Continue To Flout State Standards for ‘Forever Chemicals’?

In 2019, in the absence of enforceable federal limits, New Hampshire became one of the first states to set its own drinking water standards for the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

EWG Comments to EPA's National Environmental Justice Advisory Council on Water Quality Concerns

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments to urge the EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council to focus on drinking water quality concerns in overburdened communities across the...

The promise of the clean energy economy for American workers

One week after taking office, President Biden signed sweeping executive orders outlining ambitious plans to tackle the climate crisis and speed the transition to a clean energy economy, and promised that workers in the fossil fuel economy will not be left behind.

Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Bills Should Tackle Failing U.S. Tap Water System

By spending billions to upgrade the nation’s failing water infrastructure, Congress can create tens of thousands of jobs and significantly improve the safety of drinking water supplies. In the face of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress is considering multiple economic stimulus bills. When passed, this legislation must allocate at least $75 billion to clean up widespread

Tell Grocery Stores: Say NO to Chlorpyrifos!

By nicole.snyder | March 22, 2021

Neurotoxic chemicals shouldn't be anywhere near our food, but chlorpyrifos, a pesticide that can harm children's brains even in small doses, may be contaminating the produce you get at your grocery store.

Stop the Spread of PFAS Contamination!

By nicole.snyder | March 26, 2021

Hazardous PFAS chemicals contaminate the drinking water of millions of Americans and the blood of nearly every American, including military service members.