
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 721 - 744 of 7455

Financial Giants Say They Take the Climate Crisis Seriously – But Do They Walk The Talk?

After decades of warnings from scientists and environmentalists, the financial sector seems to be finally – but too slowly – waking up to the severe threat the climate crisis poses to the world...

One Year Into Trump’s PFAS Action Plan, Few Signs of Progress

Friday marks one year since the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled its latest plan to address the crisis of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, which have likely contaminated a...

EWG News Roundup (3/13): AspenClean Earns EWG VERIFIED® Mark, Landmark Cosmetics Legislation Advances and More

This week AspenClean announced nine new cleaning products that meet EWG's rigorous standards for health, ingredient disclosure and transparency to earn our EWG VERIFIED® mark.

EWG News Roundup (3/20): Test, Test, Test! Lessons Learned From COVID-19, Defense Department PFAS Contamination Sites Grow and More

EWG News Roundup (3/20): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Without Congressional Support, the Pandemic Could Stall Growth of Renewable Energy

The remarkable growth of renewable energy production from wind and solar has created thousands of green jobs and helped reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

EWG News Roundup (3/27): 2020 Dirty Dozen™, Keeping a Healthy Home During Coronavirus and More

EWG News Roundup (3/27): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (4/5): EPA Chief Dodges Questions, Big Pork Will Make Its Own Food Safety Inspections, Why Trump Hates Wind and More

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler made the rounds of Capitol Hill this week, displaying twice his questionable commitment to protecting Americans' public health.

Renewable Fuels Policy “Untethered from Reality”

It's time to face facts: the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) created by Congress in 2005 and expanded in 2007 is producing too many “bad biofuels” that increase greenhouse gas emissions, drive up food...

Trump May Hand Sarah Palin Keys to Nation’s Public Lands, Wildlife

During her failed bid for vice president in 2008, that was Sarah Palin's crowd-pleasing chant promoting her energy policy. Now the pithy catchphrase – and the former Alaska governor herself – could...

Five Kids’ Snacks You Should Always Buy Organic

Did you know that in order to receive organic certification, packaged foods must be free of not only toxic pesticides but also thousands of added chemicals like artificial preservatives, colors and...

Two Big Steps Toward Meeting Our Climate Pledge

A House committee is expected to approve legislation today to require the Trump administration to produce a plan to meet America's international commitments to fighting climate change.

The 100% Renewables Moonshot: We’re Closer Than You Think

Advocates for 100 percent renewable energy often compare the effort needed to meet that goal to efforts to put a person on the moon.

A Bill of Rights To Keep Utilities From Penalizing Solar Customers

Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned electric utility in the U.S., wants to charge customers in South Carolina more for using less energy. Duke is asking state regulators for permission to more...

Homes That Make More Energy Than They Use Quickly Pay Back Added Costs

Efficiency should be the core of national, state and local energy policy. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy estimates that, since 1990, advances in energy efficiency have supplanted...

Frac Sand Mining, Coming to You Soon?

The boom in hydraulic fracking to extract natural gas and oil has created a huge demand for silica sand.

Too Loud To Be Silenced

Before Sunday's climate march in New York City, environmental groups expected a turnout of maybe 100,000. The NY police thought the number would be closer to 30,000. Hardly anyone expected the total...

Half of Coal Plants Lose Too Much Money to Stay Open on the Free Market

Despite efforts by the Trump administration and some states to prop up the coal industry, its future remains bleak.

Senate Farm Bill Amendment Would Rein in Crop Insurance Subsidies for the Rich

A new amendment to the Senate farm bill that limits crop insurance subsidies for the wealthiest farmers would save taxpayers more than $490 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Study: Fracking Linked to Low Birth Weight in Babies

Babies of mothers who live near fracked natural gas wells are more likely to be born underweight, according to a new study of more than 1.1 million births in Pennsylvania.

EWG and Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals: 20 Years in the Fight Against PFAS

In 2001, attorney Robert Bilott filed a federal class-action suit against DuPont for polluting the drinking water of more than 70,000 people in and around Parkersburg, W.Va., with PFOA, a Teflon...

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Mapping PFAS Discharges, COVID-19 Hand Care Tips and More

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Lessons From Coronavirus: Testing Is Essential To Save Lives and Protect Human Health

Testing, testing, testing – the novel coronavirus has revealed the critical importance of swift and accurate testing and reporting, something that for decades, the Environmental Working Group has...

Harvard Study: In Places With Dirty Air, COVID-19 Patients at Greater Risk of Death

Coronavirus sufferers in places with dirtier air are far more likely to die than those in areas with cleaner air, according to the first nationwide study of the connection between fossil fuel...