
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6649 - 6672 of 7456

Six Questions About Cellphone Radiation and Your Health

In April, the city of Berkeley, Calif., won a major decision in a federal appeals court, allowing the city to go forward with its ordinance requiring cellphone retailers to provide consumers with...

California Is Years Ahead of Schedule on Cutting Global Warming-Causing Pollution

Twelve years ago, California set a goal many energy experts thought was too ambitious: reduce climate-disrupting air pollution to 1990 levels by 2020. Last week, the state announced it had not only...

We Can Take Climate Action Now – and Create Millions of Green-Collar Jobs

When Congress returns, the House will consider the Climate Action Now Act, which would direct the Trump administration to honor America's commitments to reduce greenhouse gases.

Hurricane Florence Knocked Out N.C. Coal and Nuclear Plants, but Solar and Wind Were Back Online the Next Day

As Hurricane Florence approached North Carolina last month, Duke Energy was busy securing power plants to weather the storm.

In Reversal, EPA Confirms That Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency has just confirmed what communities near many oil and gas production fields have known for years: fracking – the injection of a chemical slurry into drilling sites...

Better Biofuels Ahead

Dirty corn ethanol was supposed to be a bridge to greener fuels, but 10 years after it was mandated, it's looking like a bridge to nowhere.

‘Should I Throw Out My Cheerios?’ and Other Questions about Roundup in Children’s Food

Recently, EWG released a headline-making report on Roundup in children's cereal and other oat-based foods. Much of the news coverage agrees with us that parents should be concerned.

Too Dangerous For War On Drugs, But O.K. For GMOs?

Does the president of Colombia care more about the health of coca cultivators than President Obama cares about the health of U.S. farmworkers?

Cancer Risk is Cause for EPA to Act on GMO Weed Killer

The Environmental Working Group joined a number of other environmental and consumer rights organizations today to ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to stop the rollout of Dow AgroSciences'...

Unregulated Genetic Engineering: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Some companies are so hell-bent on avoiding oversight of their genetically engineered crops that they are using new technique to avoid any government review of the safety and environmental impact of...

California Moves To Protect Citizens From Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer

California officials want to add glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, to the state's official list of known carcinogens. This could significantly curb the weed...

EPA Watchdog to Investigate Monsanto GMOs and Superweeds

Genetically modified corn and soybeans were supposed to reduce chemical use on farms, but instead they've done the exact opposite by creating herbicide-resistant "superweeds" and increasing the use of...

Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group To Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics

Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company's signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.

Trapped on Monsanto’s Chemical Treadmill: Dicamba Debacle Shows Folly of Herbicide Arms Race

More than 3 million acres of soybeans and other crops were damaged when a herbicide called dicamba drifted onto their fields, according to a just-published report in The Washington Post on the “arms...

How Industry Twists Science to Downplay the Dangers of Toxic Chemicals

The most egregious flaw of the United States' toothless and outdated system of regulating chemicals is the failure to adequately and independently test chemicals for safety. Because of the...

EWG’s Top 10 Agriculture Stories of 2015

As in past years, EWG asked its staff of scientists, policy analysts and governmental and communications specialists to vote on what they considered the 10 most important stories of 2015 in two...

Citing GMO-Herbicide Link, Renowned Children’s Health Expert Calls for GMO Labeling

An article published today in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine by two of the nation's most respected experts on pesticides and children's environmental health calls for the Food and...

Federal Lawmakers Harvest $15 Million in Farm Subsidies

Thirty-two members of Congress and their immediate family members collected at least $14.3 million in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2016, according to data from EWG's Farm Subsidy Database.

Beyond Ag Policy: Farm Bureau Favors Confederate Statues, Opposes Gun-Free Zones and Gay Marriage

Surrounded by lobbyists for corporate agribusiness, Trump will find kindred spirits on a wide-range of policy positions.

Trump’s Toxic Wake: 8 Ways the President Made Chemicals Less Safe in 2017

In his first year in office, President Trump has wreaked devastating damage on public health protections against hazardous chemicals Photo credit: