
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6361 - 6384 of 7456

Testing for Mercury in our Bodies is on the Rise

Pregnant Women, Potential Mothers and Kids are of Most Concern. The Wall Street Journal reported in July about the increasing popularity of tests designed to tell how much mercury has accumulated in...

USDA Weakens National Organic Food Standards

Grist magazine reports that the Bush Administration, at the behest of agribusiness lobbyists, has quietly taken several actions to weaken national standards for organic food. The Department of...

Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, and Foreign Oil Dependency

This month McDonald's is giving away toy Hummers, 42 million of them, in eight models and colors, with every Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal. That's right: The fast-food chain that helped make our kids...

Uber-conservative Lashes Out Against Farm Subsidies

In an L.A. Times editorial, conservative-supreme Jonah Goldberg states his case against farm subsidies. Why?

Altered Oceans: A Primeval Tide of Toxins

This week the LA Times brings us Altered Oceans, a five-part multimedia expose on the crisis in our seas, and the implications of being at a "tipping point" in marine history.

Friday Round-Up

Several articles from recent news.

Remaindered Climate Change Links

Here are a few remaindered links to get you through the weekend: In Did Al Get the Science Right? Der Spiegel surveys the scientific community for reactions to Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient...

"We Need to Talk About Farm Policy" -- A Must Read.

The following editorial, written by Thomas Rowley of Rural Policy Research Institute, explains---in terms we can all understand--the ways we are linked to farm policy, and how the idea that farm...

Happy Interdependence Day

As many of us celebrated the 50th birthday of our nation's highway system and the 230th birthday of America with a roadtrip, it's a good time to ask how we plan to get around for the next fifty years...

Consumer Reports supports EWG findings

The magazine Consumer Reports is warning pregnant women not to eat any tuna at all because the government can't assure us that even supposedly-safe light tuna won't contain excessive levels of mercury...

Seattle Slew

The body burden ball just keeps getting bigger, this time with test results from 10 Washington residents, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition of Washington State...

New tax rebate ideas from the ONION

Faux news infographic from the Onion: The ONION's latest infographic reveals eight humourous tax rebates in addition to the already laughable $100 rebate proposed by Senate Republicans to combat...

New Study Questions Experts' Independence

In a study published today in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, researchers found that over half of the 170 experts that review and revise our nation's key mental health manual had...

Incredible Sulk

When the Senate voted Dec. 21 to block his bid to force open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling by breaking Senate rules and tacking the measure onto the annual defense spending bill...

For DuPont, $1B a Year Rides on Teflon

DuPont disclosed in its SEC filing last week that the company earns $1 billion per year in revenues from the Teflon chemical PFOA or C8. Those revenues could be in danger if EPA decides to regulate...

Congress Moves to Weaken Organic Standard

Congress has attached an action to next year's agriculture appropriations bill that will allow synthetic ingredients to be used in manufacturing products labeled with USDA's green "organic" seal.

Community Protests DuPont's Teflon Dumping

Residents near DuPont's W.Va. Washington Works plant, where the Teflon chemical PFOA is produced, are speaking out against a landfill where the company dumped the toxic chemical.

Miers Supported Asbestos Fund

As if enough weren't wrong with Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination, Reuters reports that Miers spoke to several groups last spring to garner support for Sens. Specter and Leahy's ailing asbestos...

Home Antibacterials Raise FDA Concerns

An FDA panel is examining possible health concerns associated with antibacterial soaps, wipes and other household products. The market is booming for these germ-killers, but home use might be creating...

Honda unveils diesel system to rival gasoline cars

Honda announced Monday its plans for releasing a new and simple diesel powertrain that is as clean as gasoline-fuelled cars. The new cars are slated to hit the U.S. market by 2009. Diesel engines are...

British Royal Society: Exxon misrepresents climate issues

Britain's Royal Society, of which both Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were members, has asked Exxon Mobil to stop financing groups that create a “false sense somehow that there is a two-sided debate...

You smell so good its killing me!

Several schools and institutions are instituting fragrance-free policies to reduce unnecessary incidence of migraines and respiratory irritation. Yep. Those fancy, sweet smelling fragrances that can...

"The Nation" calls for action on 2007 Farm Bill

Do you think current farm policy favor corporations over small farmers and consumers? The Nation does, and they want you to weigh in on the drafting of the 2007 Farm Bill.

Study: Hostility may lead to decreased lung function

Are you an angry, hostile man? A recently published study finds that you may have some decreased lung function in your future. (This is in addition to the hardships of having your house ransacked on...