
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6769 - 6792 of 7456

EWG News Roundup (12/13): Key PFAS Provisions Left Out of Defense Spending Bill, EWG Map Shows 305 Military Sites Tainted With PFAS and More

EWG News Roundup (12/13): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (1/24): EWG Finds PFAS in Major Cities’ Water, Federal Clean Energy Policies Lag Behind and More

EWG News Roundup (1/24): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (1/31): Revlon Launches Its First EWG VERIFIED® Product, Cleaning Recommendations from NBC’s “Today” Show, Missing PFAS Data and More

This week, EWG scientists evaluated eight cleaning products recommended by the "Today" show to see how well they stacked up according to EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning.

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Found in Menstrual and Genital Care Products, Studies Show

Menstrual care products may be an important source of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, according to two new studies that add to the mounting evidence.

Toxic PFAS Chemicals Found in Period-Proof Underwear

Recent tests indicate high levels of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in a brand of menstrual underwear called Thinx. The brand is advertised as "Organic Cotton Underwear" and touts its...

On PFAS, Weak Tea That Taxes Ordinary Americans and Absolves Corporate Cronies

The Environmental Protection Agency's announcement that it will take long overdue next steps toward a drinking water standard for PFOA and PFOS, two of the most toxic fluorinated chemicals known as...

Report: After Three Years of Trump, the Kids Are (Not) Alright

Three years into President Trump's administration, the Union of Concerned Scientists, or UCS, has taken an in-depth look at the impact on children's health. The findings are bleak.

Study: Frequent Use of Cleaning Products May Increase Risk of Childhood Asthma

Frequent use of cleaning products in the home may increase a baby's risk of developing asthma and chronic wheezing during early childhood, and could be an important area for respiratory health...

As Electric Vehicles Boom Globally, Federal Policy Is Holding Back Growth in U.S.

More carbon dioxide emissions come from transportation than from generating power, according to the federal Energy Information Administration. In 2017, transportation accounted for 29 percent of total...

Time Is Running Out to Help Hungry Families and Food and Farm Workers

The devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic has never been clearer. One in five American children are struggling with hunger. Thousands of food and farm workers have contracted COVID-19 and hundreds have...

Industrial Animal Agriculture Poses Serious Threats to Human Health

For people who live near industrial animal feedlots, the stench, flies and day-and-night rumbling of trucks are more than a nuisance that impairs the use and enjoyment of their own property...

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe for Your Child?

It's no secret that children love sweets – and that parents often try to limit the sugary treats their kids consume, because of the range of health concerns, not to mention dental bills, associated...

National Potato Giant Uses Obscure Leasing Scheme To Skirt Environmental Oversight in Minnesota

One of the nation's largest industrial agriculture operations is hiding behind a small family farm to try to avoid environmental oversight of a plan to clear-cut pristine Minnesota forestland for a...

Seven Months Into Pandemic, Most States Still Don’t Require Farmworker Protections

Seven months into the Covid-19 pandemic, most states still have not issued mandatory protections for farmworkers, even as cases continue to rise, according to an updated EWG analysis of state...

More New Hunger Than Hoover? Trump’s Catastrophic Response to Covid-19 Fuels Hunger Crisis

More than 22 million American households now qualify for federal food assistance, according to the Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service ­– an increase of almost 3.4 million...

Giant Potato Grower Threatens What’s Left of Our Land

The White Earth Reservation, in Minnesota, where I was born and live, was created in 1867 by a treaty between the White Earth Band of Ojibwe and the U.S. government. The original reservation...

EWG Analysis of Step2 Data for 2004

U.S. taxpayers provided $264 million in 2004 to a handful of agribusiness firms through an obscure but controversial cotton subsidy program at the center of a fierce global debate over agricultural...

New Government Fish Tests Raise Mercury Concerns

EWG's analysis of mercury data obtained from FDA under the Freedom of Information Act reveals that mercury contamination of fish is more serious than federal scientists previously assumed.

COVID-19 Spreading to Food Processing Facilities Across the U.S.

Although not yet as pervasive as outbreaks at meatpacking facilities, COVID-19 is on the rise at America's food processing facilities. EWG's search of news stories published from March 14 to June 8...

‘Let’s Just Ban the Damn Ingredient’: Inside FDA Scientists’ Failed Attempt To Ban Formaldehyde in Hair Treatments

As reported by The New York Times today, newly released emails show that in 2015 and 2016, Food and Drug Administration scientists urged the agency to ban toxic formaldehyde in hair-smoothing products...

UPDATED: Hundreds of City Slickers, Wealthy Beach Bums Received Farm Payments for 33 Straight Years

EWG found that 245 people who have received taxpayer-funded farm subsidies or disaster payments for 32 straight years currently reside in the nation's 50 largest cities, according to an analysis of...

How Can the Biden Administration Fix America’s Broken Food System?

The staggering number of food and farm workers who have died from Covid-19 has laid bare the Trump administration's disastrous policies on food and farm issues.

EWG News Roundup (6/25): Nitrate Contaminates Farm Country Drinking Water, $10 Billion Settlement in Monsanto Weedkiller Case and More

This week, EWG released an analysis of nitrate contamination of drinking water, largely caused by polluted runoff from crop fields, across 10 states, affecting more than 20 million Americans. The...