
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7177 - 7200 of 7456

FDA Emails: Scientists Pushed To Ban Formaldehyde-Based Hair-Smoothing Treatments as Early as 2015

Emails obtained by the Environmental Working Group reveal that in 2015 and 2016, scientists at the Food and Drug Administration urged the agency to ban formaldehyde in popular hair-smoothing...

New EWG Healthy Living App Includes Healthy Cleaners

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Working Group has added information about healthy cleaners to its Healthy Living App, putting ratings at shoppers' fingertips for more than 122,000 foods, personal care...

Analysis: Talc-Based Cosmetics Test Positive for Asbestos

Laboratory tests of talc-based cosmetics products, commissioned by the Environmental Working Group, found asbestos – a deadly human carcinogen for which there is no safe level of exposure – in almost...

Final Version of Water Bill Puts Pork Ahead of PFAS Pollution

A House-Senate conference committee approved a final version of the Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, for 2020, which both houses will vote on before it goes to the White House for President...

EWG Urges EPA to Ban Unnecessary Uses of Bee-Killing Pesticides

EWG and 122,210 supporters write to EPA’s pesticide office urging it to ban all unnecessary uses of neonicotinoid insecticides as it completes its assessment of their ecological effects. Canada and...

EWG: Pruitt’s $25,000 Sound Proof Phone Booth Raises Serious Concerns

WASHINGTON – The reports today that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has spent $25,000 in taxpayer’s money to install a soundproof, secure phone booth in his office is an...

EWG Comments on EPA Methods to Set Goal Level for Perchlorate in Tap Water

EWG’s public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Drinking Water urge it to protect American children from perchlorate exposure by establishing a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal...

EWG’s Letter to Live Water on Recent Company Publicity

EWG sent a letter to Live Water regarding recent brand publicity. The letter, also sent by mail, was penned following several inquiries about their product and the “raw water” movement.

EWG’s Letter to CVS on New Truth in Advertising Initiative

EWG sent a letter to CVS praising its new truth in advertising initiative for cosmetic products. The letter, also sent by mail, was penned following CVS’s announcement.

EWG’s Comments to EPA on The Agency’s New Chemical Assessment System

With these comments, EWG advises the Environmental Protection Agency to focus on establishing a new chemicals assessment system that would put public health first and especially prioritize the...

EWG’s Letter to Calif. OEHHA on Proposed Safe Level for Haloacetic Acids

EWG submits comments to California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in support of two proposed No Significant Risk Levels for bromochloroacetic acid and bromodichloroacetic acid. EWG...

EWG Comments to NTP on Cellphone Radiation Study

EWG submits comments on the National Toxicology Program's draft technical reports on cellphone radio-frequency radiation. EWG finds that these studies are relevant to human health, and increase the...

Statement from EWG on USDA’s Proposed Rule for Nationwide GMO Disclosures

Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture released a proposed rule to implement the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed in 2016. Below is a statement from EWG Senior Vice President for Government...

EWG: House Farm Bill Will Resurrect Farm Subsidies for Millionaires, Billionaires and Distant Family Members

WASHINGTON – The House will vote on its version of the 2018 Farm Bill Friday. The bill would balloon the already bloated federal farm subsidy program to hand subsidy checks to individuals worth...

EWG Statement on Senate’s Bipartisan Farm Bill

WASHINGTON – Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, issued the following statement today on the Senate version of the farm bill: The bipartisan farm...

EWG Comments on Peer Review of NTP's Draft Technical Reports on Cellphone Radiation

EWG submits comments on the peer review of the National Toxicology Program's draft technical reports on cellphone radio-frequency radiation. The external peer reviewers strengthened the conclusions of...

EWG Comments on ATSDR Draft Toxicological Profile for PFAS

Attached are EWG’s comments to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or ATSDR, on its draft toxicological profile on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, often referred to as PFAS. EWG...

EWG Comments on EPA's Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Atrazine and Draft Cumulative Human Health Risk Assessment for Triazine Herbicides

Attached are EWG's comments to Environmental Protection Agency on the agency's draft human health risk assessment for atrazine and draft cumulative human health risk assessment for triazine herbicides...

EWG Comments to EPA on Draft Toxicological Assessments of GenX

Attached are EWG’s comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on its draft toxicological assessments of GenX, the PFOA replacement chemicals, and PFBS. EWG commends the agency and the IRIS...

EWG Letter to General Mills on Glyphosate in Oat-Based Foods Marketed to Children

Attached is a letter sent by EWG to the CEO of General Mills detailing recent testing that found the herbicide glyphosate in oat-based their foods marketed to children.

Tests Find Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water at Rhode Island Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at two Army installations in Rhode Island are contaminated with elevated levels of toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to newly released Department of Defense...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Decision for Pesticide Imazalil

Environmental Working Group objects to the EPA’s proposed interim registration decision for the carcinogenic pesticide imazalil. EWG urges the EPA to protect children’s health from imazalil and to...

Defense Bill Fails To Address PFAS Pollution in Kentucky

A defense spending bill passed by the Senate today excludes key provisions designed to reduce ongoing releases of the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, remove PFAS from tap water and clean up...

EWG Testimony on H.R. 2827, the Keep Food Containers Safe From PFAS Act of 2019

Attached is EWG’s testimony to the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on H.R. 2827, the Keep Food Containers Safe From PFAS Act of 2019.