
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7225 - 7248 of 7456

There She Goes Again: Duke CEO ‘Not Prepared’ To Embrace the Renewable Energy Future

In an interview last month for TIME, Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good began by saying what a utility executive should say now, as the climate crisis demands a rapid transition to clean, safe, renewable...

Why Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Won’t Help Counter the Climate Crisis

Small modular nuclear reactors, or SMRs, are designed to generate less than 300 megawatts of electricity – several times less than typical reactors, which have a range of 1,000 to 1,600 MW. While the...

Conservation Database

View the guide USDA's conservation programs are the single largest investment of federal taxpayer's dollars to encourage farmers to adopt practices that improve natural resources and the environment. Since 1995, these programs have made over $40 billion in payments to farmers and farmland owners. Used wisely, these programs make great strides in protecting our health and improving our quality of

There are many ways to stand in our corner – we use in-kind donations to educate the public, organize fundraising events and support community outreach opportunities. We're deeply grateful to those who provide equipment and materials to help us execute our high quality projects and programs.

Interested companies or individuals can contact our headquarters in Washington to donate in-kind items.


Consumer Guides

Decoding Meat and Dairy Product Labels

Most animals raised for meat, milk and eggs are on industrial farms that contaminate our air, soil and water. These farms rely heavily on antibiotics and other synthetic treatments to boost outputs, and combat diseases caused by stressful, crowded and unsanitary conditions. Weak bacteria are killed, leaving behind the most resilient and hard to kill — so-called “ superbugs.” These bacteria are

Timeline: ‘Forever chemicals’ and firefighters

For decades, firefighters have been exposed to the “forever chemicals” chemicals known as PFAS, through PFAS-based firefighting foams and firefighting gear coated with PFAS as a water repellant. Foam and gear manufacturers knew that PFAS was toxic and building up in blood but never warned firefighters and instead fought to continue their use. A study by the National Institute for Occupational

PFAS news roundup

On Wednesday, the Environmental Working Group hosted its Inaugural PFAS Conference , featuring EPA Administrator Michael Regan, notable federal policymakers, several members of Congress and state...

PFAS news roundup

July 23: California proposes bold public health goals for PFAS in water, House passes PFAS Action Act with bipartisan support and more

Bipartisan Senate infrastructure bill includes billions for cleanup of ‘forever chemicals’

EWG applauds the bipartisan group of Senate negotiators for their $550 billion infrastructure deal unveiled today that includes billions of dollars to clean up the toxic “forever chemicals” known as...

FDA fails to ban ‘forever chemicals’ from food containers, despite known health risks

The Food and Drug Administration is again failing to protect consumers from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. Despite evidence that PFAS from these containers can contaminate the food in...

PFAS news roundup

August 6: Senate infrastructure bill includes $10 billion for PFAS cleanup, FDA fails to ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from food containers and more

EWG statement on historic food and farm investments in Senate budget resolution

Senate leaders today released a $3.5 trillion budget resolution that includes $135 billion to address the nation’s food and farm challenges, including historic investments in tackling hunger...

Thousands of children’s sweets STILL contain additive unsafe for human consumption

Skittles, Starburst and thousands of other sweet treats marketed to children contain titanium dioxide – an additive European food safety regulators say is no longer safe for human consumption. Yet the...

PFAS news roundup

The groundwater of at least nine military installations close to the Chesapeake Bay is contaminated with high levels of the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to Department...

EPA will ban all food uses of pesticide chlorpyrifos

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced it will ban all uses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food, a move to protect public health that also highlights the risks of unsafe but widely used...

Calif. bill would ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from food packaging

State legislation that would ban the toxic “forever chemicals” called PFAS from plant-based food packaging passed out of the California Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee on...

EWG’s Advice for Zika Protection

When it comes to avoiding the Zika virus, EWG’s advice to Americans – especially women who are pregnant or may become pregnant – is to cover up, pay careful attention to the travel notices posed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and use bug repellents that are most likely to drive away Aedes species mosquitoes – the primary carriers of Zika. Scientists have generally found
Consumer Guides

EWG's Tips for Avoiding Pesticides

Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill living organisms that are considered pests, including insects, weeds and mold. Even after washing fruits and vegetables, pesticide residues remain on produce. Research shows that certain pesticides used on American produce are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and cognitive and behavioral problems. To find out more about how pesticides affect you and
Consumer Guides

EWG’s Guide to Safer Cellphone Use

At least six countries have issued warnings to consumers to reduce cellphone radiation exposures, especially those of children.
Consumer Guides

EWG’s Top 5 Tips for Choosing Safer Cosmetics for Kids

From shampoo and lotion, to baby oil and body wash, we apply cosmetics or personal care products every day to our skin, hair and nails.
Consumer Guides

EWG’s Tips for Cleaning Up After a Meal

EWG’s Tips for Cleaning Up After a Meal

Wisconsin’s Big Ag lobby threatens clean water rule

Wisconsin’s proposed nitrate pollution rule, critical to protecting the health of more than 1 million residents, is in danger of being blocked by a group of lawmakers beholden to industrial...