
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6073 - 6096 of 7456

Asbestos: Cover up of a century

Thousands of innocent people die while governments do nothing to prevent it. In Darfur it's called genocide. In the case of asbestos-related deaths in the United States, it's just a statistic.

Commandments in the kitchen: Got some?

I've been perusing Alexandra Zissu's new book, The Conscious Kitchen, lately. It's a current, thoroughly-researched, user-friendly reference for buying and cooking food that's good for you and the...

Could be hard to avoid these 7 cleaning ingredients, but you should try

A few weeks ago I stood in the cleaning aisle wondering what to get. Since I'm a die-hard label reader, I grabbed some containers and turned them around so I could assess the ingredients.

Can EWG staff live a week without canned food? Can you?

In 2007 we tested canned food for BPA because the can linings contain the chemical, and we suspected it might leach into the food. And, as we all know now, it does.

BPA in canned foods: Why can some

Way back in 2007 my boss, EWG Vice-President for Research Jane Houlihan, sent me the results of canned food testing for a chemical called Bisphenol A. I hadn't previously paid much attention to this...

Can bottled water be funny? Watch this....

We all know bottled water is "the pits" (remember Erma Bombeck?), but we don't all say it like Derek. Listen up and be ready to laugh as Derek Forgie goes "inside the bottle."

Ever checked your house for chemicals?

If you've ever wondered what's toxic in your house, you'll want to watch this home walk-through with Jane Houlihan, EWG's Senior Vice-President for Research. She joins Jennifer Folsom, mom to 3 young...

3,163 ingredients hide behind the word "fragrance"

Enviroblog readers all know that "fragrance" is a term that the cosmetics, cleaning and candle industries use on ingredient lists that discloses only that there are unnamed chemicals in the product.

Rachel Carson: The woman behind the book

Known, of course, for her movement-launching 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson understood the important relationship between nature and chemicals. She raised her voice to inform others and...

Cosmetics Safety Series - Part 2: Mind the (data) gap

We think consumers deserve to know that the products and ingredients they use every day have been tested for safety.

Blogger talk: Too many chemicals in cord blood

It's true there are too many chemicals in cord blood. You know it. We know it. But who else knows it? Well now, that depends on who else is writing about it (like, say, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal)...

Cosmetics Industry To Disavow Hair Straighteners

Most people are - by now - well aware that overexposure to formaldehyde is unsafe. From the FEMA trailer fiasco (remember Katrina?) to the Obama administration's recent decision to classify...

Half-Baked: FDA's New Sunscreen Regulations Fall Short

Imagine grabbing a cookbook to find the perfect recipe for key lime pie to present at your summer barbeque. Thumbing through the pages, you locate an inviting entry. Only there are some problems.

U.S. (finally) Labels Formaldehyde "Known Human Carcinogen"

After decades of debate, the Obama administration last week classified formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen, a label that is likely to advance regulatory steps to restrict this widely used...

On Sunscreen: 4 Common Questions About SPF

Pretty much all I knew about sunscreen growing up was that SPF was some measure of how much sunburn protection came out of the bottle. Hard to believe that back in the day, the great debate was "6 or...

Here Comes the Sun, What Now?

Every year about this time my friends want to me to tell them exactly which sunscreen to buy. They want the one that works the best to protect skin with the least toxic ingredients. And who can blame...

Why we (still) don't trust Chesapeake Energy

April was a busy month for the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania, especially for one company in particular - Chesapeake Energy Corporation. And that's saying a lot for one of the country's most...

Protect our Water, Protect our Health

In March, DuPont, the behemoth chemical company whose factories have polluted groundwater in several communities in West Virginia, Ohio and New Jersey, agreed to pay $8.3 million to provide water...

Fast Food Follies

Around this time last year the health-conscious crew at KFC headquarters gave the American consumer the Double Down chicken sandwich - 540 calories of bacon and cheese with no veggies, smashed between...

Labor camps? Fine. But BPA crosses the line.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never taken steps to get BPA out of children's products, and just last fall the U.S. Senate dropped legislation to restrict BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups...

EWG testifies on behalf of clean drinking water (...and bagels)

Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt made his fourth appearance today (March 1, 2011) before the New York City Council's Committee on Environmental Protection to highlight the...

Borax: Not the green alternative it's cracked up to be

I'm just going to start with the bad news, OK? Borax is not a green cleaning ingredient, as many have been led to believe.

What's Inside: Clorox Shares a Little

Last week (Feb. 9), Clorox surprised me when it took a small step along the path to complete disclosure - and real consumer empowerment - by releasing a list of all the fragrance ingredients used in...

Stewart to Pickens: "Is it horribly unsafe, is that what this fracking is?"

On a recent episode of Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show," Texas oil and gas executive T. Boone Pickens proudly declared, "I have fracked 3,000 wells in my life. I have never seen anything damaged."