
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6817 - 6840 of 7456

HBO to Premiere Explosive Natural Gas Documentary

WASHINGTON, June 18 -- Film director Josh Fox grew up in rural Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, which sits above the natural gas-rich Marcellus shale formation deep underground.

San Francisco Says Cell Phone Retailers Must List Radiation Levels

SAN FRANCISCO, June 9 – The City of San Francisco will require cell phone retailers to display the levels of radiation emitted by their phones, following the Board of Supervisors' adoption Tuesday of...

International Study: High Cell Phone Use May Raise Tumor Risk

Washington, DC – The Interphone Study Group, a 10-year, 13-nation scientific collaboration coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a United Nations agency, has wrapped up its...

President’s Cancer Panel Warns Public of Chemical Dangers

Washington, D.C. – In a landmark report issued today, the President's Cancer Panel asserts that public health officials have "grossly underestimated" the likelihood that environmental contaminants...

Farmers, Labor, Green Groups United to Fight Cuts in Conservation Programs

Proposed budget cuts threaten half a billion dollars in federal grants to help U.S. farmers protect the environment, but an alliance of California agriculture, labor, and conservation groups are...

Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Ban BPA

The Maryland Senate today unanimously voted to ban the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups. The Senate's action, by a vote of 45 to 0, marks the last major hurdle...

Cardin Offers Hope for the Chesapeake Bay

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced legislation today aimed at reducing pollution that has endangered the Chesapeake Bay watershed for over 25 years. The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem...

Low Vitamin D in U.S. Children linked to FDA’s Foot-Dragging on Sunscreen Standards

Researchers from a major medical center in New York have reported that 7 out of 10 U.S. children have low levels of vitamin D, placing them at higher risk for bone disorders, heart disease, and other...

New 'Study' Fails to Analyze Key Health Benefits of Organic Food

A report from a group of English researchers who claim to have conducted “the most extensive systematic review of the available published literature on nutrient content of organic food ever conducted...

67 of the Dirtiest Power Plants off the Hook in Current Climate Legislation

The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), narrowly approved in the House, is an important first step toward slowing climate change.

Most Bottled Water Brands Don’t Disclose Information About Source, Purity and Contaminants

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation of almost 200 popular bottled water brands found less than 2 percent disclose the water's source, how the water has been purified and what chemical...

EQIP Cuts Worse Than Expected

The US Geological Survey reported today that nutrient loading in the Gulf of Mexico will be among the highest measured in the past 30 years. This news underscores how decades of broken funding...

In memory of Dr. Kate Mahaffey

We have received news that Dr. Kate Mahaffey passed away on June 2, 2009. Please read about her here - her work is an inspiration for all of us at EWG.

Press Release - Pollution Found in Five Extraordinary Women Leaders

An unprecedented two-year study commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), in partnership with Rachel's Network and conducted by four independent research laboratories in the United States...

Commercial Fishing Reaps Billions

U.S. and state fishing subsidy programs have contributed more than $6.4 billion to commercial fishing operations between 1996 and 2004, accelerating depletion of once-bountiful fish species, according...

House Hearing to Examine the Case For TSCA Reform

It is the federal law that industry loves and environmentalists love to hate, yet have been unable to reform since it was enacted a generation ago. But a congressional hearing convened today by Rep...

EWG Statement on Latest FDA Proposed Sunscreen Safety Standards

EWG issued the following statement today in response to the Food and Drug Administration's latest proposed federal safety standards for sunscreens. FDA first announced its intention to implement...

Federal Panel’s Report on Food Contaminant Flunks Basic Science

The National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) is assessing the health risks of the compound BPA, a toxic ingredient in plastics that...

Senate Panel Passes Asbestos Ban

Eighteen years after the Environmental Protection Agency unsuccessfully attempted to ban asbestos, one of the world's most deadly substances, a Senate panel voted this week to ban the use of the...

Naming (1.5 Million) Names

A new Web site, developed by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) from millions of previously unpublished USDA subsidy records and released today, provides nearly full disclosure of federal farm...

Power Drain

Some of America's richest and largest farms are paying pennies for the vast amounts of electricity needed to deliver irrigation water to California's arid Central Valley.

EWG President Ken Cook Testifies Before Congressional Committee

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook testified today before the US House of Representatives Agricultural Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research. Using previously...

Right-to-Know Rollback will Hide Data on 600K lbs of Toxics in California

The Bush Administration has adopted regulations that will dramatically roll back Americans' right to know about chemical hazards in their neighborhoods, allowing California industries to handle almost...

Environmental, Health, Business and Public Policy Experts Join EWG Board

Six new members have taken seats on the board of directors of Environmental Working Group, collectively bringing with them decades of experience in environmental activism, grassroots organizing...