
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6889 - 6912 of 7456

Bush Administration Should Stop Foot Dragging and Finish National Workplace Exposure Study for Nurses

In a letter sent today, Environmental Working Group (EWG) Executive Director Richard Wiles urged lawmakers to call on the Bush administration to stop its almost seven years of foot dragging and move...

Ritter's Position on Roan a Good Start But Should Go Farther to Protect Plateau

Environmental Working Group (EWG) is encouraged that Gov. Bill Ritter has called for protecting critical habitat and properly managed oil and gas drilling around Roan Plateau. But the governor must...

EWG Calls on Congressional Leadership to Oppose Shortsighted Renewable Fuel Standards Proposal

Today, the Environmental Working Group sent the attached letter to Congressional leadership expressing opposition to the reported Renewable Fuels package in the Energy Bill.

Latest Dangerous Toy From China

Last week, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) announced the results of an exhaustive 18-month scientific study testing hundreds of consumer products for the deadly cancer-causing...

The New Gold Rush: Surge in Mining Claims Threatens California’s National Parks & Wilderness

A modern-day Gold Rush is threatening California's national parks, national monuments, wilderness and roadless areas.

EWG Applauds Senate Passage of Landmark Legislation Banning Asbestos

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Executive Director Richard Wiles issued the following statement thanking United States Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) after the Senate...

Investigation Finds More Than 400 Cosmetic Products on U.S. Shelves Unsafe When Used as Directed

As FDA officials and the cosmetics industry prepared to huddle behind closed doors without input from outside groups to discuss “regulatory obstacles” between countries, Environmental Working Group...

EWG Establishes Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Technology and Digital Mobilization

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Environmental Working Group, the nation's leading environmental health research and advocacy organization, has established its own “genius” award to honor...

Poison in the Pipeline: The Toxic Risk of Keystone XL

Independent lab tests of a sample taken from a tar sands oil spill earlier this year in Arkansas detected several highly toxic chemicals, according to a new report by Environmental Working Group...

Nation’s Drought Highlights Need for Crop Insurance Reform

Environmental Working Group held a media briefing with Dr. Bruce Babock of Iowa State University to discuss the 2012 drought and its implication for the federal crop insurance program.

House Should Reject "Farm Only" Farm Bill

It is unconscionable that House leaders have put forward a farm bill that provides unlimited subsidies to the largest and most successful farm businesses and guts programs to help the environment.

White House Should Make Water Conservation a National Priority

A detailed executive order making water a major national priority and moving the nation to a clean energy future is being submitted today to the White House for the consideration of President Obama.

Health, Consumer Groups Call for New Cell Phone Radiation Standards

Citing the soaring number of wireless devices in the hands of children, long-standing flaws in federal cell phone radiation standards and new science raising questions about cell phone safety, 12...

White House Bows to Chemical Companies

At the behest of the chemical industry, the Obama administration today backed off its effort to regulate a handful of widely used and highly toxic substances found in many consumer goods.

Farm Bill Conservation Programs Must Do More to Protect California Water

Hundreds of millions of conservation dollars in the federal farm bill should be used far more effectively to address widespread water pollution problems in California, according to a new analysis...

Cell Phone Radiation Varies By Wireless Carrier

In recent years, a series of studies have shown that a consumer's choice of wireless carrier may be more important than the cell phone itself in determining how much radiation will reach the user...

Shopping For Cosmetics? Take EWG’s Skin Deep App

Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep App is here! EWG's popular online consumer guide to more than 78,000 personal care products is now available as an App for the iPhone and Android.

Fast Food Companies Asked to Disclose Use of Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging

EWG asks the CEOs of nine major fast food corporations to disclose the use of toxic nonstick chemicals in their packaging.

EWG TSCA 8(e) Petition: EPA probes DuPont birth defect study

EWG alleged today that the DuPont chemical company has violated federal law by withholding from the government for the last 22 years a company study that detected a toxic, Teflon-related chemical in...

Time to Reform Environmentally Damaging Corn Ethanol Mandate

Environmental Working Group (EWG) joined a diverse group of stakeholders today to call on Congress to reform the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) because of its negative impact on the environment...

California to Overhaul Fire Retardant Rules

California Governor Jerry Brown today proposed to end the widespread use of highly toxic fire retardant chemicals in foam furniture sold in the state.

Senators Seek to Block Higher Ethanol Blend

Environmental Working Group today welcomed the introduction of legislation to block the use of gasoline containing 15 percent corn ethanol by U.S. Sens. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and David Vitter (R-La.)...

EWG's New Online Water Filter Buying Guide

The Environmental Working Group has released its new online water filter buying guide with more options and new tips for consumers who want cleaner drinking water for themselves and their families.

EWG Applauds Nomination of Gina McCarthy to Head EPA

President Obama's selection of Gina McCarthy as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency “is a bold choice that reflects the president's strong commitment to protecting public health and...