
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6793 - 6816 of 7456

Beware Toxic Algae Over the Fourth of July

Over the Fourth of July holiday, don't act like the crowds recreating in Grand Lake St. Marys, Ohio. With area pools closed due to the pandemic, people are flocking to the lake to cool off, despite...

EWG News Roundup (7/16): Glyphosate in Hummus, States Failing Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic and More

EWG News Roundup (7/16): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (7/30): CAFOs Run Amok in North Carolina, Senate Republican COVID-19 Stimulus Lets Down Farm Workers and More

EWG News Roundup (7/30): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Trump’s Farm Relief Won’t Protect Essential Farmworkers From COVID-19

The Trump administration's plan to spend billions to address the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on agriculture may help industrial-scale produce farms but does little to assist farmworkers...

In a Pandemic, Farmworkers Deserve a Raise, Not a Pay Cut

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, farmworkers are risking their lives to feed us. So why are some officials in the Trump administration and some Republicans in Congress trying to cut farmworkers'...

Study: Big Soda’s Ads Target Young People of Color

In June, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo pledged to support Black Lives Matter. But according to a new study of advertising of sugary drinks to children, their money tells a different story: Despite an epidemic...

Algae Blooms: More Than 300 Outbreaks So Far This Year

If you're headed for the lake or river this Labor Day weekend, be on the lookout for outbreaks of potentially toxic algae. Through the end of August, algae blooms have plagued 318 bodies of water...

Waterkeeper Alliance and EWG Investigation Finds Hurricane Florence Flooded Poultry Operations Housing 1.8 Million Birds

The heavy rains and high waters after Hurricane Florence flooded 35 industrial poultry operations in North Carolina housing an estimated 1.8 million birds, according to a new investigation by...

Mapping the PFAS Contamination Crisis

Research by the Environmental Working Group and the PFAS Project at Northeastern University's Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute, or SSEHRI, has helped to map the crisis of...

EWG Sends Open Letter to Produce Industry: Do More to Protect Consumers and Farmworkers from Pathogens and Pesticides

During this time of the coronavirus crisis, the Environmental Working Group stands firmly in defense of food safety for all Americans. From the day EWG was founded, we have advocated for everyone to...

The Pandemic Sends an Ill Wind Through Iowa. Will Congress Step Up To Help?

In 1983, Iowa was the first state to set a renewable energy standard – requiring utilities to generate a mandated share of electricity from renewable sources – and it paid off: Wind power is Iowa's...

Massachusetts’ Net-Zero Goal Could Stall Without Federal Pandemic Relief

In January, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced a goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Although all New England states have aggressive carbon reduction targets...

The Pentagon Should Address All Types of PFAS on Military Bases

The toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS belong to a family with hundreds of different members. They are linked to an array of health risks, including cancer, thyroid disruption, reproductive and...

EWG Statement on the Murder of George Floyd

The Environmental Working Group stands in solidarity and mourning with the family of George Floyd, to honor his memory and grieve his senseless, hateful, brutal murder at the hands of Minneapolis...

How Trump’s Consumer Safety Nominee Weakened Regulation of ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Consumer Products

There are many reasons for the Senate to oppose President Trump's nominee to chair the Consumer Products Safety Commission, Nancy Beck.

COVID-19 Farm Bailout Funds Should Help Farmworkers, Not Big Farmers

Congress should direct the Department of Agriculture to use COVID-19 relief funds to ensure that farmworkers –not big farmers – have protections, free testing and paid sick leave.

On Juneteenth – and Every Day – Support Environmental Justice

Today is Juneteenth. This year the holiday is especially meaningful, as people of all backgrounds have gathered to raise their voices and declare: Black Lives Matter. EWG stands in solidarity with...

Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes From EWG Staff

Whether you observe Thanksgiving this year with an intimate gathering or a virtual event, your day will still likely center on the traditional holiday meal. And no matter how many people you feed, you...

Let’s Talk Turkey: Decoding the Label on Your Bird

Labels on turkeys can be confusing! It's difficult to sort the certifications and claims that are superfluous from the ones that actually mean something. Fortunately, EWG can help you find the facts.

Thanksgiving’s Superfood Sweet Potatoes – Without the Sugar Splurge

This year many Americans are rethinking how they will celebrate Thanksgiving during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although this holiday will probably look different from any in recent memory, it's still...

Detailing the Big Handout to Big Ag

A timely new book explores how America's food, farm and energy policies got derailed by greedy lobbyists and government subsidies.

A cookbook for everyone on EWG's list

My favorite gifts are recently released cookbooks. I love to give and get them. I know picking the right cookbook can be a challenge - especially when there are so many great ones these days to help...

Best, Worst Sunscreens and Lip Balms for Winter Sports

Hitting the slopes this winter? Gnarly is for steeps and chutes, not faces.