
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7201 - 7224 of 7456

Bill To Repeal Corn Ethanol Mandate Is a Welcome Step

Bipartisan legislation introduced today that would repeal the federal requirement to blend corn ethanol into gasoline is a welcome step toward reform of the biofuels program known as the Renewable...

EU Officials Warn of Health Risks from Pesticides Common on U.S. Fruits and Vegetables

The decision by Europe's top food safety agency to call for new restrictions on two pesticides common on conventionally-grown U.S. produce because they “may affect the developing human nervous system”...

Investors Call For Food Companies to Stay out of Washington State GMO Battle

Companies that donated funds to oppose ballot initiatives to require the labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are facing new pressure from shareholders to stay out of...

Companies Working to Defeat GMO Labeling Often Employ Deceptive Labels

Some of the word's biggest food and beverage companies are spending millions of dollars to defeat California's Proposition 37, the GMO labeling initiative, claiming it would deceive consumers. Yet...

Tonight: Bay Area Public Radio to Air The Debate Over Prop 37

At 8:00pm tonight KQED-FM will re-air the only major debate to date on California's Proposition 37 to label GMO foods.

California Voters Heavily Favor GE Food Labeling Initiative, Poll Shows

In a statewide poll released today, more than 60 percent of registered California voters support a November ballot initiative called Proposition 37 to require disclosure on the label whenever fresh...

UN panel calls into question U.S. corn ethanol mandate

A new report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the risks biofuels present to food security and the environment and questions the ability of U.S. biofuels...

Cosmetic face masks that pamper – without toxic chemicals

We could all use a little pampering these days – and cosmetic face masks are a great idea ever. But some are made with chemicals that might harm you.

Winter warning: Avoid harmful chemicals when battling dry skin

It’s getting cold in many parts of the U.S., and our skin knows it.

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contaminate more than half of wells tested in Delaware

More than half of the water wells that were tested in Delaware have detectable levels of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, and some have PFAS levels far exceeding federal health guidelines for...

Report: 32 million pounds of toxic pesticides sprayed on Ventura County fields from 2015 to 2020

Today, from Oxnard to Ojai, people in Ventura County live, work and go to school next to farm fields sprayed with some of the most toxic pesticides used in agriculture.

Can plant-based foods end Big Meat’s monopoly and help the climate?

Meat prices are skyrocketing, in part because just four meat companies control 85 percent of U.S. beef supplies. In response, President Joe Biden this week introduced an action plan targeting...

Should Secretary Vilsack speak to the Farm Bureau?

You might be surprised to find out a member of President Biden’s cabinet was addressing an organization that opposes gay marriage, supports making English our official language, opposes the removal of...


Explosion of Unregulated Factory Farms in Maumee Watershed Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Blooms

The Maumee River, overloaded with fertilizer and manure, is the single largest source of the phosphorus that triggers blooms of toxic algae in Lake Erie. Over half of the manure in the Maumee River watershed comes from an exploding number of unregulated factory farms, a new EWG and Environmental Law & Policy Center investigation reveals.

Double trouble: Wisconsin's land and water are inundated with pollution from animal manure and excess farm fertilizer

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group and Midwest Environmental Advocates finds that in nine Wisconsin counties, farmers are overapplying both commercial fertilizer and animal manure to their cropland, causing a crisis of land and water pollution from the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus.

Is your CBD latte safe? Don’t ask the FDA

The use of cannabidiol, or CBD, in food and drink has exploded since Congress legalized hemp production and delisted CBD as a controlled substance, in 2018. Today it’s added to lattes, tea, kombucha...

CDC finds high levels of ‘forever chemical' PFHxS in blood

High levels of a “toxic forever” chemical used in firefighting foam have been found in the blood of residents of a West Virginia community near an Air National Guard base.

EWG: At least 1,500 U.S. textile mills likely dischargers of ‘forever chemicals’

The Environmental Working Group has identified more than 1,500 textile mills that may be releasing the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS that are responsible for contaminating drinking water...

EWG Comments to EPA Opposing New Uses of Aldicarb

EWG submitted comments to the EPA in opposition to proposed new uses of the neurotoxic insecticide aldicarb on oranges and grapefruit in Texas and Florida.

EWG Comments to NTP to Strengthen and Prioritize the Goal of Environmental Justice

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments urging the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Toxicology Program to strengthen and broaden the NTP efforts to identify and characterize...

EWG Comments to EPA To Ban All Uses of Chlorpyrifos

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments to the EPA urging the agency to revoke the proposed interim decision for chlorpyrifos, issued in December 2020, to cancel all chlorpyrifos uses, and...

Study: Ditching Diet Drinks May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

The soda industry has long been recognized as a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. In an attempt to change the narrative, Big Soda is pushing diet drinks, spending $296 million on marketing in...

EWG News Roundup (1/15): Follain Commits To Support Black-Owned Brands, Trump EPA Announces 11th-Hour Toxic Rollbacks and More

EWG News Roundup (1/15): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (2/12): Black-Owned-Brand Filter Added to Skin Deep® Database, EWG Calls on EPA To Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide and More

EWG News Roundup (2/12): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.