
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6481 - 6504 of 7456

Too Much of a Good Thing

You want your kids to get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and happy. The best way is to feed them plenty of fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole foods. But what about all the...

Prostate Cancer: Don’t Blame Mom (it’s BPA’s fault)

OK, guys. Remember back in March, when we told you that exposure to BPA might be bad for your prostate? Well, a new study from the University of Illinois at Chicago has shown that prenatal exposure to...

Another Chance to Rein In Unlimited, Secret Crop Insurance Subsidies

When U.S. Department of Agriculture's annual spending bill comes up for action again in the House and Senate next month, Congress may finally get a chance to rein in unlimited, secret subsidies to...

New Duke Study Finds that Reducing Air Pollution Saves Lives

Want the secret to a longer life? It may be as simple as breathing – not meditation, but the quality of the air you breathe.

Dirty Drinking Water in Farm Country

A new study from the University of Minnesota confirms what we've been saying – big agriculture is contaminating your drinking water.

Subsidies and Ethanol Mandate Fuel Massive Dust Storms

Dust storms have re-emerged across much of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, fueled by the same combination of persistent drought, plowing up fragile land and poor public policy that led to the...

EPA Study Points to Ag for Pervasive River Pollution

A March 26 report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that 55 percent of the nation's stream and river miles are in poor condition, mainly because of industrial agriculture.

It’s Time to Regulate Farm Runoff

Simple, well-understood conservation measures would go a long way toward saving Lake Erie and hundreds of other water bodies afflicted with periodic algal blooms.

Corn Lobby Reaps Crops of Trouble

Last week, the corn lobby posted a blog that abruptly declared its independence from so-called “advanced biofuels.” This announcement made it painfully clear that corn ethanol will never gain America...

Better Bug Killers Through Farm Bill Reform

Could the Farm Bill be an opportunity to promote better bug killers?

Waxman, DeGette Urge White House To Curb Toxic Diesel in Fracking Fluid

Diesel fuels contain highly toxic chemicals, one of which is benzene, a known carcinogen. Even very small concentrations of benzene can contaminate water supplies. If benzene and other toxic chemicals...

At the Gym: Foam Pits Filled with Fire Retardants

A landmark study led by Courtney Carignan of the Dartmouth Center for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research has found that the blood of 11 female collegiate gymnasts ages 18...

Genetic Engineering Has No Place In “Natural” Foods

Supermarket shelves are loaded with products that display the label “natural.” The food industry likes to use the word to persuade consumers that what they're buying is somehow better for them, their...

Genetic Engineering Has No Place In “Natural” Foods

Supermarket shelves are loaded with products that display the label “natural.” The food industry likes to use the word to persuade consumers that what they're buying is somehow better for them, their...

FDA is trying (again) to clean up your hand soap

The federal Food and Drug administration has announced proposed rules that could drive unnecessary and potentially dangerous products from the market -- antibacterial hand soaps like those marketed by...

Cut Subsidies, not SNAP

Wondering how Congress could cut farm subsidy giveaways instead of SNAP?

What We Can Learn From West Virginia

On January 9, more than 7,500 gallons of a chemical used to process coal – crude MCHM – spilled into West Virginia's Elk River at a facility owned by Freedom Industries.

Snow White and Her Seven Drilling Rigs

As a mom of an eight-year-old and a six-year old, I can't escape Disney. But thankfully, my little princesses haven't yet been exposed to the company's pro-fracking campaign, “Rockin' in Ohio.”

EWG’s Top Ten Environmental Health Stories of 2013

When EWG's staff voted on the most important environmental health stories of 2013 that didn't directly involve agriculture, it turned out that antibiotic overuse was at the top of the list. Of course...

Rate Your Plate Series: Are low-calorie sweeteners better or worse for you than sugar?

So should consumers choose low-calorie sweeteners or should they opt for sugar?

Agricultural Pollution Drives Up Water Costs

Clean, cheap water from your tap might soon be a thing of the past.

A Bitter Harvest for Democrats

Many of the Democrats who lost their seats this week voted for the 2014 farm bill – only to see farm groups donate to their Republican opponents.

Getting the True Picture of Cropland Expansion

Critics of EWG research that highlights the runaway conversion of pasture, forest and rangeland to grow row crops like to claim that our findings are contradicted by the Census of Agriculture...

Sneaky Sugars & Chemical Junk: Skip the Boxed Stuffing

EWG's Food Scores shows that 100 percent of stuffing mixes have added sugar in them. Not only that, but nearly half of them have ingredients I'd rather avoid because they raise potentially “higher”...