
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6025 - 6048 of 7456

Nutrition Calculator for Cancer Prevention

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of cancer. See how your diet stacks up.

Greener School Cleaning Supplies

You clicked an old link. EWG has updated resources on green cleaners you can use to choose healthy cleaning products for your family.


EWG Tests of Hummus Find High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller

The health-food staple hummus and the chickpeas it is made from can be contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, a weedkilling chemical linked to cancer, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG. The tests also found glyphosate in other kinds of dry and canned beans, dry lentils and garbanzo flour.

Duke Energy’s Epic Fails: $11.6 Billion in Scrapped Projects Since 2013

In July, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy canceled the $8 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Six months earlier, Duke and three partners canceled the $1 billion Constitution Pipeline. These surprising decisions – made shortly after both ventures seemed assured of going forward – sent shock waves through the industry, with Dominion selling off much of its natural gas infrastructure, even as Duke

Public Energy Enemy No. 1

Duke Energy is the largest investor-owned electric utility in the U.S., serving 7.7 million customers in North and South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. But a deep dive into Duke's actions, portfolio and regulatory filings reveals another distinction: Considering its size, environmental record, puny investments in solar and wind power, and schemes to penalize customers who want to

California Drinking Water

The array of toxic pollutants in California drinking water could in combination cause more than 15,000 excess cases of cancer, according to a peer-reviewed study by scientists at Environmental Working Group – the first such study to assess the cumulative risk from carcinogenic drinking water contaminants.

Iowa’s Private Wells Contaminated by Nitrate and Bacteria

Des Moines Water Works has struggled for years to provide safe drinking water to its customers, battling nitrate contamination from upstream farms. But contamination from agricultural practices may be even worse for the estimated 230,000 to 290,000 Iowans whose drinking water comes from private wells, an investigation by Environmental Working Group and Iowa Environmental Council finds.


EWG Study and Mapping Show Large CAFOs in Iowa Up Fivefold Since 1990

The number of large concentrated animal feeding operations, or large CAFOs, in Iowa increased nearly fivefold in the past two decades, a new study from Environmental Working Group reveals, with almost all of the growth from big hog-feeding operations.


In Minnesota’s Farm Country, Nitrate Pollution of Drinking Water is Getting Worse

Nitrate contamination of drinking water is getting worse in much of rural Minnesota, an Environmental Working Group analysis of state data found.

EWG’s UPDATED Water Filter Buying Guide

What is most important to you in a water filter? Check out EWG's Water Filter Buying Guide. Find the right filter for your water - and budget.

The PFAS and the Furious

Rob Bilott's Exposure is a real-life whodunit, a page-turning courtroom drama, a David-and-Goliath story of one man against an industrial colossus and a shocking exposé of America's utterly broken environmental policy. You should also take this book personally – because the “exposure” of the title is yours.

EWG’s Healthy Living: Quick Tips to Safer Diapers

In their first year alone, a baby will wear an estimated 2,500 disposable diapers. When buying diapers, parents are likely to consider absorbency, fit and comfort as the most important features. But recent scientific research highlights the fact that the ingredients and materials used to make the diapers may be just as important, if not more so: The diaper itself could potentially harm a child's


Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Detected in Drinking Water Supplies Across California

Drinking water sources for 74 community water systems serving 7.5 million Californians are contaminated with the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to an Environmental Working Group review of the latest state data.

California Regulators

The state agency responsible for regulating oil and gas drilling in California has long turned a blind eye to the use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), insisting as recently as this year that drillers rarely use the process in the state despite industry records documenting the practice at least as far back as 1953.

Top 10 Stories of 2011

Staff members at EWG scanned the headlines and their memory banks to come up with a rundown of the major developments of the year, then voted. Here's a visual summary of the top five "good news" and the top five "bad news" stories.

Congress Must Finally Put an End to Direct Payments

Direct payment farm subsidies are in the budget crosshairs and may at long last be eliminated as Congress works to reduce the federal deficit. These long-discredited subsidies send checks out year-after-year to highly profitable farm businesses with huge landholdings. Originally set to expire in 2002, direct payments have long been protected by the efforts of the subsidy lobby even though farm

Drilling Doublespeak: Slideshow

As natural gas development has pushed into populated areas, gas drillers have consistently disclosed to shareholders and potential investors daunting lists of possible mishaps, including leaks, spills, explosions, bodily injury, limited insurance coverage – and death

U.S. Sunscreens Get Flunking Grade for UVA Protection

Fall is the iconic American season. Football. Soccer. Cross-country meets. Apple-picking. Hiking through forests blazing red and orange. Bicycling in crisp country air. Raking the leaves. Hayrides. Pumpkin patches. School fairs.

New Study Confirms BPA in Receipts

Sophisticated tests on paper used to print cash register receipts at 10 suburban Boston-area stores found measurable levels of the controversial plastics chemical bisphenol A in all but two of them, according to a new study by John C. Warner, acclaimed as the co-founder of “green chemistry.”

NIH to Review Flawed Report on Impacts of BPA Exposure

After a steady drumbeat of criticism from EWG, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA), outside scientists and mainstream media, the National Institute's of Health's (NIH) National Toxicology Program (NTP) has agreed to launch a top-down investigation into the Center for the Evaluation of Risk to Human Reproduction's (CERHR) flawed, industry-friendly report on the health impacts of the dangerous toxic

A Disaster Waiting To Happen…Forever

Plans for a permanent trust fund to compensate farmers and ranchers for weather-related losses will send even more agricultural subsidies to the very regions that already receive the lion's share. Based on their historical share of ad hoc disaster spending, of the twenty states represented on the Senate Finance Committee, just four stand to gain over half (55 percent) of the committee's allocation

Toxic Plastics Chemical in Infant Formula

Laboratory tests of canned infant formula conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a certified commercial laboratory reveal that a plastics chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) leaches from metal can linings into formula. According to a new EWG analyses, the amount of BPA ingested by some bottle-fed infants exceeds the doses that caused serious adverse effects in animal studies.

Short Crop

Black farmers receive between one-third to one-sixth of the benefits under major federal crop subsidy programs that other farmers receive, and the “subsidy gap” has widened over the past decade. The gap will become more inequitable if a bill reported by the House Agriculture Committee passes the House later this week, researchers said.


Down the Drain

EWG and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) researchers analyzed samples of wastewater from residential, commercial, and industrial sites in the San Francisco Bay Area. 18 of 19 wastewater samples examined contained at least 1 of 3 unregulated, widely-used hormone disruptors – phthalates, bisphenol A, and triclosan; 2 samples contained all 3 substances. Despite sophisticated wastewater