
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6193 - 6216 of 7456

Where can I get that? Online, of course!

Deciding what children’s products to buy these days is job enough, but it’s really only step 1 of a 2 part process. Because once you’ve logged a few hours online and debated your decision with...

Toxic fragrance in the air

Many Enviroblog readers are familiar with the health concerns of undisclosed chemicals that hide under the pseudonym “fragrance” in everyday products—everything from cosmetics to cleaning...

Buying our way to utopia? Not so much.

Hi, my name is Lisa and I spend more time reading labels than ballots. There, I said it. Why do I spend so much time reading labels?

Because pesticides on your food aren't bad enough

Worried about your cantaloupe catching fire? You might not have to anymore! Your fruits and veggies may be doused in Deca, a flame retardant chemical and known neurotoxin.

When breast cancer has 'No Family History'

A while back, EWG staff scientist Olga Naidenko wrote here about the need to focus breast cancer research on prevention - with an emphasis on the role of carcinogens.

Puberty is tough enough without BPA

Every child's journey through puberty is different, but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone describe the experience as "wonderful," "awesome" or "let's play two!"

EWG's Tips to avoid BPA exposure

EWG is working hard to pass laws that limit or ban the dangerous chemical BPA. But until they pass, we think you should have the latest info on sources of exposure and our tips to avoid them on your...

Are you addicted to plastic?

A few months ago my family undertook - and managed to survive - a week without buying anything plastic. Like not one single thing - including sliced bread bags (just try and buy sandwich bread without...

Make it personal & political on Earth Day

At EWG, we work to provide useful, science-based information to help you safeguard your family from environmental hazards. We also work to reform federal policy on toxic chemicals so that the earth is...

Bottled water exposed - in pictures

Cartoon depicting bottled water issues.

House bill would ban BPA in food, beverage packaging

It seems like everyone and their mother knows about the risks associated with bisphenol A in baby bottles and hard plastic water bottles. Okay, so maybe they don't know the specifics. Recently, while...

Teflon's replacement: Still toxic?

Can the removal of two little carbon atoms turn a toxic chemical into one that's safe for use every day, in virtually every home and fast food joint in the country? That's what industry would like you...

Greening your small business

Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle has a great in-depth report on small businesses going green. Even a mom-and-pop operation with only a few employees can do big things by recycling, using or selling...

Food irradiation: Grosser than you think.

I really didn't know much about food irradiation when I slid into a booth yesterday, ordered an iced tea, and prepared to hear Food and Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter discuss her new...

LA's compact carbon footprint, with caveats

On a list of the greenest cities in the U.S., as measured by global warming impact per person, you expect to find Portland, Seattle and San Francisco — all relatively compact, transit- and bike...

A new location for Big Tobacco: universities

Once upon a time, universities were places of great academics and integrity. After all, they often serve the historic role of moral and intellectual guidance for students. That has changed quite a bit...

Facebook contest: Love EWG, get cool stuff

EWG broke the 1,000 fan mark on Facebook this month! To celebrate, we're holding a contest -- all you have to do is post some lovin' on our Facebook wall between today (May 27) and noon on Tuesday...

Oil companies settle MTBE lawsuit

In the 1990's, when the Clean Air Act mandated that gasoline burn more cleanly, the oil industry's answer was methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). It quickly became clear that the chemical contaminated...

Children sifting the earth for gold

Gold mining is far from a golden industry. In fact, gold mining poses serious environmental and human rights concerns. Modern mining for gold is a massive operation which causes massive environmental...

Who wants candy? EU may ban suspect food additives

After a UK study, published late last year, drew convincing connections between certain food additives and hyperactivity in children, Britain's Food Standards Agency asked food companies to comply...

California chemical wars, continued

A few weeks ago, I told you about the U.S. chemical industry's war to stop two California bills that would ban carcinogenic Teflon chemicals in food packaging and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in...

Congress approves phthalate ban

Good news for parents and children everywhere: Congress has agreed to a ban on three dangerous phthalates in products made for children under 12. The decision came in spite of the chemical industry's...

Dr. Research explains it all. . . in 1958

The year is 1958, and Dr. Research and his intrepid team at Bell Laboratory are on a mission to warn the world about the disastrous impacts of carbon emissions. But will anyone listen? Um. ....

Mixed Greens 014: Not the answer

What do drilling for gas on public lands and antibacterial chemicals in consumer products have in common? Neither of them are the answer to our problems. We've got the rundown on two new EWG reports...