
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 673 - 696 of 7455

Disinfectant Cleaners Linked to Weight Gain in Infants and Toddlers

The use of disinfectant cleaners in the home could increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight or obese later in life, according to a new study. The risk appears to rise depending on how heavily...

Scott Pruitt and Brett Kavanaugh Have Something in Common

It's that they both lied about their environmental records when seeking Senate confirmation.

Nearly 20,000 ‘City Slickers’ Received Farm Subsidies in 2017

Nearly 20,000 people living in the nation's 50 largest cities received federal farm subsidies in 2017, according to a new EWG analysis.

Smoke Is a Big Health Risk as California Wildfires Rage On

Deadly wildfires continue to blaze in Northern and Southern California. Dozens of people are dead, hundreds more missing and entire communities have been destroyed.

Billionaires and Beach Bums Should Not Receive Farm Subsidies

Farm subsidies should help farmers, not billionaires and beach bums, right?

Salmonella Outbreak Raises Concern About Thanksgiving Turkey

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, news of a salmonella outbreak in turkey is a serious concern.

Five Tips To Protect Kids from Cellphone Radiation During Holiday Travel

If you're traveling this holiday season, chances are your kid will have a device in his or her lap for at least part of the trip. Don't feel bad. We get it. Traveling with kids is harder than lifting...

Breathe Easy: Healthier Indoor Air in Cold Weather, Part 2

Once you've tackled your home's entryways and living room, you've already taken significant steps toward improving your indoor air quality. Now you may be ready for an even bigger challenge: the...

A Clean Energy Future Starts at the Grassroots

Alarmed by current U.S. energy policy, 60 Americans from all over the country came together in 2012 and earlier this year in Cambridge, Mass., to explore alternatives to the dangerous and misleading...

EWG News Roundup (4/19): EPA Balks at Asbestos Ban, Toxic-Free Easter Eggs and More

EWG News Roundup (4/19): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Big Utilities Scheme to Make Solar Customers Pay More

When homeowners install rooftop solar panels, their electricity bills go down. That's a threat to the profit margins of big utility companies, and in response they are scheming to undermine the...

Trump Says He’ll Save Coal Power Plants, But Even Utilities Know He’s Blowing Smoke

The Trump administration's latest idea to “bring back coal” is to let individual states decide how – or even whether – to cut air pollution from coal-burning power plants. The plan is meant to...

Court Rejects Challenge to Ban on Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon

Marking a major victory for efforts to protect the iconic Grand Canyon National Park and the Colorado River, a U.S. district court judge last week upheld the Obama administration's moratorium on new...

Dying Coal- and Nuclear-Powered Utility Asks Again for Government Bailout

FirstEnergy, a utility struggling to stay alive in the dying coal and nuclear industries, is once again looking for a bailout from government regulators.

Will New Chemical Law Hide the Fracking Industry’s Toxic Secrets?

The makeup of hydraulic fracturing fluid – the slurry of chemicals, sand and water injected deep underground to free petroleum deposits trapped by bedrock – is a closely guarded secret of the oil and...

Labor Day Made Fun and Safer With EWG

Does your family head to the beach for Labor Day? Host friends and family for a barbecue? Whatever your particular tradition, EWG has you covered when it comes to marking the end of summer safely and...

New Push for Ingredient Labels on Menstrual Products

New York may soon become the first state to require that menstrual products disclose their ingredients on the label. The groundbreaking action follows the release of a study showing that many brands...

Fairway Farmers

The grass is always greener for “fairway farmers” who, despite living next to golf courses instead of crop land, have raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments from the first round of...

Natural Gas: A 'Bridge' to a Hotter Climate, Bigger Utility Bills and More Threats to Public Health

For decades, big utilities and the fossil fuel industry have touted natural gas as a cheap, lower-pollution fuel that provides a “bridge” from coal and oil to clean renewable energy. That notion has...

Two Philadelphia Schools Closed After Renovation Reveals Deadly Asbestos

The Philadelphia School District has closed two schools indefinitely after renovations uncovered deadly asbestos. The closure of the schools, housed in the same building, comes just weeks after a...

Corn Ethanol Deadlier Than VW Emissions Scam

Volkswagen could be fined up to $90 billion for violating the federal Clean Air Act by jerry-rigging diesel engines to burn cleaner on emissions tests. The added air pollution will cause up to 60...