
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6433 - 6456 of 7456

Letter Supporting Farm Bill Proposed $4.951 Billion Conservation Increase

Letter sent by a coalition of environmental groups, including EWG, to congressional leadership requesting support of the March 18, 2008 Farm Bill “Framework's” $4.951 billion increase in new funds...

Farm Bill 2007 Policy Analysis Database

For the first time, USDA has tracked subsidy benefits as they pass through tens of thousands of farm business entities—agribusiness cooperatives, partnerships, joint ventures and corporations—and has...

Obstruction of Justice

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group and the National Black Farmers Association reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture withheld nearly three out of every four dollars in a...

Virtual Flood: Virtual Water, Real Profits

The federal government has promised Central Valley agribusinesses that it will increase the amount of taxpayer-subsidized irrigation water by 44 percent over the next 25 years, well beyond what the...

Double Dippers

Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an EWG investigation of federal crop and...

EWG’s FracFocus Principles

A growing number of states – Texas, Montana, Colorado and South Dakota, to name a few – are requiring oil and gas drilling companies to disclose the chemicals they use for hydraulic fracturing, or...

California Set to Declare BPA Toxic to Reproductive System

In the last decade. Study after study by scientists from around the globe has connected the plastics and food packaging ingredient with more than a dozen serious health problems, including...

Methane Hunt Shines Light on Natural Gas

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is only the latest of a number of commentators who have been advancing the dubious argument that expanding use of natural gas is mitigating climate change.

New Chemicals: Sell First, Test for Safety Later?

A lot of people assume a company can't sell a chemical until it is has been proved safe. They're wrong. Under current law, the Environmental Protection Agency is charged with determining that a...

New Study Questions Experts' Independence

In a study published today in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, researchers found that over half of the 170 experts that review and revise our nation's key mental health manual had...

Incredible Sulk

When the Senate voted Dec. 21 to block his bid to force open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling by breaking Senate rules and tacking the measure onto the annual defense spending bill...

For DuPont, $1B a Year Rides on Teflon

DuPont disclosed in its SEC filing last week that the company earns $1 billion per year in revenues from the Teflon chemical PFOA or C8. Those revenues could be in danger if EPA decides to regulate...

Congress Moves to Weaken Organic Standard

Congress has attached an action to next year's agriculture appropriations bill that will allow synthetic ingredients to be used in manufacturing products labeled with USDA's green "organic" seal.

Community Protests DuPont's Teflon Dumping

Residents near DuPont's W.Va. Washington Works plant, where the Teflon chemical PFOA is produced, are speaking out against a landfill where the company dumped the toxic chemical.

Miers Supported Asbestos Fund

As if enough weren't wrong with Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination, Reuters reports that Miers spoke to several groups last spring to garner support for Sens. Specter and Leahy's ailing asbestos...

Home Antibacterials Raise FDA Concerns

An FDA panel is examining possible health concerns associated with antibacterial soaps, wipes and other household products. The market is booming for these germ-killers, but home use might be creating...

The Farm Bureau Bogeyman

When the farm bill fight gets rolling again in Congress, one question will be at the heart of the debate: Is it fair to ask farmers to take a few basic steps to protect soil and clean up waterways in...

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

With deliberations on the 2012 farm bill due to begin in January, EWG looks at how the industrial agriculture lobby dominates the hearing process, leaving little room for good food reformers.

Not For Ag Eyes Only: 5 Lessons from the Secret Farm Bill Fight

The secret farm bill thankfully is dead for the time being. Here's 5 lessons to keep in mind for the 2012 farm bill debate.

Help Stop the Secret Farm Bill

Industrial agriculture's lobbyists and a handful of their powerful Congressional allies have been working overtime to skirt the usual democratic process and write a new five-year farm bill behind...

Top Ten Reasons to Reject a "Farm Only" Farm Bill

The House should overwhelmingly reject the terrible “farm-only” farm bill being considered this morning.

Asparagus Ribbon Salad

Delicious dishes don't have to be complicated – just a few ingredients and a few minutes is often all you need. One of my go-to resources for healthy and simple recipe inspiration is Catherine McCord...

What’s in a Name? Safe for Kids, Not Just Chemicals

Everybody – environmentalists and chemical industry executives alike – wants to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act. “Outdated” doesn't begin to describe a law that was cumbersome and weak on the...

More Corn Ethanol in 2013 Means Environment, Consumers Lose Out

The harm done to consumers and the environment by the federal biofuels mandate is destined to grow worse as a result of the recent decision to once again increase the amount of corn ethanol that must...