
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6409 - 6432 of 7456

Biofuels, Agriculture and the Environment

Remarks by EWG Midwest Vice-president Craig Cox to the 2009 Kansas Natural Resources Conference. Read the Remarks

OSHA Outsources Worker Safety to Chemical Industry

In the latest example of industry riding roughshod over the government, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has entered into a so-called Voluntary Protection Program with the...

The Farm Bureau Bogeyman

When the farm bill fight gets rolling again in Congress, one question will be at the heart of the debate: Is it fair to ask farmers to take a few basic steps to protect soil and clean up waterways in...

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

With deliberations on the 2012 farm bill due to begin in January, EWG looks at how the industrial agriculture lobby dominates the hearing process, leaving little room for good food reformers.

Not For Ag Eyes Only: 5 Lessons from the Secret Farm Bill Fight

The secret farm bill thankfully is dead for the time being. Here's 5 lessons to keep in mind for the 2012 farm bill debate.

Help Stop the Secret Farm Bill

Industrial agriculture's lobbyists and a handful of their powerful Congressional allies have been working overtime to skirt the usual democratic process and write a new five-year farm bill behind...

Top Ten Reasons to Reject a "Farm Only" Farm Bill

The House should overwhelmingly reject the terrible “farm-only” farm bill being considered this morning.

Asparagus Ribbon Salad

Delicious dishes don't have to be complicated – just a few ingredients and a few minutes is often all you need. One of my go-to resources for healthy and simple recipe inspiration is Catherine McCord...

What’s in a Name? Safe for Kids, Not Just Chemicals

Everybody – environmentalists and chemical industry executives alike – wants to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act. “Outdated” doesn't begin to describe a law that was cumbersome and weak on the...

More Corn Ethanol in 2013 Means Environment, Consumers Lose Out

The harm done to consumers and the environment by the federal biofuels mandate is destined to grow worse as a result of the recent decision to once again increase the amount of corn ethanol that must...

Fracking Waste Water Triggered 109 Quakes in Ohio

Still skeptical that underground disposal of gas drilling-related waste water in so-called “injection wells” can trigger earthquakes?

Fracking Fluids Spill Caused Kentucky Fish Kill

Toxic “fracking” fluids that spilled into a Kentucky creek after they were used to drill four natural gas wells were the cause of a major fish kill that included a threatened species, a new federal...

McDonald’s Makes the Switch from Foam to Paper Hot Cups

McDonald's restaurants finish the job of eliminating polystyrene containers as they switch to paper cups for hot beverages.

The Dead Zone

Aberdeen American, Larry Gabriel Published August 24, 2006 If you have not heard of it, you will. The mass media is blaming "agriculture" for a predicted increase in the size of the so-called "dead...

Disaster Aid Fund for Farmers to Get Push

Farm state senators, confronting an increasing struggle to win special disaster assistance for farmers, today will push for creation of a permanent disaster aid trust fund. The Senate Finance...

Revamp policy: Stress sustainability

Des Moines Register, Craig Cox Published November 3, 2008 Two recent reports in the Register make it clear that we need to overhaul our biofuels policy.

The California Water Wars: Water Flowing to Farms, Not Fish

After 50 years of legal infighting, a victor has emerged in California's water wars -- agriculture. A decade after environmentalists prevailed in getting more fresh water down the north state's rivers...

The Most Politically Powerful Welfare Recipients in the World

He was immortalized in Grant Wood's 1930 painting "American Gothic": a grim, hardscrabble stoic in overalls, grasping a pitchfork. Guess what? It wasn't really a farmer. It was Wood's dentist posing...

Tide of Sentiment Shifts in Water War

Traditional Favoritism to Agricultural Interests Is Challenged as Demand Increases Washington Post, Juliet Eilperin BIG SKY, Mont. -- A hundred years after the city of Los Angeles and San Fernando...

Biofuels, Agriculture and the Environment

A slideshow on several key environmental issues.

Senate Budget Spares Crop Subsidies, Cuts Conservation Payments

E and E News/Greenwire, Allison Winter Published March 26, 2009 Farmland conservation programs could take a hit in the spending blueprint under discussion in the Senate Budget Committee.

Environmental group: Target U.S. aid at most polluted waters in Iowa

Des Moines Register, Philip Brasher Published May 29, 2009 Government conservation money in Iowa should be targeted to farms in areas that pollute the Mississippi River basin and cause a dead zone in...

Better Bug Killers Through Farm Bill Reform

Could the Farm Bill be an opportunity to promote better bug killers?

Waxman, DeGette Urge White House To Curb Toxic Diesel in Fracking Fluid

Diesel fuels contain highly toxic chemicals, one of which is benzene, a known carcinogen. Even very small concentrations of benzene can contaminate water supplies. If benzene and other toxic chemicals...