
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6577 - 6600 of 7456

Did Scott Pruitt Lie to the Senate?

Did President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency mislead members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee during his confirmation hearing?

EPA Nominee Pruitt Refused to Promise Asbestos Ban

Last year, former President Barack Obama signed an update to the federal Toxic Substances Control Act into law, finally giving the EPA authority to ban asbestos use and importation. The agency is...

Cancer Prevention Month: Poor Air Quality May Increase Children’s Cancer Risks

We've all choked on the billowing smoke of a passing truck. But poor air quality can have more serious effects that results in chronic disease, hospital admissions and even death.

Enjoying the Process of Home Cooking

J. Kenji Lopez-Alt joined us for a conversation about how he got into cooking, the connection between your health and the food you eat, and enjoying the cooking process. He is the managing culinary...

Nearly 100 Cancer-Causing Contaminants Found in U.S. Drinking Water

EWG's just-released Tap Water Database shows that a startling number of cancer-causing chemicals contaminate the nation's drinking water. Of 250 different contaminants detected in tests by local...

The Ugly Truth: How Trump’s EPA Nominee Greenwashed a Carcinogen in Cosmetics

Before he became President Trump's nominee to oversee the nation's chemical safety, Michael Dourson sought to dramatically weaken the safety standard for 1,4-dioxane, a chemical linked to cancer that...

Top 10 Reasons to Reject Trump’s Chemical Safety Nominee

Next week, a key Senate committee will consider the nomination of Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency. Here are the top 10 reasons senators should reject...

Nutrition Facts Delay: Latest Salvo in Trump’s War on Food

The Trump administration delayed a long-awaited update to nutrition labels on packaged food Friday, launching yet another assault in its war on good food policy.

Melanoma Rates Dropping Among Children and Teens

Melanoma, characterized by mole-like cancerous growths, is on the rise in the U.S. The most serious form of skin cancer, it's particularly rising among women and seniors. But what about kids?

Strawberries Top the List of Worst Fruits and Veggies for Pesticide Residues

One of your kid's favorite fruits is hiding a dirty secret. Of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available for sale in the United States, sweet, sun-kissed strawberries are the most likely to be...

Will Consumers Scan QR Codes?

Will consumers use their smartphones to figure whether the food they're buying contains genetically engineered ingredients, or GMOs?

Ten Years After California Ban, Big Drop in Fire Retardants in Breast Milk

The science of biomonitoring – measuring the chemical pollution in people – produces a seemingly unbroken stream of horror stories, with study after study reporting a new toxic threat building up in...

Chemical Giants Spend $55 Million to Weaken Toxic Chemicals Law

The American Chemistry Council, along with chemical giants Dow, DuPont, BASF, 3M, Honeywell and Koch Industries, spent more than $55 million last year to lobby lawmakers – bringing their four-year...

Tea Tree and Lavender Oils: What We (Don't) Know

"Natural" and homemade cosmetics and cleaning products aren't by definition safer than mainstream products. EWG takes a closer look at two common plant-based ingredients - tea tree and lavender oils -...

Legal Analysis Debunks “Patchwork Quilt” of State GMO-Labeling laws

In the debate over labeling foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, one of the most frequently repeated arguments against state GMO-labeling laws is this: that state laws will create a...

Beyond the Monsanto Clause: What Else Does the House Chemical Bill Get Wrong?

We wrote earlier this month about a troubling provision that was slipped at the last minute into the House version of the industry-backed chemical regulation bill that would update the weak 1976 Toxic...

Legal Experts: Supreme Court Decision on Mercury Pollution Could Undercut Chemical Reform

You might think you can't put a price on protecting public health and the environment. But you'd be wrong — especially if we're talking about the nation's broken and outdated chemicals law, the 1976...

Despite Record Growth, There’s Still Too Little Organic Food

Consumers and the environment have reason to rejoice. According to new data released this week by the Department of Agriculture, the number of certified organic farms and operations in the United...

Widely Used Hormone-Disrupting Pesticides Put Millions at Risk

The European Union just banned two agricultural weed killers linked to infertility, reproductive problems and fetal development – the first-ever EU ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides. That's good...

Reid Opposes Deal to Restore Crop Insurance Industry's Higher Rate of Return

A back-room deal to restore crop insurance companies' sky-high guaranteed rate of return won't stand if Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has anything to say about it.

Nothing Smart About “Smart Label”

Big Food's new “Smart Labels” proposal is no substitute for a simple GMO disclosure on food packaging.

Chicago Tribune Exposé: EPA Cooked the Books to OK Dow's Dangerous Weed Killer

Last year EWG found serious flaws behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's decision to let Dow Chemical Co. sell a new weed poison combining 2,4-D and glyphosate for use on genetically...

Will the Obama Administration Give Cotton Growers a New $10 Billion Subsidy?

The price tag for subsidizing cottonseed turns out to be a whopping $10 billion over the next 10 years. The cotton industry wants to take that big chunk of change out of the pockets of taxpayers who...