
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6337 - 6360 of 7456

McDiesel anyone?

McDonald's has announced today that it will reuse its supply of cooking oil to manufacture biodiesel fuel for its UK delivery trucks. Biodiesel will be created by combining rapeseed oil and cooking...

Sunscreen: what about nanoparticles?

Kate at Grist did a great write-up on EWG's sunscreen investigation -- if you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out.

No, no, our asbestos is the safe kind

Over two decades, W.R. Grace & Co. slowly killed hundreds of workers at its Libby, Mont. asbestos mine. It's one of the most notorious cases in the annals of environmental crime – but Grace may escape...

What goes into crisps goes into who?

Children who eat a bag of potato chips (35g) daily, consume 5 liters (1.3 US gallons) of cooking oil every year. That's the message the British Heart Foundation is looking to spread via their new ad...

Spinach growers are "victims" of E. coli, not culprits

While sensationalists and those fond of chemical-intensive farming were ready to hang the organic industry at the first mention of an E coli outbreak, NYT farm and food columnist Nina Planck says the...

Voodoo and Mercury

Mercury is believed to attract love, luck or riches and can protect against evil. It is also known to cause permanent damage to developing children's brains and have numerous harmful effects on the...

Drug-review fees help industry shape FDA agenda

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Food and Drug Administration is bargaining with the pharmaceutical industry for an increase in fees used for reviewing new drug applications-- a move experts...

In the news

E-85 Mileage Loophole for Carmakers: Car companies promoting E-85 as an alternative to gasoline are getting credit from the government for nearly double the gas mileage their vehicles actually achieve...

California's rocket fuel standard four times tougher than feds'

California has proposed an enforceable limit of 6 parts per billion for perchlorate (rocket fuel) in drinking water--four times more stringent than the EPA's waste-site cleanup standard of 24 parts...

Madonna's Plan for Neutralizing Dangerous Radioactive Waste

The London Sunday Times reports that Madonna has been "lobbying the government and nuclear industry over a scheme to clean up radioactive waste with a supposedly magic Kabbalah fluid." Both she and...

Has Coke Become the New McDonald's?

Coca-Cola is hit by a hunger strike and college boycotts prostesting environmental and human rights abuses. Coca-Cola says it is a target only because it is the market leader. Funny--that reminds me...

Asbestos Found in Kids’ Cosmetics Again

Once again, experts have found asbestos in cosmetics marketed to kids.

My New Year’s Resolution? Healthier Cosmetics.

EWG's scientists and researchers work hard to give us the tools to limit our exposures to harmful chemicals. A great place to start is with personal care products.

Trump Embraces the Ag-Right

When Trump appears before the Farm Bureau today, he will be not speaking to America's farmers – he'll be preaching to his base. Photo courtesy of AP Photo

‘Natural’ or ‘Organic’ Cosmetics? Don’t Trust Marketing Claims.

Marketing claims about the source, safety and effectiveness of personal care products and their ingredients often aren't worth the labels they're printed on.

Every Parent Concerned About Their Kids’ Health Should Read This Book

If the Environmental Working Group were to assign a book for parents and expectant parents, it would be “Children and Environmental Toxins: What Everyone Needs to Know.”

Imports of Organic Corn and Soybeans Topped $1.5 Billion Since 2012

America's farmers lost out on over $1.5 billion in sales of organic soybeans and corn between 2012 and 2017, according to agricultural trade data released this week by the U.S. Department of...

Chemicals in Everyday Products Rival Cars as Source of Air Pollution

Releases from chemical products, including ones we use every day in our homes, are as much a cause of air pollution as automobile emissions, according to a new study that has big implications for how...

Strict Work Requirements to Get Food Stamps, But Not Farm Subsidies

Proposals to tighten work requirements for low-income Americans who receive food stamps are halting progress on a new farm bill – meanwhile, work requirements for farm subsidies are almost nonexistent...

Scott Pruitt Has Literally Made Washington – and America – More Toxic

Mired in multiple scandals of his own making, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt attempted to shift the blame to “toxic” Washington yesterday. Photo courtesy of AP Photos

House Committee’s Farm Bill Would Make It Easier for Millionaires to Get Subsidies

The majority of federal farm subsidies already go to the wealthiest farmers: The top 10 percent of recipients received 77 percent of subsidies between 1995 and 2016. But a provision in the House...