
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 601 - 624 of 7455

Trump’s Full-Scale War on Food

President Trump is waging a full-scale campaign to roll back decades of progress toward making America's food safer, healthier and more clearly labeled.

Pollution Linked to Lower Odds of Surviving Cancer

Where you live and the quality of the air you breathe can decrease your odds of surviving cancer, according to new research from the University of California, Irvine.

Apply Sunscreen Early and Often, Plus 6 Ways to Layer Skin Protection

By now it's probably second nature to slather on the sunscreen when you're hitting the beach, hanging out by the pool or heading to a Sunday afternoon ballgame.

Chemical Companies’ ‘Voluntary’ Clean Ups Are Little More Than Corporate Spin

Last week Chemours – a DuPont spinoff company that inherited liability for some of its parent's nastiest toxic messes – announced "voluntary actions" to clean up and eliminate pollution from a highly...

Why We Don’t Rate Tanning Products in the Guide to Sunscreens

In EWG's 2017 Guide to Sunscreens you may have noticed that our scientists did not evaluate tanning products. We rate a number of sunscreens with bronzers that can give you the appearance of a tan...

When Asbestos is Found in Tween Makeup, It’s Time Congress Acts

When asbestos is found in products children put on their bodies, enough is enough.

Bees at Risk From Neonicotinoid Insecticides

EWG and 122,210 of our supporters are demanding the agency restrict all non-essential uses of neonicotinoids immediately, and take rapid steps to protect the pollinators from these toxic chemicals.

Worried About Contaminants in Your Drinking Water? Skip Bottled Water and Opt for a Home Filter.

Since the release of EWG's National Tap Water Database just over a week ago, this question has been popping up a lot: “What now? Should I switch over to bottled water?”

Monsanto GMO Guru Attacks EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

We'd like to thank Rob Fraley, chief technology official at Monsanto, who's largely responsible for introducing genetically modified foods to the U.S. and Big Ag's surge in pesticide use that ensued.

New Resource Reveals Widespread Use of Toxic BPA

EWG has uncovered new information about a toxic chemical many of us are buying at the grocery store – and how common it really is.

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

How many times a day do you drink water? Cook with it? Brush your teeth with it? Offer some to your children?

Five Essential Facts About Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables

A healthy diet begins with lots of fruits and vegetables, but some of your family's favorites may contain startling amounts of harmful pesticides.

Beauty and the Beast: Fix Broken Cosmetics Law with Real Reform, Not Loopholes

Federal law on cosmetics and other personal care products is badly broken and has not been updated for nearly 80 years.

Amid Pipe Wars, Researchers Wary of Plastic Pipes Leaching Chemicals

Over the next decade, U.S. cities and towns will spend an estimated $300 billion to replace aging water and sewer pipes.

Study: Rocket Fuel Chemical Harms the Developing Fetus

Pregnant women's exposure to a rocket fuel chemical, which contaminates drinking water for millions of Americans, could harm the development of fetuses' brains, a new British study found.

Babies at risk from pollution

According to a story in the Sydney Morning Herald, a newly-published study found that the more air pollution women were exposed to, the lower their babies' birth weights were. Low birth weight is a...

Caps on Crop Insurance Subsidies Would Not Devastate Growers

If you care about the environment, human health or helping small growers, you should support reform of the federal crop insurance program.

Will Chemical Safety Bill Shortchange EPA?

The best car won't run if you don't put gas in it. Even if Congress modestly improves the federal chemical safety law—and there are lots of reasons to think it won't—the changes won't mean much if the...

Tale of Two Fields – Voluntary Conservation Delivers Inconsistent Results

We need a consistent approach to agricultural conservation.Driving around central Iowa on a crop survey this spring, EWG analysts came across a far-too-common scene: adjacent fields reflecting...

Expert Panel Confirms Importance of GMO Labeling

Without mandatory GMO labeling, consumers will not be able to reflect their values in their food choices. That's one conclusion of an expert panel convened by the National Academy of Sciences to...

Taking a Stand Against Those Who Pollute Drinking Water

Keeping water clean and safe enough to drink is a tough job, especially when there are forces that sabotage this vital public health goal.

In an Election Year, Food and Farm Policy Should be Part of the Debate

A lot is at stake for food and farm policy. It must remain a main course on the America's table.

Scientists, Health Professionals Urge Action to Protect Children from Toxic Chemicals

Today, a distinguished group of 50 scientists, health professionals and advocates called for urgent action to protect children from the harmful effects of toxic chemicals.