
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6745 - 6768 of 7456

New Ethanol Blend Puts Hundreds of Millions of Engine Warranties At Risk

The Environmental Protection Agency's decision today to pave the way for the sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol is likely to prove a nightmare for car owners who improperly fuel...

America’s Conservation Compact is Eroding Despite Farmers’ Support

A new research paper finds that most farmers support the long-standing conservation compact that has helped protect the rich soil and clean water that sustain food, farming and public health.

EPA: Fracking Linked to Groundwater Contamination in Wyoming

According to a report by the Associated Press, the federal Environmental Protection Agency has concluded the natural gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, could be responsible...

EPA Moves to Limit Mercury Emissions

The federal Environmental Protection Agency pressed ahead today in its effort to reduce Americans' exposure to hazardous chemicals, announcing a long-awaited new standard to reduce the amount of...

EWG: With Super Committee Dead, Ag Leaders Should Make Public Secret Farm Bill Plan

Late last week, the four top leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees finalized the details of their secret farm bill, slated to be part of the so-called Super Committee's deficit...

BPA Banned in California Baby Bottles

California parents are cheering and letting out a sigh of relief with the news that Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation banning the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles...

FDA Steps Up Pressure on Brazilian Blowout

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement this afternoon in response to the federal Food and Drug Administration's warning to Brazilian Blowout that the company's product containing...

California Senate Approves BPA Ban for Baby Bottles, Sippy Cups

The California State Senate voted today to ban the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A from baby bottles and sippy cups sold in California.

FDA Sunscreen Rules Too Little and VERY Late

The federal Food and Drug Administration's new sunscreen rules, released today after nearly 33 years of deliberations, fall short.

Senate Votes To End Thirty-Three-Year-Old Ethanol Subsidies

The U.S. Senate voted today 73 to 27 to repeal the ethanol tax credit and ethanol tariff. This historic vote, which came on an amendment to S. 782, the Economic Development Revitalization Act...

Fracking Panel Schedules Follow-ups to Contentious Hearing

Following up on last week's contentious hearing in Washington, Pa., the U.S. Energy department has scheduled two all-day sessions for Tuesday, June 28, and Wednesday, July 13, to listen to people...

EPA’s New Chemical Data Reporting Rule Falls Short

Environmental Working Group senior scientist David Andrews issued the following statement in response to today's announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency of its revised Chemical Data...

EPA Report: Fracking Contaminated Drinking Water

Contrary to the drilling industry claim that hydraulic fracturing has never contaminated groundwater, the Environmental Protection Agency concluded in a 1987 study that “fracking” of a natural gas...

Soil Erosion In Corn Belt Is Much Worse Than Official Estimates

Data based on tracking erosion after every storm over a period of years shows that Iowa farms are losing precious topsoil up to 12 times faster than government estimates, a disturbing discovery...

EWG Supporters Urge USDA to Stop Funding Pro-Pesticide Campaign with Taxpayer Dollars

The Environmental Working Group today will send the U.S. Department of Agriculture a petition signed by more than 50,000 EWG supporters who object to the department's grant of $180,000 to a California...

2011 Sunscreen Database Profiles 1,700 Products

Consumers can trust a slim 20 percent of the beach and sport sunscreens assessed for the 2011 sun season, according to Environmental Working Group's survey of over 1,700 sun products.

Cities Confirm EWG Tap Water Tests

Testing by four municipal drinking water suppliers has confirmed the results of a study by the Environmental Working Group that detected widespread contamination by chromium-6, a suspected toxic...

Obama Speech Misfired on Ethanol, Ag Policy

President Barak Obama's call to “stop subsidizing yesterday's energy” in his State of the Union speech last night was welcome, but the President missed an opportunity to focus attention on the...

Corn and Cotton Clobber Poor Kids in Big Ag’s Secret Farm Bill

Details became public today of a farm bill proposal written in secret by the top leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees and sent this week to the Congressional “Super Committee.” As...

EWG Calls For Broader Reform on Chemical Safety

Environmental Working Group called today's release of draft risk assessments of five chemicals found in paint strippers, fire retardants, degreasers, fragrances and other consumer products a positive...

POLL: Water is High Priority for Bipartisan Majority of Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans are not opposed to more domestic energy production, but they are unwilling to achieve it by sacrificing clean water, increased energy efficiency, and expanded wind and...

EWG Says Proposed NY State Fracking Rules Won't Assure Safety

The Environmental Working Group today submitted comments to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on its revised draft regulations for high-volume hydraulic fracturing. EWG...

Europe Steps Up to Protect Babies from BPA

Bisphenol-A (BPA) will be banned from baby bottles come June of 2011, announced the European Union's executive commission on Thursday.

50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials' award of a $180,000 taxpayer...