
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6721 - 6744 of 7456

Duke Study Confirms Toxicity of Widely Used Pesticide Ingredient

In an innovative study, researchers at the Duke University School of Medicine have developed a laboratory screening system for detecting neurotoxic chemicals and successfully tested it on more than 1...

President Signs Health Care Law for Sick Lejeune Vets, Families

President Obama signed into law today the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act, which will provide essential health benefits to veterans and their families who were...

Dingell, Stupak Investigating Corruption of Science Panels at EPA

Two powerful chairmen of the House committee that oversees the EPA are launching an investigation into the chemical industry's undue influence on Agency panels that recommend critical public health...

Researchers Seek Emergency Ban on Toxic Insecticide

Ten years after a consumer revolt against apples treated with the carcinogen Alar prompted a ban on the chemical, children are no better protected from pesticides in the nation's food supply...

Human Carcinogen Found in Drinking Water Near Gas Drilling Ops

The federal Environmental Protection Agency's detection of arsenic, a known human carcinogen, barium and other contaminants in the well water of homes near natural gas drilling operations in Dimock...

Hormone-Altering Cosmetics Chemicals Found in Teenage Girls

Teenage girls across America are contaminated with hormone-altering chemicals found in cosmetics and body care products, confirms a new study released today by EWG.

Valuable Farm Bill Program for Fruits and Vegetables Needs Better Focus

An important farm bill program that provides valuable support for California's growers and consumers of healthy fruits, vegetables and nuts would deliver greater all-around benefits if state officials...

EWG Calls on EPA to Set Lower Limit on Perchlorate in Water

Environmental Working Group commends the EPA for taking action to protect Americans from perchlorate, the endocrine-disrupting compound that has long been an important public health issue. EWG...

Speaker Boehner Makes a Wise Decision to Reject Farm Bill

EWG applauds Speaker Boehner for his wise decision to reject the terrible farm bill produced by the House Agriculture Committee.

Good Food on a Tight Budget: EWG’s New Easy-to-Use Guide

In an era of rising food prices and economic strains that have put one in four people on federal nutrition assistance, nearly all Americans must search for foods that are nutritious and affordable. To...

Johnson & Johnson To Revamp Ingredients In Personal Care Products

Johnson & Johnson, one of the world's largest personal care product companies, has announced a groundbreaking new initiative to reformulate many of its personal care products, including baby shampoos...

EWG, NRDC Sue to Protect Millions of Californians from Contaminated Drinking Water

The Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Working Group today sued the California Department of Public Health for failing to protect millions of Californians from hexavalent chromium...

Congress Approves Health Care for Camp Lejeune Vets, Families

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a bipartisan bill that provides health benefits to veterans and their families exposed to contaminated drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune...

Flame Retardants Targeted by Senate Environment Committee

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today scrutinized a failed federal law that has allowed toxic flame retardants to be widely used in consumer products.

Crop Insurance Subsidy Reforms Could Save Tens of Billions in 2012 Farm Bill

A new report shows that Congress could save taxpayers at least $42 billion over 10 years, provide farmers with a more fiscally and environmentally responsible safety net and avoid deep cuts to vital...

House Agriculture Leaders Propose to Expand, Not Reform, Farm Subsidies

Environmental Working Group's vice president of government affairs Scott Faber released the following statement on the House agriculture committee leadership's 2012 farm bill proposal.

Serious Flaws Plague NY Drilling Plan

Significant scientific gaps in a New York state regulatory plan would make drilling for shale gas a multi-billion-dollar gamble, according to a joint report by two watchdog organizations.

Senate Puts Crop Insurance Companies Ahead of Needy Children

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement on the Senate's failure to pass Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's, D-N.Y., amendment:

Begich, McCain Propose Bill To Disclose Crop Insurance Subsidy Recipients

Sens. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, and John McCain, R-Ariz., have introduced an amendment to the Senate farm bill that would make public the names of the individuals who benefit from taxpayer-funded crop...

2012 Senate Farm Bill Does More Harm Than Good

The 2012 farm bill should do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, promote healthy diets and support working families. Unfortunately, the bill produced today by the Senate...

FDA to Decide Soon On Move Toward BPA Food Packaging Ban

The federal Food and Drug Administration, faced with a series of legal actions from environmental groups, is poised to decide whether to move toward barring the toxic chemical bisphenol-A from food...

Brazilian Blowout to Pay Workers, Customers

A class action settlement requiring the manufacturer of Brazilian Blowout, a popular chemical hair straightener to pay a small compensation to salon workers and customers who used its formaldehyde...

World's Largest Soup Maker to Remove BPA from Cans

Campbell's Soup, whose iconic red and white label is found in pantries across the country, says it will stop using the notorious chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, in the linings of its cans.

109 Organizations Take Issue With Obama’s Support for Fracking

More than 100 organizations – including environmental, religious and public health groups – expressed concern about President Obama’s endorsement of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas drilling in his...