
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6865 - 6888 of 7456

Press Release - Enforcing Mileage Standards

The U.S. would reduce oil imports by 20 percent if auto companies met mileage standards using realistic driving tests according to a new analysis by Environmental Working Group (EWG).

EWG Urges Censure of 'Brockovich' Scientist

(WASHINGTON, July 18) — A scientific consultant whose firm fraudulently planted a study rebutting a link between chromium and cancer should be censured for violating toxicology's professional code of...

Cook vs. Combest Debates?

Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook today challenged one the nation's most ardent and articulate defenders of status quo farm subsidy programs to a nationwide series of policy debates...

White House Ties Secure Yates' Drilling Rights to Sensitive N.M. Grasslands

For $2 an acre, the Bush Administration has given the rights to drill for oil and gas on New Mexico's Otero Mesa to a company whose White House connections were key to reversing earlier plans to...

Government Official Warns of Arsenic Wood Cancer Risk

Commissioner Thomas Moore of the federal government's Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) shares Environmental Working Group's (EWG) concern that children playing on decks, play sets and other...

New Analysis Shows Growing Number of Asbestos Related Deaths in Texas

Texas legislature is poised to consider legislation limiting the ability of the sick or dying to get their medical bills covered by the asbestos companies.

Senate Asbestos Bailout Bill Helps Libby Mine Workers, Neighbors, Denies Help to Workers Who Processed Libby Ore

Newly uncovered documents from W.R. Grace show that the company exposed workers in at least 14 of its insulation factories around the country to lethal asbestos dust at levels above those in the now...

Toxic Cleaner Fumes Could Contaminate California Classrooms

Air pollution testing conducted for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that cleaning supplies used in 13 key California school districts can cloud classroom air with more than 450 distinct...

EPA May Regulate Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water

Making good on Administrator Lisa Jackson's confirmation promise, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving ahead with its deliberations on whether to impose the first national limits on...

California Proposes Nation’s First Limit on “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

After more than a decade of fighting an across-the-board industry campaign, the California government has finally announced proposed health guidelines for the deadly cancer-causing chemical hexavalent...

House Committee Sets Deadline for BPA Decision

In a rare move, the House Energy and Commerce Committee directed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to finalize its safety determination over the controversial toxic plastics additive, bisphenol A...

Washington Lobbyists Connive to Kill California Public Health Bill

Last Thursday, chemical and food industry lobbyists called an emergency brainstorming session to devise an attack plan to stop a California legislative proposal for a virtual ban on the toxic plastics...

EWG Debunks Corn Ethanol Lobby's Push for Clean Air Act Waiver

The corn ethanol industry is misrepresenting scientific facts in efforts to dupe the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) into waiving critical public health protections for the sake of boosting...

BPA Levels in Adults Up 70 Percent After Drinking From Plastic Bottles

Seventy-seven Harvard student volunteers experienced a nearly 70 percent increase in urinary levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a plastics component and synthetic estrogen linked to cancer, reproductive...

Cutting Conservation Programs No Way to Fight Global Warming

President Obama's proposed budget continues the long string of broken promises that have left conservation programs billions short over the past two farm bills. While the White House and the US...

EWG Commentary on SCOPE Biofuels Report

The following is commentary from Environmental Working Group Midwest Vice President Craig Cox regarding today's release of a Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) report on...

USGS Identifies Top Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Polluting Watersheds

For the first time, the U.S. Geological Survey has identified the top 150 polluting watersheds in the Mississippi River Basin that cause the annual 8,000 square-mile “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico...

House Committee Invokes Rarely Used Powers To Block Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

A House committee today exercised rarely used emergency powers to protect the Grand Canyon from a surge in uranium mining claims near the canyon rim.

FDA Creates Culture of Ignorance for Personal Care Products

EWG issued a statement today at a public meeting held by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), calling on the government to include public health, consumer, and environmental organizations in...

EPA Offers “Inaction” Plan to Solve ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released today an action plan that will do little to slow the growth of the oxygen-starved ocean ‘Dead Zone' in the Gulf of Mexico, says three members of the...

As Congress Finalizes Farm Bill Deal EWG Lists Recipients of Controversial Direct Payment Subsidies for 2007

By any measure, 2007 was a banner year for farmers of grain, soybeans and cotton, as high prices for their crops earned them record net income, even after they paid skyrocketing costs for fuel...

Polluted Pets

In the first study of its kind, Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that companion cats and dogs are polluted with even higher levels of many of the same synthetic industrial chemicals that...

EPA Convenes Panel To Strip Safety Standards That Protect Kids From Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Three weeks after the launch of a major Congressional investigation into conflicts of interest compromising EPA expert review panels and the revelation that EPA, at the request of the chemical...

Caving to Industry Pressure, EPA Fires Chair of Chemical Panel

Under pressure from chemical industry lobbyists, the Bush Administration fired the chair of an expert science panel at the Environmental Protection Agency that was evaluating the safety of a...