
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5809 - 5832 of 7456

Newsom signs law banning toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from cosmetics in California

On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law that bans intentionally added toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from cosmetics sold in California.

California lawmakers warn state against exploiting new federal climate law to impose solar tax on constituents

Sixteen members of Congress from California are asking state utility officials to resist using the landmark Inflation Reduction Act’s incentives for expanding solar as an excuse to impose a new tax...

PG&E plot to sell roughly 50 percent of non-nuclear power generation to Wall Street investors reveals business model’s flaws

Pacific Gas & Electric executives are looking to sell to Wall Street investors about half the utility’s non-nuclear electricity generation capacity. The sale would take place via a new subsidiary in a...

New study finds over 57,000 additional suspected dischargers of toxic ‘forever chemicals’

A new study published today in Environmental Science & Technology Letters identifies at least 57,000 sites potentially contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

EWG report: As climate crisis worsens, a wetter Midwest is linked to climbing crop insurance costs

As precipitation increased in recent years across the Midwest, so did crop insurance costs for wetter weather linked to the rapidly accelerating climate catastrophe, finds a new Environmental Working...

It’s time to designate ‘forever chemicals’ as hazardous substances ‘expeditiously,’ 150 groups say

A letter sent today to the Environmental Protection Agency by 150 environmental, health and justice organizations, including the Environmental Working Group, is pressing for final designation of two...

As ratepayers struggle to pay PG&E energy bills, CEO rakes in over 190 times the typical employee salary

Pacific Gas & Electric’s CEO Patricia Poppe received $51.2 million in compensation last year, more than 190 times what the utility’s average employee earns and a tone deaf windfall amid soaring energy...

The health benefits of a whole foods, plant-forward diet

A plant-forward diet – loosely defined as a diet that is rich in plant foods but that can also include eggs, dairy foods, and occasionally lean meat, poultry and seafood ­– is becoming more widely accepted as a way of eating that promotes optimal health.





Pub date


Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics



Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant Based Diets


Unilever spray shampoo tainted with cancer-causing benzene

Unilever is the latest company to issue a voluntary recall of aerosol personal care products because of elevated levels of benzene. Benzene contamination has led to similar product recalls by other...

Internal papers show Syngenta hid risks of widely used pesticide from public, regulators for decades

A trove of internal documents obtained and published by The New Lede show Swiss chemical giant Syngenta knew in the 1960s and 1970s that the widely used weedkiller paraquat could build up in human...








In 100-yr floodplain

In 500-yr floodplain

In 100ft buffer

In 100-yr floodplain

In 500-yr floodplain

In 100ft buffer










Leading California clean energy, environmental justice advocates to discuss state’s proposal to gut rooftop solar program

Prominent clean energy and environmental justice organization leaders will hold a live virtual event on November 17 to discuss how California utility regulators are proposing to hobble the state’s...

EWG: $1B in federal funds to extend Diablo Canyon nuclear plant’s life is misguided

The Biden administration today announced it will give Pacific Gas & Electric more than $1 billion in federal funding to keep the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California operating past...

EWG applauds Gov. Newsom’s plan to make big oil pay for gouging Californians at the pump

The Environmental Working Group applauds California Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Legislature members for making good on their promise to penalize big oil companies for rampant price gouging at the pump...

Change the market. Advocate for safety. Lead with science. Protect our health.

We combine peer-reviewed research, data analysis and groundbreaking consumer tools with expert communications and advocacy to bring about changes in policy, consumer demand and market behavior. These...

‘Forever chemicals’ in freshwater fish: Mapping a growing environmental justice problem

From coast to coast, and in almost every state in the U.S., high levels of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS contaminate freshwater fish. The potential harm is not limited to fish, but the...

EWG’s updated Farm Subsidy Database reveals $3.1B USDA transparency problem

A new Environmental Working Group analysis of its latest Farm Subsidy Database update shows the Department of Agriculture has become less transparent with disclosing federal farm subsidy payments...

EWG welcomes new FDA standards for toxic metals in baby foods

The following is a statement of Scott Faber, the Environmental Working Group’s senior vice president of government affairs, on the Food and Drug Administration’s announcement today of new standards...

NRC refuses PG&E request to resume review of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant extension

On Tuesday, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s technical staff refused a request by Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to resume reviewing a 2009 license renewal application for the aging Diablo...

Trump USDA farmer bailout funds flowed to Mar-a-Lago neighbor instead

Some federal bailout funds intended to help farmers weather former President Donald Trump’s trade war with China and the Covid-19 pandemic went instead to people living in some of the wealthiest...

Landmark bill would protect Californians from harmful additives in food and candy

A first-in-the-nation bill to create a state-level ban on harmful food additives was introduced in California on Thursday by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-San Fernando Valley).If passed, it would...