
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6217 - 6240 of 7456

Outside the Box: Going for gold

We are one summer away from the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, and the host country is trying to win the gold by going green. This week's Outside the Box hurdles organic pork, strict air quality...

Big-box muscles push for greener packaging

When a retailer with $60 billion in annual sales says jump, manufacturers ask how high, and in this case that's great news for the environment.

Millions of children die annually due to environmental hazards

In the poorest parts of the world, one in five children will not live longer than their fifth birthday and this is mainly because of environment-related diseases, according to the World Health...

Green Goodbye

Cremation is a big environmental issue, as well as the choice of most Australians. While the process reduces us to ash, it also produces pollutants and carbon dioxide that goes directly into the...

FEMA trailers on the cheap

Looking for a cheap mobile home? I know some people who are looking to get rid of theirs...

Outside the Box: Show me the money!

Need smart, sound financial tips? Contact a broker. Interested in the bizarre ways people are making money using kegs, beetles, and rats? Read on, because this week's Outside The Box is green in more...

'Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.'

Thanks to Jack Nicholson's Oscar-winning performance in Chinatown, the story of how Los Angeles stole the water from the Owens River may be the best-known environmental crime in U.S. history. (OK, I'm...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: H520 off the hook

This week, in what many would term an unfortunate setback, Vermont's House of Representatives was unable to override the Governor's veto on an energy bill that would have provided incentives for...

Two days left to Grow Organics!

We're almost there! In the past week, more than ten thousand people have signed the petition to Grow Organics. We only need a couple thousand more to meet our goal, and we've got just over two days to...

Another one bites the dust

Glen Martin, one of the best environmental reporters in California, has written his last story for the San Francisco Chronicle. Glen was one of EWG's favorite journalists. He dug deep into our Farm...

EPA proposes new smog standards; environmentalists wheeze their disapproval

Update: Okay, I may have been a little hard on the EPA yesterday. At least they're making an effort. Also, check out Angry Toxicologist's post, The Asthmatic Elephant in the Ozone Room.

Sunscreen woes? We've got a solution.

Yesterday EWG launched a database containing the safety and effectiveness ratings of over 700 sunscreen products — just in time for summer. The site helps consumers select the best possible sunscreen...

Which is the real Chevron?

Last weekend, on my 4-year-old's preschool campout, I was talking to another dad about the environmental commitment of the oil company he works for. They're putting millions of dollars into biofuels...

Ever wonder what would happen if you tried to test soil in Jersey?

JIM ANNESS / THE RECORD A Paramus police officer handcuffing reporter Michael Gartland on Saturday

Ask EWG: Are phthalates safe for babies?

Question: I'm concerned about my 8-month-old daughter coming into contact with phthalates. Should I throw out any plastic toys, or are there some companies that don't use phthalates? Toy companies I...

Building the EcoManor

Laura and Rutherford Seydel are constructing an EcoManor in Atlanta, built to be a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified residence under the U.S. Green Building Council's...

A uranium free-for-all

According to The New York Times, a private enrichment company is asking the federal government to hand over an old stockpile of partially processed uranium, worth between $750 million and $3 billion.

Mixed Greens 003: Fluoride in infant water?

In this episode of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens, we discuss fluoridated water marketed for use by infants, the impact of agriculture on the Dead Zone, and a new study documenting babies' exposure to...

Congress investigates science-for-hire over BPA

"Manufacturing uncertainty." It's a common tactic for companies whose products have undergone scrutiny by the scientific community. Here in our nation's illustrious capital there's no shortage of...

Chemical interactions put coral reefs in danger

About two years ago, my Grandma was on about 8 different medications when her primary doctor asked her to bring them all in to sort them out. Lo and behold there were a number of funny interactions...

Unilever takes a bite out of your face cream

If you follow our work on cosmetics, you know that companies have free reign over what they put in your products. FDA can’t require companies to test products for safety before (or after) they’re...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Can I recycle that?

Mark at Blogfish reports that the National Fisheries Institute, the industry group that brought us the "eat more fish!" study last fall, are pretty ticked about the New York Times investigative report...

Perchlorate: You might not know how to pronounce it, but it's in you

In an ideal world, rocket fuel would not be in people. But we don't live in the ideal world, and perchlorate, a potent chemical ingredient of rocket fuel, is in all of us. A new EWG analysis of FDA...

Holy Mackerel! Sushi trouble in NYC

Note to sushi lovers from the Big Apple: Maybe stick to the pastrami on rye. The New York Times recently tested sushi from 20 different popular stores and restaurants in Manhattan and found extremely...