
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6241 - 6264 of 7456

Ah, for the toys of my childhood. . .

First lead, now asbestos: Holiday toy shopping is tougher than ever. When I was a kid, the dangerous toys didn’t come in a box you opened to play with on your bedroom floor. They were BB guns, skate...

In Neodesha, BP stands for Big Problems

In Neodesha, Kansas, BP is a dirty word. Residents of that city, along with the county, the school district, and a pair of private landowners, are suing the corporation for $423 million. They allege...

"Um, thanks, but I don't generally print my email. . ."

Last week the LA Times ran an article about a trend in which email senders add a tag line to their outgoing messages, encouraging the recipient to “consider the impact on the environment before...

SMM: Holiday shopping edition

Well, here we go folks -- the holiday shopping season is in full swing. If you're the type that spends the post-Thanksgiving break shopping 'til you drop, I wish you the best of luck. Me, I'm hanging...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Cold coffee blues got you down?

A little light reading for your pre-holiday perusal. . . Siel's got some tips for greening your computer use -- and even though you've probably heard them all before, I bet you could use a refresher...

Monsanto thinks they've got you fooled

If you live in Pennsylvania, you should know that your state's Secretary of Agriculture thinks you're stupid. Actually, he seems to think all consumers are stupid, but his reach only extends to those...

SMM: Food for faith

The documentary Renewal is the first feature-length documentary to capture the breadth and vitality of America's religious-environmental movement. In rural communities, suburbs and cities, people of...

Fishy facts on seafood imports

Sometimes, all it takes to get a point across is a clear statement of the facts. Let's have a look at some startling ones, shall we? Most of the seafood we eat in America is imported. Only one percent...

Ask EWG: Should I use iodized salt?

Question: Is there a reason why my table salt is iodized? I’m not even really sure what that means, but it sounds a little scary, and unnecessary. Should I switch to kosher salt or sea salt? Answer...

Chemical Index: Find the information you're looking for

We quietly added a new feature to the EWG homepage this week, and it's one I think Enviroblog readers might find very useful. The Chemical Index (which you'll find on the lefthand navigation)...

When Less is More

I often complain about the lax chemical regulations. And, I am definitely guilty of saying “imports are poisoning people in America.” But, what about the people that make those imports? Few of us...

Caution: These seven household items may feminize baby boys

. . . and they're unhealthy for you, too. Phthalates are the culprit. Phtha-what, you ask? Phthalates are common industrial chemicals. They've been around since the 1930's, making vinyl out of hard...

Toxic remains of mining operation kill geese, cancer cells

You really can't beat this opening sentence, so I'm not even going to try: BUTTE, Mont. — Death sits on the east side of this city, a 40-billion-gallon pit filled with corrosive water the color of a...

SMM: A food and farm bill for school lunches

KQED public radio in Northern California played a story on Thursday about the farm bill and how it effects the lunch menu in public schools: We've all heard the latest health advice: avoid transfats...

This Enviroblog post has not been funded by the seafood industry

So, the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies coalition has issued a recommendation that women who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning on becoming pregnant should eat at at least 12 ounces of fish per...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Climate change whatchamacallits, crop insurance, DDT and more

A little light reading for your Wednesday. The FDA has dropped the ball, and Angry Toxicologist is . . . well, angry! It's easy to see why. Vital Daily Juice at Green Options gives us a friendly...

Defining the global environmental justice movement

I've been talking a lot about environmental justice lately, and I've had a couple of people question exactly what I meant. Not having an official definition at hand, I've had to cobble together...

Western drilling claiming more victims?

Well, it’s finally happened. The out-of-control explosion of oil and gas drilling in the Mountain West has started to claim other victims besides the environment. Politicians who were early...

Shifting sex ratio may be caused by PCBs, but how?

More girls than boys are being born in certain Inuit villages in the Arctic, and scientists say man-made chemicals are to blame. Women were tested for the level of PCBs (pervasive hormone mimicking...

Pet shampoo ingredient linked to autism

The cause of autism spectrum disorder is one big mystery. Lots of people have ideas as to what might cause it, but nothing is certain. That makes treating the disorder more difficult, and preventing...

Welcome to sunscreen season

I'm sure some of you have already been grilling your grass-fed hamburgers and bulghurburgers BBQ-style, but where I'm from, Memorial Day officially kicks off cook-out season. And where there's a...

Mixed Greens 009: Plastic, plastic everywhere

Plastics are in the news, and you want answers! This week we field some of your questions relating to bisphenol A and other plasticky problems. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Graver danger from a common herbicide

This is a post by EWG social media intern Howie, who prefers his greens herbicide-free. New research suggests that atrazine, a possible carcinogen and the second most common herbicide used in America...

Last Action Hero 3

A year after he mocked environmentalists as " Prohibitionists at a frat party," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered another big Earth Day speech – this time at Yale – with the same theme: The...